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Corona rules in NRW: What should apply to Christmas and New Year’s Eve

Despite the corona pandemic, special rules should apply on Christmas and New Year’s Eve. The Prime Ministers of the federal states have agreed on this.

NRW – For months, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the state leaders have been struggling to find something that is halfway coordinated regulate in the Corona-Pandemie. The last time there was a dispute about tightening, the discussions will continue on Wednesday (November 25th), reports RUHR24.de. * It is now clear: For Christmas and New Year’s Eve the countries have agreed on special rules.

Corona rules at Christmas and New Year’s Eve 2020 in NRW: More people are allowed to meet

This emerges from a draft resolution. Accordingly, the country leaders agree that on the holidays Christmas and New Year’s Eve the restrictions should be relaxed. It should then maximum 10 people from different households. Children up to 14 years should be exempt, reports the Spiegel.

That would Christmas parties make it possible in a small circle of family and friends. The temporary regulate should from December 23rd to January 1st be valid. (More corona news in the live ticker on RUHR24.de.) *

An New Year’s Eve it should be a Firecracker ban in busy squares and streets. Generally supposed Fireworks but not forbidden but it is “recommended not to use it”. Cities like Berlin had demanded this, following the example of the Netherlands. A similar regulation already applies to New Year’s Eve in downtown Dortmund *, however.

Christmas and New Year’s Eve: These corona rules should apply on the holidays

The Prime Minister agree the regulations on Wednesday Chancellor Angela Merkel from. The most important rules from December 23rd to January 1st at a glance:

  • A maximum of 10 people can meet.
  • They can come from different households.
  • Children up to 14 years are not counted.
  • New Year’s Eve fireworks are forbidden in busy places, but generally allowed.

Corona rules should be tightened again before Christmas

Until the festival they should regulate but will be tightened again from December 1st. Because the „Lockdown light“ has among other things in NRW (all news from NRW on RUHR24.de) turned out to be not as effective as initially hoped. In almost all cities and districts of the country, the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days continues to be exceeded in some cases significantly.

That is why the prime ministers are planning the partial shutdown until shortly before Christmas to extend. Until 20th of December (Sunday) therefore further restrictions should apply:

  • Mask requirement: In publicly accessible rooms and in busy places as well as under special conditions at the workplace.
  • Mask requirement in schools: From grade 7 onwards, this is also planned in class, provided the incidence value is over 50. Hybrid lessons are partly conceivable in upper grades.
  • Universities: Universities should switch to digital teaching.

In addition, the politicians want that employer to ask for help. According to the draft resolution, you should check whether the operating facilities are generous Home-Office-Regeln or company holidays could be closed.

Generally they recommend Prime Minister the “pre-quarantine” * proposed by Charité virologist Christian Drosten. This could reduce the risk Christmas party infecting the family will be lowered. For this reason, the Christmas holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia * start two days earlier this year. * RUHR24.de is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

List of rubric lists: © Marcel Kusch / dpa

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