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Corona ticker Upper Franconia: Wunsiedel reports the second highest numbers

4:25 p.m.: Visit to municipal offices in Hof only with a medical face mask

Citizens of the city of Hof must now wear medical masks when they visit city offices. As the city reports, it does not matter whether it is FFP2 masks or medical surgical masks. Both masks would prevent the spread of saliva and breath droplets and protect both the wearer and the person opposite. Everyday or “community” masks, scarves, shawls or the like are not sufficient when visiting municipal offices – in addition, the offices should only be visited when necessary, it continues. Since February 6, 2021, citizens can use their Plan appointments in the community center online. The measure of the FFP2 or surgical mask requirement was taken due to the continued high incidence and the spreading virus mutations.

3:27 p.m.: Wunsiedel reports the second highest value in Germany

In Upper Franconia, it is proven that 209 people were infected with the corona virus within one day. As reported by the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), the 7-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitants in district 110. This is the highest value of all administrative districts in Bavaria. The incidence in the sanctuary is currently 65. The number of deaths in connection with Covid-19 in Upper Franconia has risen by 22 since yesterday to a total of 1,208 since the outbreak of the pandemic.

The administrative district of Wunsiedel has the highest incidence value in Upper Franconia with 256. In Bavaria, only the neighboring district of Tirschenreuth (333) reports an even higher incidence of infections. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the two numbers are the two highest in Germany.

2:18 p.m.: Relaxation on the Covid stations in Regiomed clinics

At the Upper Franconian-Thuringian clinic association Regiomed, the corona situation continues to relax. There are currently 63 Covid patients in the hospitals, seven are in intensive care, according to Regiomed managing director Alexander Schmidtke. “We notice a strong calm in the facilities.” Schmidtke was confident that it would soon be able to resume normal operations. However, they continue to work with separate paths and designated corona stations. “We can currently speak of a convergence with regular operations,” said Schmidke. The Coburg Clinic has been supported by a new Bundeswehr team since Thursday (February 11th, 2021). 14 reservists from Bavaria are to be deployed in the next few weeks. Regiomed operates clinics in Coburg, Lichtenfels and Neustadt near Coburg in Bavaria.

2 p.m.: Corona ensures a mixed tourism year 2020

The district of Bamberg has recorded a significant decline in the number of guests for the tourism year 2020. As the Bamberg district office reports, around 43.8 percent fewer tourists came than in the previous year. However, on average, they stayed in the region longer. In 2019, visitors spent an average of 1.9 days in the district, in 2020 the length of stay was around 2.3 days. Overnight stays in the district fell by 32.3 percent compared to the previous year, they say, even though – due to travel restrictions – the demand in domestic tourism was significantly more pronounced than in the past. It is precisely for this reason that fewer foreign tourists have traveled to the region, it continues. The number of overnight stays in Upper Franconia (-37.8 percent), Franconia (-41.8 percent) and Bavaria (-40.6 percent) fell even more significantly compared to the Bamberg district, said an employee in an interview with the BR. Above all, the second lockdown from November caused “disillusionment in the accommodation industry and ultimately in the entire hospitality industry”. The elimination of trade fairs, events and business travel would have resulted in a decline in city tourism across Germany.

12.11 p.m.: More rapid test centers for the Kulmbach district

The district of Kulmbach is expanding its range of tests to include three further decentralized rapid test centers in Kulmbach, Kupferberg and Thurnau (both districts of Kulmbach). As announced by the district office, these rapid test centers should be open to visitors to old people’s and care facilities. But other district citizens who need a quick test can also use this offer, it continues.

The test center in Kulmbach, at the BRK district association at Rot-Kreuz-Platz 1, is open on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.

The test center in Kupferberg is located in the town hall, Schulweg 1 and is open on Mondays and Fridays from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. and Wednesdays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

The test center in Thurnau, in the Schützenhaus at Kasendorfer Str. 9, is open Tuesdays and Saturdays from 1pm to 3pm and Thursdays from 8.30am to 10.30am.

The Kulmbach District Office points out in the notification that, regardless of their severity, the general practitioner or the on-call medical service must be contacted on 116-117 in the event of corona-specific symptoms. In addition, there is still the possibility of the “Everyman’s PCR test” with an appointment at the Kulmbach smear site in Flessastraße.

11:01 a.m.: The Czech Republic also isolates the Cheb border district

Due to massive numbers of infections, the Czech Republic is sealing off three border districts from the outside world. Those who live there are no longer allowed to leave the respective district, said Czech Health Minister Jan Blatny. Outside people would not be allowed in. In addition to the districts of Sokolov (Falkenau) and Trutnov (Trautenau), Cheb, which borders on Upper Franconia, is also affected. The measures are to come into force on Friday night. The health minister announced that the police would check the access roads. Exceptions apply, among other things, to the way to work. Written evidence must be submitted for this. Transit without stopping is still allowed.

8.00 a.m.: No new corona outbreak at the Bayreuth Clinic

The outbreak of the British corona variant at the Bayreuth Clinic has been contained. “There has been no new outbreak in the house for two weeks. That gives us hope,” said the medical director of the clinic, Hans-Rudolf Raab, according to a press release.

You can find a detailed article on this here.

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