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Corona vaccination for children from five: the plans in Lower Franconia

At the beginning of December, Biontech announced the delivery of the children’s vaccine from December 13th. Health authorities and vaccination centers are therefore currently preparing for the start of the corona vaccination for children from the age of five. The Lower Franconian cities and districts have developed appropriate plans for implementation. That was the result of a BR query. The government of Lower Franconia expects the children’s vaccine to be available in the district in the coming week. In many places, special children’s vaccination days should then be carried out, but according to the query there should not be a prioritization of “children at risk”.

Würzburg: “If we can start, we can start”

City and district of Würzburg have already ordered the vaccine and vaccine material – the district office says: “If we are allowed to start, we can start”. There should then be special child vaccination consultations. No vaccination campaigns in schools are currently planned in the Würzburg area.

Specific dates when the vaccine is available

The situation is similar in the Bavarian Lower Main. Of the Miltenberg district plans special vaccination campaigns for children before Christmas. Full details will not be determined until delivery of the vaccine is confirmed. There will probably be no vaccination campaigns at schools in Miltenberg – from the point of view of the vaccination center, that does not make sense at the moment: “Both a potential fear of syringes / needles and the question of ‘vaccinating yes / no’ are not issues from the point of view of the vaccination center in Miltenberg can be easily integrated into the group dynamics of a school class. ”

Aschaffenburg is considering vaccination campaigns in schools

In City and district of Aschaffenburg the plans for child vaccinations are largely complete. If the vaccine is actually delivered in the coming week, they want to have their first child vaccination day in the same week. This should then be repeated regularly. In particular, on children’s vaccination days, it is ensured that paediatricians are present – as was the case on earlier vaccination days for 12 to 17-year-olds. According to the district office, a room in the vaccination center in Hösbach in the Aschaffenburg district has also been specially prepared for children.

In contrast to other Lower Franconian districts, the district of Aschaffenburg is considering vaccination offers at schools. “With a view to child vaccinations, we want to make as many offers as possible in order to offer vaccinations as quickly and easily as possible. This also includes offers on site,” says District Administrator Alexander Legler (CSU).

Vaccination afternoons for children in the Bad Kissingen district

Im Bad Kissingen district there should be special children’s vaccination afternoons – already in the last week of December and the first week of January. The district office is currently looking to recruit more paediatricians for this purpose. The vaccination center should then only be open for child vaccinations on such afternoons.

Haßberge district is waiting for a recommendation from Stiko

Also in Haßberge district The planning is already underway and vaccine has been ordered. As long as there is no corresponding recommendation from the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko), no vaccinations will be carried out here. The Stiko had recently announced that it would make a recommendation by the time the children’s vaccine was delivered, if possible. If the recommendation is there, the Haßberge district plans special children’s vaccination days and vaccination campaigns at schools.

Vaccination options in Rhön-Grabfeld from January

Of the District of Rhön-Grabfeld is currently planning to offer a special vaccination offer for children aged five and over on January 6, 2022. Whether there should be vaccination campaigns in schools will still be decided in consultation with school officials. But it is conceivable, it says from the district office.

Main-Spessart: Children’s vaccination day as soon as the corona vaccine is available

Also in Main-Spessart district the plans for child vaccination are in full swing. As soon as it is clear how much children’s vaccine will be delivered, a separate children’s vaccination day should take place – as soon as possible in December. From January there will also be a separate area for children in the Spessarttorhalle in Lohr – which will then be operated again as a vaccination center. Whether there will be special vaccination days or appointments should be decided as required. The Main-Spessart district is currently not planning any vaccination campaigns in schools.

Kitzingen: Sufficient capacity in the vaccination center

Im Kitzingen district there are still no precise plans regarding child vaccination. However, special children’s vaccination days are not planned. The district office assumes that many parents have their children vaccinated by the family doctor or pediatrician. Accordingly, the current capacities in the vaccination center in Kitzingen would be sufficient to meet the demand.

from City and district of Schweinfurt the BR has not yet received any response to the request.

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