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Corona situation: “Third wave seems broken”

Status: May 7th, 2021 11:14 am

Despite the progress made in fighting the pandemic, RKI President Wieler and Health Minister Spahn urge caution. For extensive easing, 80 percent of the population would have to be immunized, said Wieler.

The President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, and Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) see the development of the number of infections in Germany as positive.

At the joint press conference on the Corona situation, Spahn said: “The third wave seems to have broken.” The number of infections is not falling at the same rate everywhere – “but they are falling”. This positive trend has to be perpetuated. “That is not possible with hasty easing. Too many are currently opening quite a lot with a relatively high initial incidence,” warned the Minister of Health.

RKI boss Wieler and Federal Health Minister Spahn warn against loosening too quickly

Tina von Löhneysen, ARD Berlin, Tagesschau 12:00 p.m., 7.5.2021

Loosening if possible in the outdoor area

If you relax with incidences below 100, then this should take place outdoors – i.e. in outdoor catering or at cultural events that can take place outside. Spahn pointed out that the risk of infection outside is significantly lower than inside. He went on to say that the easing needs to be supported by tests.

The Minister of Health was pleased with the progress of the vaccination campaign. 31.5 percent of the population have been vaccinated once and 8.8 percent have already been completely vaccinated. On Thursday, 932,000 people were vaccinated – more than one percent of the population. Next week, every third person will be vaccinated once. This means that the company is now “in the fast lane” internationally.

Spahn warned: “Now it’s a matter of holding out together in the next few weeks.” He emphasized: “In this phase of the pandemic, the point is actually not to gamble away what has been achieved.” There is reason to be optimistic and confident. “Too much impatience, on the other hand, would only help the virus.”

Wieler: More than 80 percent immunized are necessary

RKI President Wieler added that before extensive relaxation of the corona restrictions, “well over 80 percent” of citizens would have to be immunized against the virus. Then there will still be infections, but no more new waves.

Measures to limit the virus are still necessary, but there is now hope that the pandemic will soon be controlled. The incidences were falling in all age groups, and more and more people were being vaccinated. The all-clear cannot yet be given for the intensive care units. In 70 percent of the intensive care units, the capacities are limited or fully utilized – “these are the highest values,” said Wieler.

Viktoria Kleber, RBB, assesses Spahn and Wieler’s press conference on the third wave

tagesschau24 12:00 p.m., 7.5.2021

The RKI President compared the pandemic situation with a “bulging balloon that we hold together under water”. If all measures were lifted now, exponential growth in the number of infections would quickly be achieved again. “When we let go, the balloon jumps over the surface of the water,” says Wieler. The sequence must therefore be right: vaccinate quickly, open in a controlled manner. Then the balloon slowly loses air and it takes less force to hold it underwater. With increasing vaccinations from week to week, individual measures could also be gradually withdrawn.

“We have achieved a lot together and we can continue on the same path so that as many people as possible stay healthy,” said Wieler.

Spahn and Wieler warn against excessive corona easing

Andreas Reuter, ARD Berlin, 7.5.2021 12:02 p.m.

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