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Corona test centers started in VG Linz

News from 03/15/2021

The test centers for the population started today in Linz and Vettelschoss. In Linz, the tests began in the morning at 10 a.m. Mayor Fischer praises voluntary work.

Hans-Günter Fischer on the photo on the left with representatives of the administration and volunteers. Photo © TS / VG)

Linz. The mayor of the Verbandsgemeinde, Hans-Günter Fischer, got an idea of ​​the start in Linz and was immediately tested. Result: negative. Fischer expressly thanked the many volunteers, ?? without whom these centers would not have been conceivable. ?? The support of the country is ?? not particularly convincing ?? as Fischer emphasized. Therefore, the association has thought about its many volunteers and received an overwhelming response to their call for support. found.

Well over 70 people had reported to the administration to support the test centers at both locations. The opening times of the test centers:
Linz – Sports hall on Miesgesweg Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Vettelschoss – Forum am Blauen See Monday to Friday 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Both centers are also open on Saturday between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Registration is initially not required.

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