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‘Corona patient recovered at home also has serious complaints’

“More than six in ten even have trouble walking,” director Michael Rutgers told AD. “We are really shocked by this.”

The information comes from a survey of 1,600 people with complaints after corona recovery, carried out by the Longfonds, treatment and knowledge center CIRO and Maastricht University.

Previously in good condition

The ex-patients sometimes still suffer from chest pressure, fatigue, headache or shortness of breath after almost three months. 85 percent of the participants – with an average age of 53 – say they had a good condition before the infection. But 6 percent think that health is now back on track.

91 percent of respondents were not hospitalized. In 43 percent, no diagnosis has been established by a doctor.

‘Shockingly bad’

“The health of corona patients who have gone through corona at home is shockingly bad,” says Rutgers. “Until now, the focus has rightly been on the people who have ended up in the hospital or even on the ICU. But we should not forget this group of corona patients who are at home.”

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