Home » today » Health » Corona numbers Germany today: Incidence, hospitalization rate and new infections according to RKI on January 6th, 2022

Corona numbers Germany today: Incidence, hospitalization rate and new infections according to RKI on January 6th, 2022

Even today, the RKI has recorded a surge in the number of corona cases in Germany. The incidence is currently increasing every day. In addition, the Omicron variant in the country. This also affects the corona rules. Because despite the tough measures over Christmas and New Year’s are those Case numbers not decreased sufficiently. Tomorrow, January 7th, the next Prime Minister’s Conference will therefore take place. How will the situation in the Corona-pandemic Develop in 2022?-

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports today, on Thursday, January 6th, 2022, the current case numbers again. In this article we answer the following questions, among others:

  • How high are the current ones Incidence values of the federal states in comparison?
  • How many New infections is there?
  • how high is the Hospitalisierungsrate?
  • Vaccination quota and booster – what about the vaccination against the coronavirus?
  • How much are the latest Corona numbers today, Thursday, January 6th, 2022 RKI Dashboard?

Corona numbers today in Germany: New infections and incidence on January 6th, 2022

How high is the nationwide seven-day incidence compared to the previous day and the previous week? The corona numbers of the Robert Koch Institute in Germany today, on Thursday, January 6th, 2022:

  • Seven-day incidence: 285.9 (previous day: 258.6); (Previous week: 207.1)
  • New infections today: 64,340
  • Total infections: 7,361,660
  • New deaths: 443
  • Total deaths: 113,368
  • Vaccination rate (first vaccination): 74.2 percent
  • Vaccination rate (complete): 71.2 percent
  • Vaccination rate booster vaccinations: 38.9 percent
  • Hospitalisierungsrate: The number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was included in the latest report from Monday, January 3rd, 22, for all of Germany 3,07 specified.
  • The previous high of the hospitalization rate had been around 15 around Christmas 2020.

Incidence map with hotspots – corona infections in counties

All current Incidence values from today (Thursday, January 6th, 2022) on one interactive map of Germany. The situation in the individual counties is often decisive for the corona rules. The overview:

Current Corona numbers Germany: The incidences of the individual federal states

A look at the corona numbers of the individual Germans Federal states: Where is the Incidence current highest and lowest where? (As of: 01/06/2022)

  • 5713,7 – Bremen
  • 435,9 – Brandenburg
  • 416,9 – Berlin
  • 409,8 – Hamburg
  • 405.5 – Schleswig-Holstein
  • 377.0 – Thuringia
  • 352.1 – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  • 315.3 – Saxony
  • 279.4 – Saxony-Anhalt
  • 281,9 – Hessen
  • 274,4 – Saarland
  • 269,5 – Baden-Wuerttemberg
  • 262.7 – North Rhine-Westphalia
  • 234,7 – Bayern
  • 223.4 – Rhineland-Palatinate
  • 214.8 – Lower Saxony

During the holidays and at the turn of the year, when interpreting the number of cases, it should be noted that there was less test and reporting activity. The data shown in the dashboard and management report are probably only an incomplete picture of the epidemiological situation in Germany.

MPK tomorrow: Prime ministers meet for the Corona summit

Tomorrow, on January 7th, 2022, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz will meet with the country leaders to participate in the Prime Minister’s Conference to decide on new measures. At tomorrow’s Corona summit, among other things, shortening the quarantine and isolation time will be the topic. What is in the draft resolution? Here is an overview of the demands Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has, which corona rules the ministers want to adopt:-

New infections and incidence values ​​yesterday and a week ago

Yesterday the RKI reported 58,912 new infections within 24 hours. A week ago, on Thursday, December 30th, 21, there were 42,770 new infections. She had several weeks Incidence In Germany, the 400 mark was clearly exceeded in the fourth wave and new highs were formed each time. The highest seven-day incidence up to the fourth wave in 2021 had occurred in Germany in spring on April 26 – with a value of 169.3. After that, with a few exceptions, it had fallen steadily for the time being. It bottomed out on July 6th. The incidence was 4.9.-

The incidence has so far been the basis for many corona restrictions in the pandemic, for example as part of the federal emergency brake that expired at the end of June. In the future, other values ​​such as Hospital admissions or hospitalization index more considered.

Corona numbers in Europe – Current infections in Austria, France, Poland & Co.

In Germany, the corona numbers have been at a slightly lower level for days. But what is the situation in other European countries and in Neighbore states Federal Republic. The following are the new infections and current incidence in selected European countries – as of January 6, 2022:

  • Austria: 5,496 new infections; Incidence: 285.4
  • Italy: 170,837 new infections; Incidence: 1342.7
  • France: 271,746 new infections; Incidence: 1870.2
  • Poland: 11,667 new infections; Incidence: 213.8
  • Czech Republic: 9,383 new infections; Incidence: 3359.0
  • Netherlands: 18,913 new infections; Incidence: 664.1
  • UK: 221,222 new infections; Incidence: 1862.1

Explanation of the most important corona terms – what does hospitalization, triage & Co. mean?

Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, there have always been new ones Terms and Key figures. Some of them have – like incidence or hotspot – have become established. Nevertheless, their Meaning and definition changed depending on the Corona situation. There are also always new terms added. For example: hospitalization incidence, triage or the 2G + rule. The explanation of the most important key figures and terms in the corona pandemic here in the overview.-

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