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Corona: Schools, companies, daycare centers: This is the test stand in Munich – an overview

Testing, testing, testing – this should help contain the corona pandemic. The theory is clear, but the practice looks very different in Munich. We explain the situation.

Munich – Rapid tests and self-tests are ascribed an important role in combating the third wave of pandemics. But in Munich * there is still a problem in every nook and cranny. Here is an overview of the current status at daycare centers, schools, companies and the test centers:

“We haven’t received anything yet,” says Melanie Keihl, managing director of Neue Kinder Fan GmbH and director of three day-care centers in Oberföhring and Schwabing. So far, the educators have been waiting in vain for corona rapid tests from the federal government. “We got some ourselves,” says Keihl. So that all 34 employees could be tested at least once.

Munich daycare centers: There is a large gap between the announcement and implementation

For Keihl, that fits into the picture: “First something is announced in the media, but then there is a lack of implementation.” In terms of self-tests, she still has doubts. “You certainly don’t stick the chopsticks so far in that your eyes burn or you have to choke,” she says. And, if the result is then false positive, the entire group has to be in quarantine for ten days. Keihl has questions: “What do you do if the result is wrong? Is a negative test enough to come back? ”There are no answers yet. Keihl’s colleagues in the umbrella association of Bavarian organizations for day-care centers (DBTK) feel the same way. In the meantime, she says, she has received the information that a shipping company is taking care of the delivery.

Improvement should be in sight at least for the 450 urban daycare centers. So far, the city has received around 37,800 self-tests in two partial deliveries from the Free State. “That corresponds to around 40 percent of the reported need for five weeks with two tests per employee per week,” said a spokeswoman for the Department for Education and Sport (RBS). Further partial deliveries are to follow soon. The self-tests were repackaged and addressed in the administration building and delivered to 40 so-called distribution centers by the fire department twelve days ago. The other municipal daycare centers can pick up their tests there. “All urban daycare centers will have the tests on site as soon as possible,” promises the RBS.

Schools in Munich: Debate about rapid tests – many people doubt

This area is particularly controversial. The idea of ​​the Ministry of Culture to carry out rapid tests in schools met with resistance. Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) * has written a letter to Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) and Education Minister Michael Piazolo (Free Voters). He thinks: Rapid tests for children should take place at home – then it doesn’t happen that someone who has tested positive has to drive through the city.

Martin Schmid sees it that way too. Schools are not test centers, he says in his role as chairman of the Munich Teachers’ Association (MLLV). He sees the state in the duty of care and receives prominent support.

Max Uthoff, cabaret artist and host of the ZDF program “Die Anstalt” *, is the father of two children. He thinks it is a wrong approach to test children in schools. Uthoff calls for more solidarity for the teachers “who have been at the limit for a year”. He wants to know: “If the teachers say they can no longer – who are we to question this? And what does it mean for a child who tests positive in school, is immediately labeled as contagious and isolated? He therefore asks other parents not to sign the declaration of consent for self-testing in school, also as a sign of solidarity with teachers.

MLLV boss Schmid also has concerns about “data protection” and complained that the tests lost a lot of teaching time. This problem did not arise before the holidays. There were far too few tests. “In announcing world class, in implementing district class” is his verdict for politics. That should change. According to the Ministry of Health, 9.5 million self-tests should be delivered to the district government authorities by the end of last week. The question that remains is how many children will be allowed to go to school after Easter.

Munich: Large companies initiate rapid test procedures themselves

At least the Munich companies are already busy testing, but have mostly taken care of it themselves. There is no statutory test requirement. This is exactly what Bayern-SPD and Verdi Bayern are now demanding. The Association of Bavarian Economy is strictly against such an obligation.

At Siemens, for example, tests have been offered since the beginning of the pandemic, at BMW and MAN since autumn and at Amgen Research GmbH since November. Since Monday, all employees have been able to voluntarily have themselves tested by the company doctor more than once a week. This also applies to household members. “Our employees react very positively to this offer to be tested voluntarily and regularly take part in a test,” says managing director Prof. Dr. Peter Kufer. External visitors only have access to the business premises if the rapid antigen test previously carried out at the location is negative.

After Easter, BMW will distribute more than half a million rapid tests. In addition, the workforce is to be given a vaccination offer. “Our company doctors are ready. We have set up the necessary infrastructure – and as soon as we get the approved vaccines, we get going, ”says Labor Director Ilka Horstmeier. At MAN, too, people are already thinking about vaccinations. The vaccination mobile is already in use. As soon as the vaccine is available for the staff, works doctor Dr. Oliver Breitkopf with the vaccinations.

Since last Monday, Paulaner has offered tests to all employees who cannot work in the home office. “We took care of rapid tests on our own responsibility,” reports a spokeswoman. The employees of the city of Munich who are present in attendance now have the opportunity to take a free quick test once a week – in one of the state test facilities or in a pharmacy. For the test, they are given time off work or duty.

Test centers in Munich: On Tuesday another opens in the east of the city

Another rapid test expert is Dr. Gerald Heigis. The specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery operates twelve corona test centers in Munich and the surrounding area. One opens in Haar on Tuesday, and two more are being planned. He is now also involved in the citizen tests, and his existing test centers have been converted. Here is an overview of the free corona rapid test options in Munich.

He is also called to daycare centers, schools, cultural institutions and companies. For example, Heigis and his team have been testing the employees of Lokomotion, a subsidiary of DB, since mid-February. The train drivers in freight transport, some of whom regularly cross the border to Austria, can be tested around the clock. Four Heigis employees each work in shifts in two test stations in Munich East and North. If it is stress-free, an employee can manage around 50 tests per hour. These are rapid antigen tests with high sensitivity and specificity. The result is there after ten minutes. By the way: One citizen test per week is free of charge, each additional test costs 30 euros.

A rapid test center opens on Tuesday at TSV Großhadern at Heiglhofstraße 25. At the initiative of the association member and medical student Samuel Scholl, citizens can get a free test here Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. * tz.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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