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Corona pandemic: when will masks be compulsory in Bavaria’s schools?

Pupils in Bavaria currently have to wear masks even in physical education classes. The opposition is now calling for rapid easing for children and young people. But the state government is slowing down.

The corona restrictions are being withdrawn step by step everywhere – but for the time being nothing will change for schoolchildren in Bavaria. They must continue to wear masks in class and take many tests. While in other federal states such as Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt or Schleswig-Holstein the phasing out of the mask requirement in schools has already been decided or is planned, the Bavarian state government is on the brakes. The opposition does not want to accept that.

FDP and Greens are calling for a quick end to the mask requirement in class. Matthias Fischbach, education policy spokesman for the FDP in the state parliament, says: “First of all, the mask requirement in physical education must be dropped. Sport with a mask is simply not reasonable. ”In the next few days you also have to think about whether the students are allowed to take off their mouth and nose protection in class.

There is a far-reaching mask requirement in schools in Bavaria

There is currently a far-reaching mask requirement in Bavaria’s schools. Mouth and nose protection must be worn in the corridors, and the students are not allowed to take off their masks when seated in the classroom. Adults in the tavern, on the other hand, do not have to wear protection at the table. The situation is similar with sport: while adults romp around in fitness studios without a mask, children and young people have to wear a mask in physical education classes.

Fischbach calls it “unfair” that schools have not yet appeared in the Free State’s easing plans: “Again, the impression is emerging that schools are forgotten when the easing is relaxed and come last. This is also how the education expert of the Greens, Gabriele Triebel, sees it: Although the exit from the Corona measures had started in Bavaria, the Söder government “unfortunately once again put children and young people at the back”.

As a first step, the Greens are also calling for the mask requirement to be lifted in indoor physical education classes. After the carnival holidays, social life in the schools should be able to take place again, for example school festivals, theater groups or trips lasting several days. The latter in particular are particularly important for mental health and the feeling of togetherness. Depending on the situation, the gradual lifting of the mask requirement in the square must also be discussed after the carnival holidays. The carnival holidays start next weekend.

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Bavaria’s state government warns against premature easing

However, the state government does not want to relax the rules in schools for the time being. After Minister of Education Michael Piazolo (Free Voters) had already warned last week that the measures would be “early lifted”, Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) is not promising any rapid easing either. When asked when Bavaria plans to abolish the obligation to wear masks in school lessons, Holetschek told our editorial team that safe face-to-face teaching in schools and the protection of the health of the students are particularly important to the state government. There are still a lot of infections in the Free State, especially among children and adolescents. Holetschek links possible easing to a slowdown in the infection process: “Bavaria will adjust the measures step by step as the development of the pandemic makes it necessary and possible.”

There will be at least a little relief for Bavaria’s schoolchildren from Monday: In music lessons, singing and playing wind instruments is now allowed again – with an extended safety distance.

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