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Corona vaccination for young children: what are the opinions?

Children generally have mild symptoms when infected with the coronavirus. Nevertheless, the Health Council notes that corona does indeed lead to serious complaints in a very small group, which may require hospitalization. Covid-19 also develops into Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Children (MIS-C) in a small group of children. A specific complication of the coronavirus in which a very serious inflammatory reaction occurs in the organs.

A vaccination gives a direct health benefit, states the Health Council. The main argument is that vaccination can prevent a small group of children severe corona and MISC-C. In addition, vaccination can also prevent children from getting Lung Covid. The Health Council refers to the prevention of loss of sports, school and social contacts as an indirect benefit for the children.

‘Definitely not ethically irresponsible’

According to emeritus professor of pediatrics Anjo Veerman and emeritus professor of medical philosophy and ethics Guy Widdershoven, healthy children aged 5 to 11 can certainly benefit from a corona vaccination. This is also apparent from a recent article in the leading magazine Science, in which scientists explain that in the United States, seven hundred children have died from the effects of corona and zero from the effects of vaccination against the virus. One in three children admitted to the US with the coronavirus had no underlying condition. In total, tens of thousands of children have ended up in hospital with a corona infection.

Although the figures are much lower here, the discussion should not only be about death, say Veerman and Widdershoven. For example, it is also good to look at the disease burden of children, or complications that occur due to an infection, such as inflammation of the heart or pericardium. Then there is also a group of children with Long Covid. “The conclusion is that the risks of Covid are many times greater than the risks of vaccination,” the professors write.

NVK is reluctant

The Dutch Association for Pediatrics (NVK) is against vaccinating young children. NVK chairman Károly Illy states that vaccination must have added value for the individual child. According to him, it is true that due to vaccination, young people have less chance of ending up in hospital due to corona or contracting Long Covid, but that data do not yet show this for healthy children in primary school. What particularly bothers the NVK chairman is that it seems that children are now being used to compensate for the lack of responsibility in adults. “It concerns a medical procedure for incapacitated individuals, you have to be extremely careful with that.” Incidentally, the pediatricians are in favor of vaccinating young children with a weak immune system. The NVK can also imagine that parents would like to have their child vaccinated, because they want to protect a grandfather or grandmother who takes great care.

Few parents convinced of vaccination for children

Research by EenVandaag among nearly a thousand parents of young children shows that almost half are not yet sure of a corona jab for their children. 15 percent are quite sure of not vaccinating and 28 percent think they will have their child vaccinated against the corona virus. Parents who are against it think it is better for the child to make antibodies through corona than with a vaccination. The risk of side effects from corona is smaller than from vaccination, many parents say. Parents are also of the opinion that vaccinated people can also pass on the virus and that preventing the virus from spreading is therefore not a good argument for vaccination. On the other hand, parents who prevent the spread of the virus find the most important reason to vaccinate.

By: National Care Guide
Sources: Central government, Health Council, Trouw, Eindhovens Dagblad, Volkskrant, EenVandaag

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