Patients often carry off diseases
As a spokesman for the Asklepios Klinik Stadtroda MDR THÜRINGEN said, the clinical pictures and symptoms of the patients would increase if they avoid hospitals and inpatient admission. Increasingly older people with dementia are affected. As Professor Dr. Fritz Handerer, Medical Director of the Ecumenical Hainich Clinic in Mühlhausen, said there was a strong demand, especially in the area of addictions, because rehabilitation and therapy offers had ceased.
The situation in the clinics is tense
The situation in the clinics is tense to varying degrees. Due to the Thuringian hygiene requirements, the hospitals in Bad Salzungen, Mühlhausen and the Jena University Clinic are not fully utilized because beds have to be kept free for the care of corona patients. Nevertheless, the remaining wards are extremely busy, for example in the Thuringia clinics in Saalfeld. As in other clinics, only emergency and acute patients can be admitted there. Long-planned psychotherapeutic treatments have been canceled.
Isolation wards for mentally ill corona patients
In some clinics, such as the Jena University Clinic, in Saalfeld and Hildburghausen, isolation wards have been set up for corona-positive patients who need psychological help. The spokesman for the clinic in Stadtroda complained that the treatment of mentally ill corona patients was not given sufficient consideration by politicians.
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