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Corona ticker Upper Bavaria: Medical practices support vaccination center

4.20 p.m.: Medical practices in the Erding district support the vaccination center

In the district of Erding, corona vaccinations will also be carried out in five medical practices from next Monday (15 March). In this way, the capacities of the vaccination center are to be expanded. Initially, however, there are only appointments in the practices for teachers, educators and the chronically ill. The Bavarian Red Cross will announce details on the registration modalities in the next few days.

3.30 p.m.: Landsberg district prepares vaccination center for new vaccine deliveries

From April onwards, up to 1,020 vaccinations per day should be possible at the vaccination center in Penzing. Due to the shortage of vaccines, there are currently a maximum of 1,850 vaccinations per week. Because of the increase in vaccine deliveries announced by the Bavarian Ministry of Health from the end of March, the Landsberg District Office has now rented additional buildings next to the vaccination center. As in the two existing buildings of the vaccination center, Johanniter Unfallhilfe is to coordinate and take care of the vaccinations in the third building.

9.45 a.m.: Corona incidence in Munich continues to rise

The corona incidence in the Bavarian capital has been over 50 again since yesterday and continues to rise: The Robert Koch Institute is currently reporting a value of 54.2 (52.1 yesterday). This means, among other things, that retailers are only allowed to serve customers after booking an appointment in advance. The same conditions also apply to the reopening of museums and Hellabrunn Zoo.

9.40 a.m.: Incidence below 100: Starting tomorrow, alternating classes in the Altötting district

Because the 7-day incidence in the Altötting district has fallen below the 100 mark again – according to the RKI, it is 95.1 – alternating lessons will take place again from Tuesday at the elementary and special needs schools and for the final classes. This is announced by the Altötting district office. Where the minimum distance of 1.5 meters can be consistently and reliably maintained, face-to-face lessons can also take place for the school types in question. Day care centers are also generally open, but care must take place in fixed groups. Vocational training, advanced and advanced training courses are generally permitted in face-to-face form.

Monday, March 8th, 2021

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