Home » today » Business » Corona pass for clothing or furniture stores? The Chamber doesn’t just see it happening

Corona pass for clothing or furniture stores? The Chamber doesn’t just see it happening

While there are already a lot of doubts in the House about the introduction of 2G in the catering industry, whereby unvaccinated people are temporarily no longer able to enter cafes and restaurants, political parties also have doubts about the wish of the caretaker cabinet to expand the corona pass to, among other things, clothing stores. , hardware stores and zoos.

The desire to expand to these so-called “non-essential” shops and services is subject to many questions and criticism in a debate, Minister De Jonge of Health. This is a change in the law whereby the pass can be requested in more sectors, regardless of whether 2G or 3G will be linked to it.

According to the cabinet, extending the pass can – temporarily – help to open up society. De Jonge thinks that it is not obvious that it concerns 2G. He points out that the House already took the fundamental step for the pass this spring, and that it is now “just an extension”. But parties, including government parties VVD and CDA, think otherwise.

Because what is essential and what is not? According to the cabinet, these are supermarkets, banks, bakeries, pharmacies and postal deliverers.

VVD MP De Vries points out that bookshops and hairdressers can also be seen as a basic necessity of life. And beauty salons too. D66 MP Paternotte wonders how to deal with a mixed store with, for example, a postal point (essential) but also tobacco products and games (non-essential).

De Jonge says that hairdressers can in any case not be labeled as essential, and that mixed stores will have to be looked at more closely.

‘Making yourself crazy’

CDA MP Van den Berg certainly does not see it happening that people have to show their pass “for every message” when they go to the city. “You drive the shopkeeper crazy but also yourself”. And “why introduce this on Ameland if the seat of the fire is in South Rotterdam?”

In any case, the CDA wants to see more alternatives investigated before the party will agree to the pass in stores. If the CDA does not agree at all, SP and PVV ask. Van den Berg says that “the capriciousness of the virus” has shown that she can say “never never”.

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