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Corona outbreak at Frisian primary school: 14 children and 3 teachers tested positive | Inland

When asked, GGD Friesland informs that at one primary school in the municipality of Dantumadiel, fourteen students and three teachers have so far tested positive for the corona virus. There was a big test round on Wednesday, another round will follow on Monday. “Because of the incubation period, you have to test several times,” GGD spokesperson Jan Arendz told the Leeuwarder Courant.

For privacy reasons, the GGD does not want to say which school is involved. No one could be reached at De Sprankeling for an explanation on Friday afternoon.

De Sprankeling is housed in Campus Damwâld with two other primary schools; According to the explanation of the GGD, those other schools would not have corona clusters. There are currently three schools in Friesland with a cluster of at least three infections, the GGD reports.

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