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Corona study: largest risk factor for bad Covid 19 course surprised

A US study looked at the pre-existing conditions that lead to a severe course of the disease in Covid-19. A previous illness stands out.

New York – In addition to age, above all, too Pre-existing illness in patients a reason that Covid-19 * takes a severe course. How welt.de reported is the largest Risk factor however, not asthma or a long smoking career, but the pathological obesity – also called obesity. This is the conclusion that US researchers have drawn from a case study conducted in New York.

Coronavirus: Study Shows Major Risk Factor For Severe Disease In Covid-19

In the study, 4100 Covid-19 patients examined between March 1 and April 1. The result: 40 percent of the patients who had to be treated in hospital were obese. About half of these had to be artificially ventilated due to the course of the disease. “The chronic disease, the most severe with a severe one Covid infection * related is Obesity – in a substantially higher one Risk ratio than any cardiovascular or lung disease, ”says the study.

The observations of Karsten Schmidt, specialist in anesthesia and senior consultant in the anaesthesiological intensive care unit at the University Hospital Essen, also correspond to the findings of the US study: “Most Patientthat with heavy Covid gradients to us on the Intensive care unit are actually overweight to obese. The normal weight are outnumbered, ”said Fischerwelt.de.

Coronavirus: overweight as a risk group? Specialist warns against wrong conclusions

However, he warns against drawing incorrect conclusions from his observations. Not everyone who is very fat is automatically a risk patient *. Especially in the United States is the pathological one obesity has long since risen to become a common disease. According to a study by the CDC health agency, over 42 percent of adults in the United States suffer from obesity. The authors around the infectious medicine doctor Jennifer Lighter also write: “Unfortunately, it turns out that obesity in people under the age of 60 must be seen as a new epidemiological risk factor that may contribute to the increased number of diseases in the USA”.


* merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Marcos Maldonado

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