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Corona ticker Lower Franconia: values ​​continued to rise

6.45 a.m.: Incidence values ​​in Lower Franconia continued to rise

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the incidence values ​​in Lower Franconia have increased in almost all regions compared to the previous day. The incidence value of the city of Schweinfurt has now passed the 200 mark. There the 7-day incidence is now 200.7. In addition to Schweinfurt, a sudden increase can also be observed in the Kitzingen district. There the value rose from 91.6 to 129.8. In addition to the district of Kitzingen, there are four other districts above the 100 mark. The city of Aschaffenburg has the lowest value in Lower Franconia: Here the RKI reports 55.0.

Here is an overview of all the Lower Franconian numbers:

City of Schweinfurt: 200.7 ↑

Kitzingen district: 129.8 ↑

Miltenberg district: 122.7 ↑

District of Schweinfurt: 121.9 ↑

District of Rhön-Grabfeld: 111.9 ↑

District of Haßberge: 108.0 ↑

City of Würzburg: 90.6 ↑

Aschaffenburg district: 85.9 ↑

District of Würzburg: 58.4 ↓

Main-Spessart district: 56.4 ↓

Bad Kissingen district: 56.2 →

City of Aschaffenburg: 55.0 ↓

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