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Corona: Palmer with violent statements on fatalities – colleagues horrified – “inhumane”

In Germany, a discussion about the relaxation of the corona measures has flared up. Boris Palmer now spoke with drastic words.

  • Germany continues to discuss vigorously corona* Loosening.
  • Mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer now resorted to drastic words.
  • He wants an early exit from the restrictions.
  • Here are the basic ones Corona virus facts *. You can also see the current number of cases in Germany as map *. The most important thing about the topic is also on our brand new Facebook page Corona News.

Corona measures: Palmer colleagues rage after statements

Update from April 29, 9.42 a.m .:The criticism of the words of the Mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer is not long in coming. On Sat.1 breakfast television, Palmer had asked for the corona requirements to be relaxed and chosen drastic words: “I’ll tell you very brutally: in Germany we may save people who would be dead in six months anyway,” he said. There must be different security measures for young and old.

Palmer had exposed himself as “inhumane”, judged Jan Korte, First Parliamentary Managing Director of the Left Group in the Bundestag.

Criticism also came from Palmer’s own party – Stuttgart Mayor Fritz Kuhn described Palmer’s position on Twitter as “social Darwinist”. And there was also a clear announcement from the top: The chairwoman of the Greens Group in the Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, said the Funke media group: “Our constitution is clear: Human dignity also means that everyone’s health is protected. No matter how old we are. “

The Green politician stirs up fears of millions of old people, said Eugen Brysch from the German Patient Protection Foundation. Palmer must also accept criticism from his own party.

In response to the criticism, Palmer still hadreacted on Tuesday evening: “I have pointed out that the method of our protection causes such severe economic damage that because of it many children die have to. I do not want to accept that and I call for better protection for our risk groups without these side effects. “

Grünen-Kreisverband Tübingen distances itself from statements by Palmers

Update from April 28, 10:45 p.m .: The greenDistrict association Tübingen has distanced itself from statements by the Mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer about the protection of older people in the corona crisis. “We urge Boris Palmer to rethink his stance”said the party’s county executive committee on Tuesday evening. Human dignity is inviolable. This applies to people of all ages.

Palmer apologizes for comments

Update from April 28, 7:25 p.m .: In the face of violent outrage over statements about dealing with corona patients, the Mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer has opted for his Choice of words sorry. “I would never deny older or sick people the right to live,” the Greens politician told Tuesday evening to the German Press Agency. If he is “Expressed misleadingly or briskly”, he is sorry.

Palmer shocked with Corona statement: politicians tried to classify statements

Update from April 28, 4:59 p.m .: Boris Palmer has received a lot of criticism with his drastic statement about the consequences of the corona measures (see first report below). Now the Green politician and Mayor of Tübingen reacted again via Facebook and tried to classify his statements. “It has nothing to do with euthanasia and all the Nazi comparisons,” said Palmer. The shutdown drives the economy into the “abyss” and, according to the WHO, could cost the lives of many children in poorer countries, said Palmer.

Palmer shocked with Corona statement: “Save people who would be dead in six months anyway”

First report from April 28th:

Tübingen – Still raging in Germany the discussion about possible Loosening of the corona measures*. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder is driving a cautious course. North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet, on the other hand, is more on the side of those who want to relax. He is currently helping with an appearance Anne Will in criticism.*

Palmer shocked with Corona statement: “I’ll tell you very brutally”

Laschet’s opinion that one should get out of the current restrictions due to the Corona crisis sooner rather than later also shares Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer. He once again expressed himself with drastic words: “I’ll tell you very brutally: We may save people in Germany who would be dead in six months anyway ”, said the Green politician on Tuesday on Sat.1 breakfast television. Palmer called for different security measures for young and old. Chancellor Angela Merkel had already ruled that out before Easter.

According to Palmer, the majority of those on one corona-Infection to people with previous illnesses who would not have had to live long anyway. In his opinion, the economic consequences of the lockdown are more serious and could cost the lives of children at risk of poverty.

Director of the Institute for Epidemiology disagrees with Palmer

By contrast, the director of the Institute for Epidemiology and Medical Biometry at the University of Ulm, Dietrich Rothenbacher, emphasized in the program that it severe courses even in younger adults a Covid 19 disease. According to a study China 8.1 percent died in a patient group of 35 to 58 year olds. “The danger of an illness can not only be determined by the number of absolute deaths, but in fact the number of years of life lost should be named,” said Rothenbacher. These figures are not yet available for Covid-19.

EU is slowly venturing to loosen corona

Not only in Germany, but also in the USA and throughout Europe, a discussion about easing the sometimes rigorous corona measures has flared up. There are also some initial easing, as in Austria*.

Switzerland, the Czech Republic and other European countries will ease their conditions in the coronavirus crisis starting Monday. In Switzerland, among other things, DIY superstores and garden centers as well as hairdressers reopen at the beginning of the week. The Czech Republic once again brings business travelers from the EU into the country. However, you can only stay there for 72 hours and have to show a negative corona test.

Small shops, museums and libraries open in Croatia at the beginning of the week. In Norway, classes at primary schools start again. The reason is falling infection numbers in the countries. With more than 122,000 deaths, Europe remains the continent most affected by the pandemic.

rjs / dpa

* merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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