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Corona pandemic Sweden: – Corona passport sign:

In Denmark, there is a requirement for a corona pass to visit places such as restaurants and fitness centers.

Doctor and state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell does not want similar demands in Sweden. He says so SVT’s «News».

– This is something we do not want to introduce now. We believe in volunteering. And it is also quite difficult to make these demands, says Tegnell.

The case is mentioned in Expressen.

If you are in Denmark and want to go to a fitness center, amusement park or restaurant, it is required that your corona passport can show that you have had covid-19, been vaccinated or have recently tested negative for the virus.

Tegnell sees several challenges with the solution.

– It’s convoluted. Both practically, ethically and morally, he says.

Thousands died

Ever since the outbreak of the coronavirus at the beginning of 2020, Sweden’s handling of the situation has been controversial.

While the government in Norway has taken a very limiting line, Sweden, led by state epidemiologist Tegnell, has advocated keeping society as normal as possible.

PAUSES: Sweden follows a number of European countries, pausing to vaccinate Astra Zeneca’s corona vaccine. Sweden’s state epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, describes the decision as “another setback”. Video: TT / NTB
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Among others, Sweden’s king, Carl Gustaf, has previously criticized the country’s handling of the pandemic. It was during an interview with SVT in December that the king described the corona handling as “failed”.

The king pointed out in particular the death toll in the country. Recent figures from The Swedish Public Health Agency shows that over 14,000 people have lost their lives to the virus so far.

Concern for young people

In Sweden, the concern about infection among young people is now increasing – SVT’s “Aktuellt” reports that the infection among people between the ages of 13 and 24 is increasing. This worries Tegnell.

– Well, absolutely, we must take all such changes very seriously. At the same time, this is a group we know rarely gets seriously ill, he says.

Tegnell points out that it is difficult to reach young people with the vaccine. He says that there may be a need for information campaigns to get young people to take the vaccine, when the large amounts of vaccines come in.

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