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Corona update from October 16, 2021 – City of Versmold


Since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,050 (previous day: 1,048) laboratory-confirmed infections have been recorded in Versmold. 1,000 people (previous day: 999) are considered to have already recovered and 41 (previous day: 40) to be actively infected. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 9 (previous day: 9) people from Versmold have died of or with COVID-19. The incidence value is 59.9 (previous day: 64.5)

In the district of Gütersloh, laboratory-confirmed corona infections were recorded as of October 16, 12 a.m., 23,765 (October 15: 23,713) – that is 52 cases more than the day before. These are cumulative numbers since the beginning of the pandemic. 22,816 (October 15: 22,784) people are considered recovered and 610 (October 15: 590) are still infected. The COVID-19 cases of the past 7 days / 100,000 inhabitants for the Gütersloh district on October 16, according to the RKI, are 71.0 (October 15: 66.9). Of the currently 610 people still infected, 600 are in domestic isolation. According to information from the four hospitals, 10 patients (October 15: 12) are currently being treated as inpatients. Of these, 2 people need intensive medical treatment (October 15: 2) and 1 of them must also be ventilated (October 15: 1). Since the beginning of the pandemic, 339 people in the Gütersloh district have died of or with COVID-19.


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