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Corona – Trump called corona expert:

The corona situation in the United States still affects the country, despite the fact that about 70 percent of all Americans over the age of 65 have received at least one dose of vaccine. The daily death toll is on average below 1,000 for the first time since November.

However, this is far below the situation back in August, when for the first time since May the country registered more than 2,000 corona-related deaths in one day.

At the same time, negotiations on a crisis package in connection with the pandemic collapsed, and the number of cases of infection exceeded five million.

TOWARDS CORONA EXPERT: Donald Trump calls infection control expert Deborah Birx’s new statements pathetic. Video: AP
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– Very hard

In a recent documentary on CNN, Dr. Deborah Birx, corona adviser and expert in the White House, talks about how she experienced the situation. There she also tells about a phone call she received from then President Donald Trump, after having appeared on CNN in August and warned both about the new phase of infection and urged people not to ignore the serious situation.

– I got a call from Donald Trump that was very uncomfortable, very difficult and very direct, tells Birx in the documentary.

– Everyone was dissatisfied

According to the corona expert, the situation in the White House at the time was tough to deal with. According to the doctor, all of them had been dissatisfied with the way she had expressed herself in the interview.

– They were dissatisfied with the way I had expressed myself, and that I had been so clear about the pandemic, says Birx in the documentary entitled “COVID WAR: The Pandemic Doctors Speak Out”.

When asked if she can tell or quote what the then president said in the phone call, Birx answers that she only wants to describe it as an uncomfortable conversation.

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– Could have been avoided

In the documentary, Birx is also asked how important it would have been if the authorities had introduced the infection control measures that have been shown to slow down the spread of the virus in the past.

– I look at it this way. The first time we had an apology. There were about 100,000 deaths that came from the original wave. The rest of the deaths could in my eyes have been avoided or significantly reduced, says Birx in the documentary according to CNN.

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