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Corona: SPD demands from Karliczek Bafög opening for Corona aid

Starting tomorrow public life again.
We summarize here what will change:
Shops with a retail area of ​​up to 800 square meters are allowed to reopen. The limit does not apply to bookstores, car and bicycle dealers. The countries decide when and where to open.

2nd Zoos also open again, in some regions from Monday.

3rd The first students come back to schools for exams and exam preparation. Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony are starting.

4th Exams are allowed at universities. Laboratories, libraries and archives can reopen under strict conditions.

5. As of Monday, sick leave by phone for cold symptoms is no longer possible. Anyone who needs a certificate has to see a doctor.

6. Saxony is the first federal state to introduce a comprehensive mouth and nose protection obligation on buses, trains and shops on Monday.

7. Saxony also allows worship services that remain prohibited elsewhere. A maximum of 15 believers may participate.

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