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Corona Study in Düsseldorf’s Kitas – said Virologist Jörg Timm

Mr. m, Tmi ba aotngM open to each taKsi never edfüDfossl wrei.de Zeiv aegT repairs rttates every dsti, eu ni erd 2155 idKenr and teieMitrarb sua orfsdürlesD tKisa for one tdeiSu ufa ads roaiusCrnvo iwnwt evenen. ngBin

mTim asD its enie evisigchr egFr.a Wri btconbeahe kleulta gnewi vtarttikuisViä ni, lSDfodrseü dhar one wri imt ngwenie dFeunn. Wir wseins ebar ahuc, assd inee fIonkneit ebi nKniedr often ehno tmeyompS ur.tlfevä sAu eeidsm rGdnu ist usnree ehnUgrsnutuc os hgi: icwt sE bitg lsgbani wgeeni etnduiS uz oCrno .niht

eDi mnTelhiree ndeerw over nniee Ztmriaeu vno eriv cWoehn rmime eeiwdr .setgeett aWs aguen eherusnvc Se faeueirz? hndsnu

miTm Nilhacürt tis aeliln eid laZh erd ndFeu schno edn.npasn rWi wnlelo erab hcua hmre düraerb feednr, asniuh whlcee oRlle eridKn ibe erd outbrgnreVV esd insuroCoarv elesnip. irw ssewin et, ebsir sasd esi mi lFael ieenr fknenoIti egrweni hscrew akrnk n.dwree Es tgbi auhc Dne, that every one, even ssad they at nidrnKe nteerlse to eoknIeftinn mtk.om Esret neStidus Umedlf ge.tieernbew ebrA ni lllae älFnel bigt es cnoh sugrab.eäKnlrdf reD Sdonuwth rwa enie ecswirhge tiZe over neti, udS elwi eid inrdKe egniewr tokaKnet nttha.e Nnu eönnnk rwi selfarmth


immT Dsa isnesw irw .inthc hcI wreüd nvo see till 51 u, nhgseea bear wri esmsnü cushn.ea

De idStue satrat ma atgoMn teclgheizi tmi der ndeuröWengfrefi erd its.aK Had nma cithn arovb hmer rüeb dsa isurV wnsise, smensü rveob idea iaKst ruheübpat diwere in rtieb eh?

mmiT This Fgera ehtg über edi iVgrelioo u.ianhs nMa sums frü seide gutdiEshcnne dsa nlshKiowde as nGzeas bcerahtnte. zaDu hta se ja hee erebet öefciletfhn siiuknossD eee.nbgg lthcLtiez became hic an, say sdsa mreh rfü ide unfgnÖf rde isKat sripcht asl .nggaeed

heMr lsa .10000 nnItneteersse nbaeh hsci call eid iduSet shared, mt in enachnm Katis haenb atsf elal Erentl lgeint.wgelii Wmura enbah You edi alhZ rde eeheimnrlT cntih Herte? hh

Tmim rWi expected to be tnchi cea, fhnfs eeni gßerröe eigenM onv tTses rfzuchenhu.dür Drhea thtena we die uaQl rde lhaW. Wir ahneb c, vusrhte enie wsAlhua uz n, eatffr the litnhiclha ialzhlceanhorbv is nud to ugtme taelaiatrnmeD fht.ür sUn awr es to the conflicts ti, hgicw eveil edKrni uas linnzneee n-Kpauetipr rüfDa usemtns irw rnaeedn nhnceiEurgint rldiee negab.sa

cDrhu die ilneäegrgßme tesTs dare one rbAuucsh nhslerecl tranke e.wredn nbeGe eid Tsset edn hemenneednde Kstai addhrcu hrme thre? iceihS

mTim iWr kmmeeonb eievl Rdecnmülneugk von rEletn dun aMeritrei, tnb edi tesgeett dwreen ewnll, o wlei ise cish eguan not sshoecl cztsäuehzils ßMa na ehrieSithc .fehernf aMn umss. nis trNiühcla recharge them new, asds hcdru nerve stTse ein rbuhcsAu ni erine taKi hüre rntknae rwd.i berA hic must acrl nag: se esnrUe diueSt tis ekni Teli red teeshnraihSmaeßhmnci in end tsi.a

asW pssaerti this m ealfl esein stiivopn s st? st smus nadn ide ngzae prpuGe ni utQrn? naäa

Timm rWi enierofimrn ibe mieen tsipeinvo nfBdue ide heirffnot Not nud uhca das aGdshmutnis, eat down oonc sti lcpit.himdgefle rbeÜ iwrteee Srttchie ctedihnseet ads Atm. no nanruaätQe red tnnäcesh tnenKoerkpotsna its cbihül, that ntöenk osal eid perG, up edi erennriizEneh dun uahc edi rEltne efbfreten.

eDi lEntre llosne lsbtes ide stseT enmn.he eTunar ieS yet again sda uz?

Tmim a.J iWr near sun sebtwus nine one Rsbhtrhaacneic nheecn.desti Dsa chamen Kidern cnthi gern m.it ieD lEetrn meehnn beecohnipSlpre nud rheince said en.i Dsa furiitktones dcuhr heen nu.gpüsnMr

ietZg red Test c, uha bo dei nKride rüerfh honcs Cooanr na? etth

Timm Nnie, re iestw nru eakut nInefotikne na.ch

For eid taKis etegln cm, housingSenhmt mus epsBiel one aikpfMelstchn frie ie.iEnnehrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn, ntcrrrrrr, ntlrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, dsas esi fua ksItntiofeszhunc cae.nth

immT nN.ei sE is nalel ubstews, assd iweZ order ihgeijDreär nitch afu aAndbts binlebe öe.nnnk mU os herm cmtah se S, nni hcsi rebü erenda ßnMeaamhn edkeGnna uz .amhenc uzDa lthäz mz

nItDerfosslü raises ldba ahuc inee Stiud, e in erd 1000 tpvtenaräiers uvselst Dsdlsferoüre fau nCooar eittest weed.rn Enarvert You earned nEseigrbse las in nrnaeed nSt? detä

mmTi Es gtib oiknen rGndu, sda em.nhnuezan eiD dueSti tis to sseetr, etkjrPo dme rozg gagentele uttSien oengfl nö.knten Es tghe mu dei eagFr, ewi vtteierrbe sad surVi ohscn t, is thus every sgaonen adss it is not Dlüseodsfr nshoc os eivle lFäel bnege t.ah irW enmkobem lieev enAfargn onv nnMeshc, e each im rmz drväieetcgh yopmmteS hatne utilun, eznaubl assd se hsnoc aorCon raw. In the current area, it is not necessary to do so in the first place, but it is not necessary to go in any way or even if it does not mean that it is possible to do so

In this illuminated eTagn, eivl rrüdaeb turns, tliou, if the smehcnne eiwrd to rosglso wee.ndr leiithcVel anebh eiS uhac dei derlB nov the elnvol atstldtA eghsnee. Was nnkdee ieS as Vlergioo? Adzu

Timm hcI tehtä rgo, Se ennw eid esahnzkftlnnoIei drive nhgohee.hc sDa tnu told aj to Güclk eerdga nh.tci I ahbe cahu ned d.nEukirc ssda chis every nsmetie nsehnceM mirme cnho an ileev gn tf.lih zuDa, tomkm sasd eid neehnMsc egnew eds close tsrWete ielv außnedr idns. eadpnnSn riwd es ecriis, hhcl wnne dsa etWert deweri sehecrclth rdw.i nnDa widr se etdshidnneec i, nes adss ihcs the senecMhn and each nsAdt-asb nud glrgneyeeHine r.ennrnei

eWi ihsttimocips dnis, Sei dssa csih sda eenbL leaf eiedrw iaoniretlsm? r

Tmim sE hta hsci ja hcosn lieesv idewer rt.iilnemosra Ihc bin micpo, sisitht ssda ads gnarwindne otivgldslnä srapeeisn d.riw Eni oIffpstfm widr üfrad hhliricsec hneddtnecesi in.se iDe tan üRrekkhc ruz tältriNmao ee.bgn

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