Start of school with corona test
The first day of school on October 25th begins for all students with a corona test, unless they have been vaccinated / recovered or have their own test that is not older than 48 hours. In the secondary schools these are the usual citizen tests, in the elementary and special schools the lollipop tests PCR–Pooltest procedure.
The announcement that the mask requirement will be suspended in class from November 2nd is a declaration of intent that can still be overturned depending on the infection rate. If this is not the case, masks at NRW schools only have to be worn in the school building when the students are out there. Of course, all “continue to have a mouth and nose covering voluntarily“Wear, it says in the letter to the parents.
NRW is not the first federal state to drop the mask – Bavaria and Saarland as well as Berlin up to sixth grade were the pacesetters in this area. In Berlin, as in Hamburg, almost all classrooms will soon be equipped with air filters, while this is the exception in North Rhine-Westphalia because the funding guidelines are so strict here.