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Corona virus: 13 clubs facing bankruptcy – is Werder Bremen one of them?

Berlin – More than a third of the 36 professional clubs from the Bundesliga and 2nd division are said to be running out of time due to the economic damage caused by the coronavirus crisis.

According to a report by the “kicker”, 13 clubs are threatened this season insolvencyif the ball doesn’t roll again soon. The names of the clubs concerned were not mentioned. That Werder Bremen belonging to the group of people at risk cannot be excluded.

In an interview with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” had Klaus Filbry, Chairman of the Board of Management, but recently said: “I wouldn’t see it that we switch off the lights here tomorrow.” Ideas would be developed to “focus on the.” Worst case to be prepared ”.

Werder Bremen at risk of bankruptcy? A club in the Bundesliga is said to be in acute danger

According to the “kicker”, twelve clubs are said to already be receiving their funds from the fourth television rate Credit institutions and ceded other partners to pay the current bills. Also Emergency measures like the one proclaimed at many clubs Short-time work would not prevent bankruptcies if the Game operation not as expected in early May.

In the Bundesliga a club is in acute danger and can only fulfill its obligations until May. Three other clubs would have to in June Bankruptcy trustee order, should not be played again.

Werder Bremen: DFL does not review liquidity due to the corona virus crisis

The situation in the second division is said to be even more precarious. Seven clubs are threatened insolvency Already at the end of May, two more clubs would have to file for bankruptcy in June if the stations’ payments failed to materialize.

The result is the result of the inventory of the 36 clubs deposited with the DFL of their current situation in the Corona virus crisis. Because of the consequences of the pandemic, the DFL had announced in the licensing process for the upcoming season with the clubs on the Review of liquidityt to do without. The DFL wants to give the clubs the opportunity to cope with the effects. Should an association have to file for bankruptcy, the usual deduction of nine points will be waived. (sid)

As of March 22, 2020:

Werder collapse in the corona crisis? Klaus Filbry: “Don’t see that we’ll turn off the lights tomorrow”

The consequences of the corona virus pandemic present SV Werder Bremen with major financial challenges, but Managing Director Klaus Filbry says: The relegation-threatening club could survive even a break in the Bundesliga season.

“For example, there are already credit lines, there are also other ideas, for example to defer costs incurred for a certain time and to be prepared for the worst case. I wouldn’t see it that we switch off the lights here tomorrow, “said the boss of the SV Werder Bremen, Klaus Filbry, the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

If the season could not be ended, would Werder Bremen around 16 million euros in TV revenues are missing. There are also no ticket and sponsor funds. In this case, discussions with players about a waiver of salary would also be conceivable. “If there really is a worst-case scenario, we all have to show solidarity, because then it’s really about survival. Then the players are part of it, ”said Filbry.

Werder Bremen wants to end the season despite the coronavirus crisis

But there is hope that the season will end. The Werder boss assumes “that no games will be played before May”. Then it could go on every three days. “And if health makes it possible again, we have to be able to play games without spectators again in order to be able to meet the contractual obligations and restore the economic basis for all clubs,” said Klaus Filbry.

A season beyond June 30 is unrealistic. “A three-digit number of contracts in the first and second leagues expire on this date. Either we can make it by June 30th with all possible measures, or we have a season that is being canceled, “emphasized the manager of the SV Werder Bremen. (dpa / tst)

To the last message from March 18, 2020

Corona crisis: how long is Werder Bremen able to endure this financially?

Bremen – The homework by DFL boss Christian Seifert for the Bundesliga clubs and therefore also for the SV Werder Bremen was unmistakable.

All 36 Bundesliga teams of the German Football League (DFL) tell how they are under the current conditions in the Corona virus crisis without games and therefore without viewer income and with little to no TV money and sponsor payments. The DeichStube asked Werder boss Klaus Filbry shortly after the general meeting in Frankfurt on Monday.

Werder Bremen is not on the abyss, according to Klaus Filbry

“The economic challenge is very big. We are dealing with many variables that we have to evaluate. We are confident that we can manage the situation in the short and medium term, ”said the CEO. SV Werder Bremen is definitely not on the brink, but it is obviously not far from it either and is therefore also considering short-time work.

DFL boss Seifert had almost threatened that some clubs would get one Season break would not survive and a total of 56,000 jobs in the football industry in Germany would be at stake. Filbry did not want to contradict this, neither did he see it as a threat, but as a realistic assessment. “In any case, we have to try to finish the season when it is health-friendly,” said Filbry.

Werder Bremen and the Bundesliga face massive money problems

But how long can Werder Bremen actually hold out? “It is an exceptional situation in which we have come through no fault of our own. It is therefore difficult to make predictions about the effects this will have on our club. There are too many factors for that. As with any club, it depends on when, for example, we can start selling season tickets, it depends on whether it will be possible to play properly in the first half of the next year or whether there will be games without spectators. It depends on whether the TV rate will be transferred in May or not. But it also depends on how the crisis may also affect partners and sponsors.

There are just a lot of unknown variables that are currently making it so difficult to make a reasonable forecast, ”Filbry replied. It has long been speculated that if there is a lack of income, SV Werder may even face liquidity problems. “In such an extreme situation, this threatens the whole Bundesliga, because of course we all have financial obligations, ”said the 53-year-old:“ We now have to see how we work on solutions. But I can’t present a solution today because there are just too many balls in the air. ”

Werder Bremen and the Bundesliga: ghost games secure income

For example, there is the topic Ghost games – or games without spectators, as the DFL and Filbry prefer to say. Seifert had made it clear that the league needs these games around survive financially to be able to. Because that would secure TV money and sponsor income. In Bremen, interior senator Ulrich Mäurer had canceled the first scheduled game in front of empty seats this Monday because too many fans had been feared in front of the Weser stadium. How will that work next time? “We will seek dialogue with fans and politics,” Filbry announced. He was confident about this.

In principle, the Ministry of Health would have no objection to the implementation of these ghost games. Those responsible are also counting on the time factor and hope that the situation has calmed down somewhat by mid-April. If the schools were to open again after the holidays, the ball could possibly roll again – albeit without an audience. Perhaps the entire team would no longer have to be in quarantine if a teammate got infected. One thing Filbry made very clear: “Curbing this virus is a top priority in everything we do.”

Can Werder Bremen stay in the Bundesliga if the season is abandoned?

Nevertheless, work must be done to secure Werder Bremen’s future. All forces are pooled. “The supervisory board is constantly aware of our situation and we are always in regular contact,” said Filbry.

Filbry and Co. now have time to do their homework until the end of March, when the 36 Bundesliga clubs want to discuss how to proceed. At this point, the community of solidarity may also be discussed. That was left out in Frankfurt. Just like the sporting consequences of an early end of the season. Whether Werder Bremen then as table-17. May or may not stay in the Bundesliga. (knee)

Klaus Filbry, Managing Director of SV Werder Bremen, has to calculate how long the club can last financially in the coronavirus crisis.

© gumzmedia

Regarding the first report from March 15, 2020:

Klaus Filbry expects financial strength for Werder Bremen and demands solidarity

Bremen – How important this appointment is for SV Werder Bremen is shown by the project that the Bundesliga team wanted to travel to Frankfurt with the full three-member management and the club’s lawyers on Monday for the general meeting of the German Football League (DFL).

But he does that too Corona virus football’s bottom line, in Hesse only events with a maximum of 100 participants are allowed. They come with 36 Bundesliga clubs quickly together. Werder Bremen will therefore travel with a smaller team – and have important discussions.

The question is whether and how the interrupted season can still be continued – and of course also about the money. “Of course it’s one big financial challenge for us ”, confirmed Klaus Filbry at the request of DeichStube. But that would certainly not only apply to football, it would stand anyway Public health currently absolutely in the foreground.

Werder Bremen: Klaus Filbry doesn’t want to know anything about scaremongering because of the corona virus in terms of finance

The Werder boss does not think anything of scaremongering when it comes to finances, the chairman of the management board demands of the Bundesliga rather: “It is very important that we take on this challenge as Solidarity community tackle. ”Reasonable solutions would have to be found for all clubs, because the clubs would hit the crisis differently.

The Bundesliga clubs are expected to lose over 700 million euros in TV money, advertising revenue and ticket revenue if the season is canceled early. A scenario that Filbry does not want to rule out, but does not see at the top of his agenda for the DFL meeting in Frankfurt: “First of all we want to get an idea of ​​the situation together and an update from Mr. Seifert von der DFL to get.” Christian Seifert represents the interests of the DFL, for example has the lucrative TV contracts negotiated. He will most likely present solutions to the clubs.

Werder Bremen boss Klaus Filbry calls for a solidarity of all 36 Bundesliga clubs

Filbry does not want to anticipate this and therefore does not want to give any preferences. “We have to deal with the crisis together,” says the 53-year-old and hopes that the league will move very closely together. However, that was the last time with the solidarity such a thing in the representation of the interests of the 36 Bundesliga clubs – at least from the Bremen perspective. On the subject of police costs, all clubs refused Werder’s application to appropriately share the claims of the state of Bremen in the millions.

Now the situation is different: apart from the top clubs Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund If all clubs are under extreme financial pressure in this phase, they must fear for their existence at least in the medium term. Therefore, Werder Bremen’s second call for solidarity could be heard more. (knee)

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