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Corona virus: Hamburg museums and book halls close

Hamburg. The corona virus sets Hamburg and the north lame: with the closure of Schools, daycare centers, Colleges, concert halls, theaters, museums and book halls will make public life in the city because of the pandemic further restricted. The HVV is setting up new rules for buses and trains in Hamburg to spread the lung disease Covid-19 to prevent. Major events such as concerts, the fish market or the spring cathedral was canceled, the Harry Potter premiere postponed. Also in Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony the ‘Sars-CoV-2 virus has an increasing impact.

Read all current developments in the news blog here:

Traffic obstructions expected in Denmark due to border closure

Denmark wants to close its borders on Saturday to contain the Corona virus. Then only people who are Danish nationals, who can demonstrably work in Denmark or who are involved in the transport of goods to Denmark may enter the country. The measure is expected to come into effect at 12 p.m. and continue until April 13, 2020.

Due to the closure of the border, considerable traffic obstructions can be expected in the area near the border. This applies to road crossings, but also in the area of ​​the port of Puttgarden. The police therefore advise against traveling to the border region or taking a trip to Denmark. Motorway traffic is diverted and returned in the border area.

AIDA cruise ships dock in Hamburg as planned

On Saturday, the two cruise ships AIDAaura and AIDAmar will dock at the cruise terminal in Hamburg as planned. This is announced by the company Cruise Gate Hamburg. Since AIDA Cruises stops all cruises until the beginning of April due to the spread of the corona virus, the ships end their journey by disembarking the passengers.

Schleswig-Holstein closes clubs, swimming pools, cinemas …

Because of the ever-expanding corona virus, Schleswig-Holstein’s state government wants to reduce public life even further. The cabinet decided on Friday to ban all public events from Saturday. This applies to clubs, discotheques, fitness studios, swimming pools, cinemas, theaters, museums and adult education centers. Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) spoke of drastic measures. “Solidarity is the order of the day.” Social cohesion is necessary. He cited neighborhood help as an example.

The state government is also planning to restrict access to libraries and bars and restaurants. For example, the maximum number of guests could be prescribed, said Health Minister Heiner Garg (FDP). But talks were still going on. The aim is to reach “distance-keeping meetings”.

The government had already decided that all schools and kindergartens in Schleswig-Holstein would be closed from Monday until the end of the school holidays on April 19. In addition, teaching at universities and operations at state museums and operas will be suspended in the north. And hospitals are to suspend or reduce the number of scheduled recordings to provide capacity for Covid 19 patients.

Star pianist Igor Levit gives concerts via Twitter

Pianist Igor Levit wants to give concerts in the Corona crisis – via live stream on his Twitter account. He announces this via the short message service. “The concert halls are empty, listening and experiencing music together is not possible. That is sad, but necessary. And good thing. Nevertheless, I would like to continue to share music with you. Listen, experience. The way it works. So I try something from: my house concert, “tweeted the star musician on Thursday and gave the first that day. Since the response to it was “overwhelming” in his words, he gives another concert on Friday.

The British pop singer James Blunt played in front of empty rows of spectators on Wednesday in the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. With great success: 1.7 million people watched his concert as a live stream. “Such concerts are likely to be the model of the future – but definitely for the next few months when the virus affects public life,” says Blunt in Hamburg.

Museums and book halls close due to corona virus

After Hamburg theaters such as the Elbphilharmonie, the Schauspielhaus and the State Opera paused their play due to the spread of the Coronavirus, the houses of the Hamburg Museum Foundations and the city’s public book halls will also close on Saturday, March 14th. This measure initially applies in accordance with the extension of the Hamburg school holidays until March 29, as announced by the Senate on Friday evening. The following houses are affected:

  • the Hamburger Kunsthalle
  • the Museum of Arts and Crafts
  • the Museum am Rothenbaum
  • the houses of the Hamburg Historical Museum Foundation (Museum of Hamburg History, Altona Museum, Museum of Work, Jenisch House, Port Museum Hamburg and the Speicherstadt Museum)
  • the Archaeological Museum Hamburg
  • the Bergedorf museum landscape
  • the Deichtorhallen
  • the planetarium
  • the Neuengamme concentration camp memorial

“In the current dynamic situation, it is right to stop operating in the city’s other cultural institutions such as museums, memorials and book halls. It continues to be the case that we also have to do everything in the field of culture in order to ensure the best possible health protection for citizens, “said cultural senator Carsten Brosda on Friday.” The economic consequences of this development are for state and private cultural institutions as well as for freelance artists and artists far reaching. That is why we are working on quick and unbureaucratic help so that we can cushion the current situation that threatens the very existence of those involved in the cultural scene. We must do everything we can to maintain the cultural landscape of our city in all its diversity – also together with the federal government. ”

Elbphilharmonie Plaza closes, fish market canceled

After the Elbphilharmonie, like many other Hamburg theaters, ceased to play in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, the concert hall’s plaza is due to close on Saturday, March 14th. The first Hamburg restaurant has to close as a result of the pandemic: the Störtebeker no longer receives guests. The Elbphilharmonie Kulturcafé at Mönckebergbrunnen is also closed. The Plaza and Restaurant will initially be closed until March 29th.

Meanwhile, the Hamburg fish market was canceled for the first time in 300 years of market history. From now on, tourists and hamburgers will have to do without the fish market on the Elbe on Sunday mornings, as the Altona district office announced on Friday. The market will initially remain closed until the end of April.

Hamster purchases in Hamburg

Beiersdorf sends employees to the home office

Nivea manufacturer Beiersdorf will send all employees in its European locations to the home office as a precaution from next Monday. This was confirmed by a company spokeswoman on the evening sheet request. This is to minimize the risk of transmission for everyone involved as far as possible. The preventive measure is initially valid until April 17th. So far, no confirmed COVID-19 is known in the Dax group with 20,000 employees worldwide.

Employees who cannot work from home are exempt from the home office rule, for example in production and research and development. Alternative plans were developed for them and shift systems were introduced. “Production operations and business in Germany are currently not affected,” said the spokeswoman.

Third coronavirus infection in Lüneburg

The third case of coronavirus infection was confirmed in the district of Lüneburg on Friday afternoon. The person comes from Austria, has mild cold symptoms and is at home in isolation. All close contacts have already been identified and are being tested for the virus.

230 coronavirus cases confirmed in Lower Saxony

In Lower Saxony, 230 infections with the corona virus had been confirmed by 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon. That is 101 more than the previous day. The Hanover region (59, plus 34), Diepholz district (19, plus 8) and Stade district (17, plus 3) are most affected.

Rules for visitors to clinics and care facilities

Coronavirus can be dangerous for older people and people with previous illnesses. To reduce the risk of infection for patients in hospitals and care facilities from visitors, the health authority recommends the following measures:

  • Personal visits should be reduced to the bare minimum and, depending on the situation, replaced by phone calls,
  • Visiting times should be restricted and specific regulations should be made, for example, no visits from people who come from risky areas,
  • the hospitals can generally limit the daily number of visitors at their own discretion,
  • for children’s clinics and other special areas, such as palliative care, special regulations should be found and special attention should be paid to compliance with the hygiene regulations.

Hamburg is setting up an additional test center

People returning from high-risk areas are strongly advised to voluntarily seek isolation from their home. If you work in sensitive areas of supply or infrastructure, you can get tested after just 4 to 6 days. For this purpose, an additional test center is set up, regardless of doctor 116117.

Animal protection association takes care of animals of corona sufferers

The Hamburg Animal Protection Association of 1841 (HTV) wants to take care of the pets of people who are suffering from the novel corona virus when they can no longer guarantee the care of their animals. “We want to remain a safe haven for all animals even in these difficult times, so we have made a number of considerations,” said animal welfare manager Susanne David on Friday.

Unsupported pets of people who would have to go to inpatient treatment, for example, should therefore be reported to the nearest police station. So that the animal shelter remains receptive and its employees are protected, the association has canceled all group events. The animal shelter on Süderstraße should only be visited if there are serious concerns, such as mediation and animal donation. Anyone who belongs to the risk groups is urged not to come personally, but to send a proxy.

Hamburger Tafel changes processes for food distribution

The Hamburger Tafel wants to ensure that the needy are provided with food even during the coronavirus crisis in Hamburg. As board spokeswoman Julia Bauer told the Abendblatt, no issuing offices should be closed so far. “But we will change our processes.” Specifically, this means that the drivers of the board no longer go to the individual supermarkets to collect food.

“Instead, we first use durable food from our warehouse,” says Bauer. The tablet would also be in contact with chains such as Rewe and Lidl in order to possibly organize a collected transport of fresh goods to the storage of the tablet. “For the recipients, this can mean that they get more durable food, such as canned goods. But we are still able to provide the needy with food,” stresses Bauer.

HVV responds to coronavirus pandemic

In view of the spread of the corona virus, the HVV is now taking the first measures to reduce the risk of infection in public transport. From Saturday, March 14th:

  • the front doors of the buses remain closed,
  • tickets are sold exclusively via machines, online shops and apps
  • Many high-speed train and bus doors (where technically possible) open automatically so that passengers no longer have to operate door knobs or levers.

The HVV emphasizes that the coronavirus is transmitted primarily via droplet infection and that the smear infection plays a possible but subordinate role. “However, since our drivers are crucial to maintaining local public transport for as long as possible and potentially being in direct contact with every boarding passenger, the measure is intended to provide them with special protection.”

Coronavirus in Hamburg: schools and daycare centers closed

Schools and kindergartens will remain closed from Monday after the school holidays end in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus in Hamburg. The start of lectures in the summer semester at Hamburg’s universities will initially be postponed to April 20. Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD), school senator Ties Rabe (SPD), health senator Cornelia Prüfer-Storcks (SPD), science senator Katharina Fegebank (Greens) and social senator Melanie Leonhard (SPD) informed on Friday afternoon about the individual measures for public life in Hamburg – here is a list.

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Parents have these rights when they close school and daycare

“If the child is younger than twelve, parents can hope for full leave – and don’t even have to work in the home office,” says lawyer Markus Waitschies. This does not apply if paragraph 16 of the Civil Code was excluded in the employment contract. “Then the boss can ask the employee to work in the office.” Those who stay at home can expect that less money will be transferred to the account at the end of the month. Those who are sick get their salary paid as normal – even if they have corona. Employers who are tested negative but have to remain in quarantine are also paid. The employer stretches the money and can then get it back from the state, says Waitschies.

Johannes B. Kerner infected with corona virus – appeal to hamburgers

TV presenter Johannes B. Kerner is infected with the corona virus. The Hamburger announces this via Instagram. “Yesterday morning I woke up with a very slight cold. To avoid any risk and quickly get clarity, I had a Covid 19 test carried out immediately,” Kerner writes. To his surprise, the test turned out to be positive. “I am doing very well, I have practically no symptoms,” Kerner continues. He is in quarantine at home.

Then the long-time Talkmaster appeals to the Hamburgers. “But it is much more important to me that I – now as a person affected – want to encourage everyone to behave very carefully. Keep away, be hygienic, as little direct social contact as possible. Everyone can pay attention to that. We are responsible for that the sick, the older and weaker people don’t have to put them at additional risk. The spread of the virus has to be slowed down. ” He wishes everyone a quick recovery and thanks the doctors and nursing staff.

Do not go to doctor’s offices if you suspect coronavirus

The Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Hamburg (KVH) urgently warns against visiting doctor’s offices if there are suspicions of corona. “If the following information is not followed, there is a risk that the treatment of patients with other diseases will be endangered,” says Walter Plassmann, Chairman of the KVH, “It is therefore imperative that everyone follows the following rules.”

Patients who come from a risk area or have had contact with a person who has tested positive for the corona virus and who have had cold symptoms should contact the family doctor or call Hamburg (116117). Everything else is done from there. Under no circumstances should a practice, an emergency practice or a hospital be visited.

“We can only maintain the functionality of the outpatient health system if we all adhere to these rules,” KV Plassmann appeals to the population. Under certain circumstances, a single corona patient who goes to the practice unannounced could cause the practice to close. “We have to remember that the vast majority of patients have problems other than corona and need to be cared for,” explains Plassmann, “which is why practices should not be endangered by careless behavior.”

Immigration office staff infected – all appointments canceled

An employee of the immigration office is infected with the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. This was announced by Jan Lengwenath, spokesman for the Altona district office, to the evening paper on Friday. The district office is currently contacting all people who have had closer contact with the affected employee in order to identify possible further infections. “The employees of the foreigners department are in the home office, appointments that have already been agreed have been canceled,” said Lengwenath.

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Miniatur Wunderland closes until the end of March – for the time being

The Miniatur Wunderland in the Speicherstadt also closes its doors on Sunday evening – for the time being until March 31. After that, weekly decisions should be made as to how to proceed. All tickets remained valid, the operators Frederik and Gerrit Braun said. Even if the closure is not legally required, one acts from social responsibility, it said in a message.

Aida Cruises discontinues cruises due to coronavirus

The Rostock cruise line Aida Cruises initially stops cruising its 14-ship fleet due to the spread of the novel corona virus until early April. Over the next three to four days, the ships will end their cruises in orderly locations from which passengers can be brought home, as an Aida spokesman said on Friday.

All guests on board the ships and those who are on their way to the ocean liners are currently being informed about the precautionary measures. The handling of this highly complex location involves thousands of passengers. For a ship that is currently sailing off South Africa, the schedule is not definitely set.

“We will look for suitable berths that do not necessarily have to be where the passengers go ashore,” said the spokesman. The crew members, who also number in the thousands, remained on board the ships. This is to ensure that normal operation can resume immediately after the end of the protection period. The spokesman did not want to provide any information about the amount of the financial losses.

All Protestant services in the north canceled

All services in northern Germany will be canceled for the coming weekend. The North Church and the Catholic Archdiocese of Hamburg have agreed on this. The cancellation affects the federal states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The reason for this is preventive measures with regard to the corona virus. The district of Rendsburg-Eckernförde also prohibited all services until April 19.

Major events prohibited – the stand at demonstrations

Not only concerts or other performances are affected by the general decree in connection with the coronavirus, in which events with 1000 or more participants are prohibited in Hamburg under the right of assembly. Demonstrations protected by fundamental rights are also affected. “If we have the relevant registrations, we will notify the applicant,” said police spokesman Holger Vehren.

However, demonstrations with fewer than 1000 participants can take place. Whether and how many people are actually allowed to follow a call is not only assessed by the applicant. The police also make an assessment of the situation. If the numbers do not match, the parties get together. On site, the police also determine once again whether the maximum number of participants remains below. The police currently have several registrations of demonstrations. A meeting with more than 1000 participants is not among them.

Corona virus: How Edeka employees protect themselves in Hamburg

In the Edeka market in the Rindermarkthalle, the cashiers have been wearing disposable gloves since Friday to prevent a possible transmission of the coronavirus. “This is a preventive measure,” says businessman Jörg Meyer. Signs asking customers to pay by card rather than cash should also be put up during the day.

Meyer, who operates nine stores in Hamburg, Pinneberg, Stade and Sylt, now also sends his employees to separate lounge areas during breaks. In this way, he tries to ensure that there are still operational employees in the event of infection and quarantine. “We are a supply unit and we have to keep it going for as long as possible,” he says. At the moment there are no bottlenecks, only delays in delivery. However, toilet paper from Edeka’s own Gut & Günstig brand is being rationed for retailers. And flour is becoming scarce.

Corona virus: 25 Hamburg companies apply for short-time work

Due to the corona virus crisis, 25 companies from Hamburg with 800 employees have registered short-time work as a precaution. The regional directorate north of the Federal Employment Agency in Kiel informed the evening newspaper that these applications were currently being examined. Eight companies with around 200 employees are already working short-time.

“We are seeing a significantly higher volume of advice on this topic and are currently receiving around 80 calls a day,” said a spokeswoman for the Hamburg Employment Agency. According to the information, the inquiries mainly come from companies from the hotel and restaurant industry, trade fair construction and event management as well as from the transport and logistics sector.

“We welcome the decisions of the Federal Government to make it easier to receive short-time work benefits and assume that the new rules will come into force in the first half of April,” said Margit Haupt-Koopmann, head of the Regional Directorate North of the employment agency. So far, a third of the employees in the company had to suffer a loss of wages of more than ten percent. In the future, short-time working should already be possible if at least ten percent of the employees are affected by a loss of work

Hamburg treats the Ischgl ski area as a risk area

The The Hamburg Social Authority treats the Ischgl ski area in Austria as a risk area. The authority announced on Friday afternoon. “Even returnees from the Ischgl region in Austria are not allowed to enter daycare centers and schools for 14 days after their return and have to go into domestic isolation,” said the authority.

Corona virus: Game event in Hamburg fails

The corona virus paralyzes the Gamevention in Hamburg – the festival for games, esports and cosplay – which would have taken place from June 19 to 21. “Against the background of the spreading corona virus, the second edition of the festival is being canceled for the time being,” the organizer said on Friday. Tickets already purchased remain valid. 10,000 guests attended the premiere last year.

“We are very sorry to have to cancel the game event,” said organizer Oliver Welling. “But the spread of the corona virus currently makes solid preparation of the event impossible. We will announce an alternative date as soon as the situation has calmed down and we have planning security again. “

Coronavirus: Games in Hamburg football stopped

The Hamburg Football Association has responded to the coronavirus pandemic. Game operations will cease until Tuesday, March 31st. The HFV Executive Board decided on Friday.

The general cancellation applies to all play and age groups. This refers not only to the scheduled games of regular play, but also to friendship and cup games

Corona: Archbishopric of Hamburg cancels all church services on weekends

Because of the spread of the corona virus, the Archdiocese of Hamburg canceled all Catholic services on Saturday and Sunday. The so-called Sunday duty was lifted, it said on Friday in a letter signed by cathedral captain Berthold Bonekamp to all parishes and employees. “All services and events in the entire Archdiocese of Hamburg must be canceled!” Is the instruction. However, baptisms and weddings should not be postponed in every case if the celebration took place in a smaller group.

Archbishop Stefan Heße will decide on the extension of the service cancellation in the coming week. Bohnekamp called for praying especially for the sick. He suggested celebrating house devotions or watching services on radio and television.

Corona virus: Even postponements of Harry Potter postponed

The play “Harry Potter and the Haunted Child” cannot be performed as planned. The German premiere and all Harry Potter performances in more! Theaters will be postponed to the period from October 2020, according to a current announcement. “It has been one of the hardest professional decisions I’ve ever had to make,” said Maik Klokow, CEO and producer of Mehr-BB Entertainment. “But current circumstances do not allow Harry Potter and the enchanted child to premiere.”

“I am aware that this will make many people very sad,” added Klokow. “We are extremely sorry. We acted out of a sense of responsibility towards our guests, our ensemble, our employees and the whole of society.”

The pre-performance this Friday does not take place. All tickets for performances up to and including September 30 that have already been purchased remain valid and can be exchanged for a game date from October. All customers who have already booked tickets for these performances will be contacted personally via email today and informed about the rebooking options.

Intensive care physician from Hamburg: Number of seriously ill patients will increase

As corona infections continue to rise, the number of patients requiring intensive care in hospitals will also increase. That is why the German Society for Internal Intensive Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine, DGIIN for short, gives the clinics recommendations on intensive care therapy for patients with Covid-19.

“The spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus is currently developing very dynamically. We firmly believe that this will lead to a further increase in intensive care patients, ”says Professor Stefan Kluge, board member of DGIIN and director of the intensive care medicine clinic at the University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf. In the recommendations, the experts provide an overview of the current state of knowledge of diagnostics, the possible clinical picture and what special attention should be paid to the protective measures for the staff. In addition, only trained personnel should definitely have access to those affected and these personnel should be released from the care of other patients if possible.

Corona: Hamburg musicals are now closed

Lion King, Cirque du Soleil Paramour, Pretty Woman, Tina Turner: All Hamburg musicals are now shut down in Hamburg. As Stage Entertainment announced on Friday, the game will be suspended until April 19 inclusive.

“To protect the population from infection and to delay the spread of Covid-19, major events have been banned at all of our locations,” the release said. “Of course, all admission tickets continue to retain their full value.”

“We are sorry !!!”, Stage Entertainment announced via Facebook. “Stay healthy!”

Coronavirus: Landkreis Ludwigslust-Parchim closes schools and day care centers

Due to the growing number of infections with the new corona virus, all schools and day care centers in the district of Ludwigslust-Parchim will be closed from Monday. This was announced by District Administrator Stefan Sternberg (SPD) on Friday. The reason is the large number of commuters from the district to Hamburg, where the spring break ends at the weekend. The closings therefore apply until further notice.

Corona virus: existence of Hamburg companies at risk

The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce sounds the alarm. Many companies are threatened in their existence because of the corona pandemic. “To support companies now quickly and unbureaucratically, we are calling for a special fund,” said André Mücke, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, on Friday. “The Hamburg companies need financial support that helps immediately. The previous promotional loans and public guarantees are not suitable for this scenario, which the economy is currently experiencing. ”

Mücke hopes for quick and clear concepts and for a uniform approach of all federal states. “If a company gets into a crisis, all departments must master this crisis together,” emphasizes André Mücke.

In addition to financial worries, according to the Chamber of Commerce, the companies are primarily concerned with questions regarding company pandemic planning, the duty of care of the employer, stays abroad of employees, short-time allowance, order and delivery bottlenecks, breakdown orders and compensation claims under the Infection Protection Act. “Entrepreneurs fear that they will not receive their compensation claims under the Infection Protection Act in time or that they will have to wait too long to process short-time benefits,” said André Mücke. “The main concern of entrepreneurs is loss of earnings for employees, loss of rental payments and the resulting bankruptcies.”

The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce has set up a Corona hotline for its members. This can be reached at 040/36138 130.

Coronavirus: Rote Flora in Hamburg cancels all events

The autonomous cultural center Rote Flora in Hamburg’s Schanzenviertel has canceled all public events until further notice due to the spread of the coronavirus. One wants to show solidarity with the people who are particularly at risk, it said on Twitter.

Coronavirus: Schleswig-Holstein closes schools and day care centers

Schleswig-Holstein will also close schools and daycare centers from Monday. The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture announced on Friday afternoon. “In order to further contain the chain of infection of the coronavirus, the state government decided that schoolchildren and daycare children should stay at home from Monday,” says the official announcement.

As of Monday, the following applies in Schleswig-Holstein:

  • Operation in schools from grade 7 to grade 13 will be suspended from March 16 until the end of the Easter vacation (April 19). All final exams, in particular the Abitur exams, are postponed to the planned alternative dates (re-exams) after the Easter holidays.
  • Operation in classes 1 to 6 will also be suspended from Monday until the end of the Easter vacation. Für Kinder der Klassen 1 bis 6 wird zunächst bis Mittwoch, 18. März, weiterhin eine Betreuung in den Schulen ermöglicht, wenn folgende Voraussetzungen zutreffen: Beide Eltern oder ein alleinerziehender Elternteil arbeitet in einem Bereich, der für die Aufrechterhaltung der wichtigen Infrastrukturen notwendig ist und diese Eltern keine Alternativ-Betreuung ihrer Kinder organisieren können. Zu den Arbeitsbereichen gehört etwa die Infrastruktur des Gesundheitsbereiches, derVersorgung (Energie, Wasser, Lebensmittel, Arznei), Justiz, Polizei, Feuerwehr, Erzieherinnen/er, Lehrerinnen/er.
  • Die Kinderbetreuung an Kitas wird auch ab Montag ausgesetzt, ebenfalls bis zum Ende der Osterschulferien. Für diese Kinder wird zunächst bis Freitag, 20. März, weiterhin eine Betreuung in den Einrichtungen ermöglicht, wenn folgende Voraussetzungen zutreffen: Beide Eltern oder ein alleinerziehender Elternteil arbeitet in einem Bereich, der für die Aufrechterhaltung der wichtigen Infrastrukturen notwendig ist und diese Eltern keine Alternativ-Betreuung ihrer Kinder organisieren können.

Coronavirus: Zweiter bestätigter Fall im Landkreis Lüneburg

Im Landkreis Lüneburg ist seit Freitagvormittag der zweite positive Fall der Corona-Infektion bestätigt. Bei einer Person, die sich zuvor in Österreich aufgehalten hatte, wurde das Virus nachgewiesen. Die Person zeigt leichte Erkältungssymptome und ist derzeit häuslich isoliert. Das gilt auch für weitere Personen, die mit ihr in einem Haushalt wohnen.

“Alle Menschen, die engeren Kontakt zu der Person hatten, sind ermittelt und die meisten von ihnen bereits auf den Erreger getestet”, teilte der Landkreis Lüneburg am Freitag mit. “Diese Ergebnisse werden morgen erwartet.”

Coronavirus: Bremer Schulen und Kitas von Montag an geschlossen

The federal state of Bremen will also close all schools and daycare centers from Monday. The Senate saw this measure as necessary to slow the further spread of the coronavirus, the state government said on Friday after a special session. Bremen is the fifth federal state to take such a step.

Coronavirus: Hamburger Schulen ab Montag geschlossen

Wie das Abendblatt exklusiv erfuhr, werden die Schulen in Hamburg ab Montag bis auf Weiteres geschlossen, der Unterricht für Tausende Schüler wird ausfallen. Wie lange die Maßnahme andauern wird, ist noch unklar. Offiziell wird die Maßnahme bei einer Pressekonferenz im Rathaus am Freitagnachmittag verkündet.

Auch bei Kitas und Hochschulen sollen Vorkehrungen getroffen werden. Wie diese konkret aussehen werden, ist noch nicht bekannt.

Coronavirus: Stadtreinigung sagt “Hamburg räumt auf!” ab

Die Stadtreinigung Hamburg (SRH) hat beschlossen, die Frühjahrsputzaktion „Hamburg räumt auf!“, die vom 20. bis 29. März geplant war, abzusagen. Grund dieser Entscheidung sind die Empfehlungen der Gesundheitsbehörde für Veranstaltungen vor dem Hintergrund von Covid-19, teilte die SRH am Freitag mit. Mit derzeit mehr als 78.000 Anmeldungen in über 1000 großen und kleinen Sammelgruppen war die SRH auf gutem Weg, den Rekord von gut 82.000 angemeldeten Teilnehmern im Jahr 2019 zu brechen.

Coronavirus: Das tun die Carsharing-Anbieter in Hamburg

Der Service von CleverShuttle wird weiterhin angeboten, allerdings gibt es ab sofort einige Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zu berücksichtigen: Fahrgäste sollen hinten einsteigen und auf der Rückbank Platz nehmen. Auf Bargeldzahlung soll verzichtet werden. Kunden werden gebeten, online mit Kreditkarte, Guthaben oder PayPal zuzahlen. Zudem appelliert der Fahrdienst an seine Kunden, bei Erkältung oder anderen Krankheitssymptomen auf die Fahrt zu verzichten.

Auch das Portal carsharingcheck.de hat Anbieter in Hamburg befragt, wie sie in Zeiten von Corona die Hygiene in den Fahrzeugen sicherstellen. Share Now hat demnach etwa hat alle Servicekräfte für das Thema sensibilisiert und achtet auf eine gründliche Desinfektion von Lenkrad und Schalthebel. Die Desinfektion der Fahrzeuge findet zusätzlich zu der regelmäßigen Reinigung der Fahrzeuge statt, sodass diese nun häufiger zu den sonst üblichen Intervallen gesäubert und desinfiziert werden.

Coronavirus: Hamburger Hochschule sagt Vorlesungen ab

Wird der Semesterstart an den Hamburger Hochschulen wegen der Corona-Epidemie verschoben? Auch darüber wird er Hamburger Senat heute ab 12.30 Uhr in seiner Sondersitzung beraten. Unterdessen hat die private Hamburg Medical School (MSH) bereits Nägel mit Köpfen gemacht: Sie hat alle Klausuren abgesagt und bietet ab April nur noch virtuelle Vorlesungen an. Das geht aus einem Rundschreiben der Geschäftsführung an alle Hochschul-Mitglieder hervor.

„Bis vorläufig Ende April 2020 werden keine Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen vor Ort an der Hochschule stattfinden“, heißt es darin. „Alle geplanten Präsenzveranstaltungen gemäß Stundenplan werden online in virtuellen Vorlesungs- und Seminarräumen stattfinden.“ Zudem hat die MSH alle geplanten Klausurtermine abgesagt. Die Klausuren würden entweder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachgeholt oder in Hausarbeiten oder mündliche Prüfungen umgewandelt.

Coronavirus: Kiel schützt Busfahrer mit Abstandszone

In Kiel können Fahrgäste in den Bussen nicht mehr vorne einsteigen. Der Grund: Um Busfahrer vor dem Coronavirus zu schützen, hat die Kieler Verkehrsgesellschaft eine Abstandzone eingerichtet. Via Twitter werden die Bürger gebeten, durch die zweite bis vierte Tür einzusteigen und Fahrscheine im Vorverkauf oder am Automaten zu erwerben.

Coronavirus: Hamburger Kinderärzte massiv besorgt – Brief an Tschentscher

Kinderärzte aus Hamburg haben sich mit einem dringenden Appell an Bürgermeister Peter Tschentscher, Gesundheitssenatorin Cornlia Prüfer-Storcks und Schulsenator Ties Rabe (alle SPD) gewandt. In einem offenen Brief fordern Dr. med. Joachim Riedel, Leiter des Werner Otto Instituts, und seine Frau, Kinderärztin Dr. med. Yvonne Riedel, dass Hamburg umgehend die Schulen schließt.

“wir machen uns große Sorgen um die Entwicklung der Infektionslage in Hamburg ab Montag”, heißt es in dem Brief, der dem Abendblatt vorliegt. Wir halten es für eine sinnvolle, absolut notwendige und vorausschauende Entscheidung in der speziellen Hamburger Situation, die Winterferien solange (wenigstens eine Woche) zu verlängern, bis die meisten Urlauber/Schulkinder aus den Risikogebieten zurückgekehrt sind, und jede Familie ihre Situation prüfen kann, sich je nach Beruf nach vier bis sechs Tagen testen lassen kann oder in 14-tägiger Quarantäne zuhause bleibt.”

Schools throughout Lower Saxony closed from Monday

Lower Saxony closes all schools due to the spread of the corona virus. Sie bleiben von Montag an zu. After two weeks of unscheduled closure, two weeks of Easter vacation would begin seamlessly on March 30th. Noch offen ist, ob auch die Kindertagesstätten geschlossen werden. In Bremen will Regierungschef Andreas Bovenschulte (SPD) am Freitagmittag informieren, ob auch dort alle Schulen geschlossen werden. Bavaria, Berlin and Saarland had already announced this step.

Die niedersächsische Landesregierung will am Vormittag über das weitere Vorgehen zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus informieren. Ministerpräsident Stephan Weil, Gesundheitsministerin Carola Reimann, Kultusminister Grant Henrik Tonne (alle SPD) und Wissenschaftsminister Björn Thümler treten gegen 10.30 Uhr in Hannover vor die Presse. In Niedersachsen sind bisher 129 Fälle von Covid-19 bestätigt worden, die meisten davon in der Region Hannover.

Coronavirus: Hamburger Linksfraktion für Schulschließungen

„Die Entscheidung, die Schulen nicht zu schließen, halte ich für falsch”, sagte der Linken-Bürgerschaftsabgeordnete Deniz Celik dem Abendblatt. Viele Familien kehrten nach Ferienende zurück aus Urlaubsregionen. “Dadurch haben wir eine erhöhte Gefährdungslage. Wir müssen alle Anstrengungen unternehmen, um die Gesundheit der Kinder zu schützen und die Ausbreitung der Krankheit zu verlangsamen.”

Celik betont zudem, dass es dringend notwendig sei, die Test- und Untersuchungsmöglichkeiten auch in den Stadtteilen deutlich auszuweiten. „Es müssen in den Stadtteilen mobile Untersuchungsstationen eingerichtet werden, um unkompliziert und sicher auf Corona zu testen.“ Um einen Kollaps der Gesundheitsversorgung zu verhindern, müssten die Kapazitäten in Hamburger Krankenhäusern aufgestockt werden. Dafür müsste mehr Personal angeworben werden, so der Linken-Politiker.

Coronavirus: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität stellt Betrieb ein

Wegen eines bestätigten Corona-Falls stellt die Helmut-Schmidt-Universität in Hamburg-Jenfeld ihren Betrieb ein. “Das Präsidium der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr wurde vom Sanitätsversorgungszentrum Hamburg-Mitte über einen bestätigten Corona-Fall am Hochschulcampus in Kenntnis gesetzt”, teilte die Universität am Freitag mit.

Die Folge: Der Hochschulbetrieb wird vorerst bis zum 14. April eingestellt. Die Kontaktpersonen des Infizierten wurden in häusliche Absonderung geschickt, heißt es vonseiten der Universität. “Ein Großteil der zivilen Mitarbeiter, des militärischen Personals sowie der Studierenden wurde veranlasst, den Campus zu verlassen und ins Homeoffice zu gehen. Sie sind aufgerufen, soziale Kontakte zu minimieren.”

Corona: Europa-Universität Flensburg sagt Lehrveranstaltungen ab

Die Europa-Universität Flensburg hat wegen des neuen Coronavirus’ alle Lehrveranstaltungen abgesagt. There will be no face-to-face events for the students until April 19, as the President of the University, Werner Reinhart, announced.

Damit folge die Universität dem Erlass des Gesundheitsministeriums, der aufgrund der dynamischen Entwicklung der Covid-19-Infektionen öffentliche Veranstaltungen an Hochschulen untersagt. Betroffen sind den Angaben nach nur die Studierenden und nicht die Beschäftigten in der Verwaltung oder Forschung. An der Europa-Universität hat im Gegensatz zu anderen Universitäten das Frühjahrssemester bereits Anfang März begonnen.

Hamburgs Schulbehörde will am Nachmittag Corona-Update geben

Hamburgs Schulbehörde will am Freitagnachmitag über die aktuellen Planungen rund um die mögliche Schließung von Schulen wegen des Coronavirus informieren. Das Update sei für den frühen Nachmittag geplant, sagte Behördensprecher Peter Albrecht.

„Selbst, wenn Schulen geschlossen werden müssten, wird es in jedem Fall Betreuungsangebote geben“, sagte Albrecht weiter. Das Saarland und Bayern haben am Freitag beschlossen, dass dort die Schulen von Montag an und bis zum Ende der Osterferien geschlossen bleiben.

Bevor sich Hamburgs Bürgermeister Peter Tschentscher in einer Pressekonferenz äußern wird, kommt der Senat zu einer Sondersitzung zusammen, um über das weitere Vorgehen gegen die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus in Hamburg zu beraten.

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