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Corona: Relaxation for vaccinated people should come – politics

Anyone who is fully vaccinated against Covid-19 or has survived an infection can hope that the corona requirements will be relaxed. The federal and state governments want to discuss this at the vaccination summit on Monday. The cancellation of the vaccination sequence is also being discussed. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) advocated lifting the prioritization for all vaccines from May. CDU leader Armin Laschet wants such measures by June at the latest.

The focus of the vaccination summit should initially be a key issues paper by Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD). It suggests that vaccinated, convalescent and negative tested people should be treated equally in the future with regard to corona requirements. A better position for the vaccinated is not ruled out in the future.

If it is scientifically “sufficiently” proven that certain groups of people are no longer contagious for others or that the residual risk of further transmission is “considerably” reduced, considerable requirements are no longer justified, the paper says. Loosening measures here is not a “granting of special rights or privileges”, but “the lifting of unjustified encroachments on fundamental rights”.

The Ministry of Justice cites the Robert Koch Institute, which has attested vaccinated and convalescent people a lower risk of infecting others than those who tested negative. Therefore, they should not be restricted any more. It is conceivable that the contact and exit restrictions will be relaxed, entry easier or access to shops as for those who have tested negatively. Relaxation in retirement homes is also proposed. However, this does not mean that mouth and nose covering or the distance requirement can be dispensed with. They should “continue to apply for a longer period of time” for everyone.

“Unproblematic from an ethical point of view”

The government’s project was largely received positively. It is “legally required that vaccinated people have the same rights as those who have been tested,” said CDU leader Armin Laschet Süddeutsche Zeitung. The Greens also agreed. “Restrictions on fundamental rights can only be justified as long as they are actually necessary,” said the chairwoman of the legal committee, Manuela Rottmann. The chairman of the German Ethics Council, Alena Buyx, called easing for vaccinated and convalescent people Daily mirror “Unproblematic from an ethical point of view”.

SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz went even further. With a view to the new federal emergency brake, he called for a strategy to exit the contact restrictions. “We need the timetable back to normal life, but one that will not be revoked after a few days,” he said Picture on sunday.

The resident doctors in Germany advocate canceling the vaccination sequence for all vaccines in two to three weeks at the latest. The chairman of the standing vaccination commission (Stiko), Thomas Mertens, held against it. As long as there is not enough vaccine, people at high risk for serious illnesses have to be vaccinated first, he said on Deutschlandfunk.

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