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Corona: The situation in Bavarian hospitals remains tense

If you take a look at the current course of new corona infections in Germany, the curve may give some people hope: For a few days the trend has been clearly downwards again. Even today, the number of new cases fell compared to the previous week and, according to the Robert Koch Institute, the seven-day incidence is now even below 150 again.

For many intensive care physicians in Bavaria, however, no reason to breathe a sigh of relief. Because regardless of the slowly declining new corona infections, the situation in the hospitals in the Free State remains extremely tense.

Often there are no more intensive care beds available

In many places, the intensive care units are even more heavily loaded than a week ago, as can be seen from the Germany-wide Divi intensive care register. As of today, not a single intensive care bed is free in 15 of the 96 Bavarian rural districts and cities. In the Bavaria-wide average, only 10.7 percent of the intensive care beds were unoccupied, which is a very low value.

The situation is currently most difficult in the city and district of Landshut, the city of Bayreuth, the city and district of Aschaffenburg, the district of Würzburg, the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt and the city of Memmingen. The intensive care units there are currently full to capacity. The municipality with the most intensive care beds in the whole of Bavaria is the state capital Munich; there, too, only 37 of the 495 intensive care beds are still available.

Currently 721 active cases in Bavaria’s intensive care units

According to the Bavarian Ministry of Health, 721 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care units in the Free State, about as many as three weeks ago. “The current plateau formation among Covid-19 patients should not hide the fact that the situation is very different from region to region and therefore relocating patients, but also postponing operations that are not absolutely urgent, are the order of the day,” said a ministry spokeswoman at the request of the German press agency.

There are currently many intensive care patients throughout Bavaria with other diagnoses. “Therefore, unfortunately, the situation in the intensive care units is not expected to ease in the next few days,” said the spokeswoman.

Around 2,800 new corona cases

However, the number of Covid 19 cases in Bavaria is now slightly lower than it was in the middle of the week. For Saturday, the Robert Koch Institute reported 2,771 new corona infections, the seven-day incidence across Bavaria is currently 150.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Yesterday the value was 153.4.

In 16 Bavarian districts and urban districts, the incidence is now below 100. Landsberg am Lech is at the top with 62.3.

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