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Corona uncertainty also depresses the number of births Inland

The Dutch population has grown rapidly in recent years. This trend continues this year. In the first three months, 59,000 newcomers arrived.

At the same time, 41,000 people packed their bags. This brings the migration balance (growth through immigration) to 18,000. Substantially less than last year. Then our country tapped the 24,900 after three months.


The immigration decline is because countries have closed their borders because of the corona virus. “This limits the possibility of coming to the Netherlands,” says Statistics Netherlands. For example, the Polish community grew less rapidly in the first quarter (+1 971) than last year (+ 3251).

Although it is unclear whether this is entirely due to corona, says CBS researcher Tanja Traag. Poland’s influx has been declining since December.

Total population growth was also lower in the first quarter. The number of persons who died in March was greater (3000) than the number of children born. As a result, Statistics Netherlands recorded a total plus of 15,500, compared to 24,000 last year.

Trend break

The curve really dips, says demographer Jan Latten, who discovers a break in the trend. He expects structurally lower growth in the coming months. Not only because of higher mortality, but also the poor economic outlook contributes.

This is already “irrevocably” reducing the demand for labor migrants, Latten says.

Although it is noticeable, according to the demographer, that migration from Africa is not yet decreasing and that from Asia is decreasing less than the influx from Europe. These groups may consist of people who come to the Netherlands for family reunification.


Statistics Netherlands is reluctant to interpret it. Many countries only closed their borders in mid-March. From next month, according to Traag, the corona effects are really visible.

It is striking that fewer Dutch people packed their bags in March and more compatriots returned. For example, expats who return early because of the coronavirus, or who are forced to postpone their foreign adventure, says Traag. “You can see that very clearly.”


The corona effects will also be noticeable in 2021, Latten says. Uncertainty also reduces the number of births. “Young people who are now on the point:” we have a job and a house, shall we start with children? “, That is not a large group now. Most now have something else on their mind. That will curb births next year. ”

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