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Corona ticker on Friday: Again indoor concert with audience in Leipzig

12:12 pm | Vaccinations required at universities

Representatives of the universities are calling for the Covid-19 vaccinations for students to start earlier. The approximately three million students in Germany needed support because they had already been in a “state of emergency” for three semesters, said the President of the University Rectors’ Conference, Peter-André Alt.

Vaccination offers until September would be too late for the winter semester. Possible solutions, according to Alt, could be keeping vaccination centers open for students, involving universities and university medicine and university company doctors. Vaccinations are urgently required for students, since university teaching does not take place in classes, but in changing constellations with high mobility. The universities could therefore only return to regular operations with very high vaccination rates.

11:30 am | The Czech Republic opens the border to tourists

The Czech Republic will open its borders to travelers from Germany and six other countries from Monday. As announced by the government in Prague, guests can then be entertained again in restaurants, cafés and pubs. A negative test or proof of vaccination or recovery are necessary. Radio Prague today reported the lowest number of new coronavirus infections since September last year and an incidence value of 37.5 lower than Germany currently has with just under 40.

11:00 am | Braun dampens expectations of vaccinations

Chancellery Minister Helge Braun is dampening the expectation that children and young people could be vaccinated against Covid-19 from June 7th. In the ARD “Morgenmagazin” the CDU politician said that the lifting of the prioritization did not mean that half of the population could get vaccinated immediately. An offer to everyone by mid-September and then also to children from the age of twelve is realistic.

In the same broadcast, Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) expressed himself angry about this: Despite the lack of a vaccine, the federal government had aroused expectations that could not be met when vaccinating children and adolescents.

10:30 am | EU reconstruction program ratified

EU reconstruction aid in the coronavirus pandemic has cleared one last important hurdle. The parliaments in Poland and Austria approved the 750 billion euro program. This completes the ratification in all 27 EU countries. In June the EU could take on the first joint debt to finance the planned aid for the member states.

10:00 am | The emergency brake also falls in the Harz district

In Saxony-Anhalt, the so-called corona emergency brake of the federal government is also falling in the last region: The Harz district may relax from tomorrow because the incidence has been below 100 for five working days in a row. This means that the night curfew from Saturday is a thing of the past, and you can go shopping again without an appointment. The 13th containment ordinance of the state will also apply in the Harz region from tomorrow.

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