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Corona: Office wants parents to take their children away from quarantine violations – domestic policy

Great excitement about a quarantine order!

Parents fear that offices will want to take their children away from them if they are suspected of corona.

The trigger is a letter from the Ludwigslust-Parchim district (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), which was first reported by the “Schweriner Volkszeitung”. After a corona case, 205 students in Ludwigslust were sent to quarantine at home. Shortly afterwards, the parents received an “order for domestic segregation”.

It says: The children should “if possible keep a temporal and spatial separation from the other household members” – that is, they should remain alone. A horrified mother in the “Schweriner Volkszeitung”: “Nobody can force me to keep two meters away from my child.”

The hammer then at the end of the letter. There the district threatens: “If you should not comply with the orders pertaining to your segregation, the segregation has to take place by means of accommodation in a suitable locked facility.”

So can children under suspicion of Corona be torn from their families? If in doubt: yes!

► Andreas Bonin, press spokesman for the Ludwigslust-Parchim district, on BILD: “The Federal Infection Protection Act allows theoretical leeway to separate children from their parents as soon as the instructions are not followed. We haven’t had a reason for it yet. “

The Mecklenburg Bundestag member Eckhardt Rehberg (66, CDU) on BILD: “In such a situation, coming to parents with such a threatening letter shows a lack of sensitivity. Kasernenton, where empathy is needed. “

The Kinderschutzbund Mecklenburg-Vorpommern criticizes: “It cannot be that the child’s well-being has to recede to this extent in favor of infection protection.”

Confusing: In other federal states, such arrangements are interpreted differently. In a similar case, when asked by BILD, the district of Karlsruhe said: “Separation of the child from the parents is not at all considered here!” Children would only be accommodated with at least one parent, never alone.

Only: what is true now?

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