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Corona Vaccination Autumn Round: Practical Steps and Information

As announced by outgoing Minister Kuijpers of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), the corona vaccination autumn round will start on October 2. The GGDs are responsible for the implementation of this.

In this message we explain the practical steps.

The autumn round is intended for people who are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from corona. This means: people over 60, adults who receive a flu shot invitation, medically high-risk groups and pregnant women. Healthcare workers with direct patient and/or client contact are also allowed to get a corona shot. Initially, people can only visit the GGD injection locations in the country by appointment.

Corona shot also available in 2024 for pregnant women and high-risk medical groups

The corona shot is available all year round, including in 2024, for pregnant women and people from medically high-risk groups who are referred by a doctor (for example, people with a poorly functioning immune system).

From September 19, the target groups will be invited to get the corona shot

Unlike previous rounds of corona shots, not everyone who is allowed to get a corona shot will receive a letter about this. Only people aged 60 or older will receive an invitation letter from the RIVM from September 19. Other target groups are mainly invited via public communication to make an appointment at the GGD themselves.

Make an appointment yourself via planjeprik.nl from October 16

The other target groups (such as people aged 18-59 who can also get a flu shot, medically high-risk groups, healthcare workers and pregnant women) will not receive a personal invitation letter, but can make an appointment at the GGD from October 16. This can be done easily and 24 hours a day with DigiD via planjeprik.nl. From then on, people without DigiD can call 0800-7070 during office hours to make an appointment.

Injections can be made by appointment until the end of December 2023

People who do not belong to the target group, but who still want to get a corona shot because of a vulnerable family member or on the advice of a treating doctor, can also make an appointment via planjeprik.nl. It is possible for all mentioned target groups to receive the corona shot by appointment until the end of December 2023.

Injections without an appointment will be announced later this year

Later this autumn, people can also come to the GGD injection locations without an appointment. When and where this is possible can be seen on prikkenzonderafspraak.nl.

Corona vaccination autumn round of 2022 runs until September 15, 2023

Anyone who belonged to the target groups of the autumn campaign in 2022 could make an appointment for a corona shot at the GGD until September 15. These people can then come to a GGD injection location – by appointment only – until October 1, 2023 and receive the current vaccine. From the start of the new autumn round on October 2, injections will be made with the most currently available vaccine.

2023-09-23 08:17:58
#Autumn #corona #injection #starts #October

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