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Corona: Numbers for Rosenheim, Mühldorf, Chiemgau, Bavaria, Germany

  • fromMoritz Kircher


The region is in the middle of the second coronavirus wave. We compile up-to-date case numbers for you for the Rosenheim and Mühldorf region, for the Chiemgau as well as for Bavaria and Germany. With the 7 day incidences.

+++ Further information on the subject of coronavirus in the Rosenheim, Mühldorf and Traunstein region can be found on our coronavirus topic page. +++

City and district of Rosenheim

The first corona case in the city and district of Rosenheim became known on February 29. The first corona death had to County on March 20 to register. The lockdown followed an almost uncontrolled increase. Since the end of August Rosenheim as a corona hotspot in the headlines again and again. Since the middle of October, the number of infections has been rising again across Germany. The Rosenheim region has also been in focus again since then.

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Corona situation in the Rosenheim region: the number of cases is increasing unchecked

Something like one negative turnaround in corona infections indicated the management report of the Rosenheim health department for the first time on July 31. The number of new infections with the coronavirus recorded within a week was higher than it has been since mid-May. And the warnings of a second wave from autumn seem to be coming true.

At community level, the number of cases is distributed as follows:

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The district of Mühldorf

While the corona virus had already spread massively in the surrounding counties, that was Mühldorf district spared for a relatively long time remained. It was not until March 17 that the health department in the Mühldorf district confirmed the first two COVID-19 sufferers. This was followed by a moderate increase in April. Only a few new infections with the coronavirus have been registered since May.

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At the end of June, the Mühldorf district even reported “Coronavirus free”. There were no more new infections. And all reported sick people had recovered. That lasted for a while. But also in Mühldorf district has been sporadic new coronavirus cases since mid-July on. However, for a long time the development was much more moderate than in neighboring Rosenheim. But then came a massive outbreak in the Ampfing putsch slaughterhouse, which also catapulted the Mühldorf district over the threshold of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days for the first time.

At community level, the number of cases is distributed as follows:

The district of Traunstein

While the Traunstein district reported relatively low case numbers for a long time, infections with the increased here too Coronavirus in leaps and bounds from the end of March. After a continuous increase in the number of cases in April, the curve of new infections has flattened noticeably since the beginning of May.

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By the end of July, the number of cases in the Traunstein district had leveled off. The virus has not completely disappeared there. New individual cases keep appearing. “It’s all a very low level,” said District Administrator Siegfried Walch in his briefing on July 23. But he warns: “With all the stability, Corona is not over.”

Like all districts in Bavaria, the Traunstein district now has one Test center in which people can be tested for the corona virus free of charge.

The corona virus in Bavaria

Bavaria is one of the the federal states most affected by the coronavirus. In order to contain the spread, the Bavarian state government put far-reaching exit restrictions in force when the pandemic broke out, which were gradually relaxed again until July.

The incidence figures for Bavaria

Which does ______________ mean Incidence? In the case of Corona, the number shows how many people become infected with the virus in a defined period of time. The stipulation in Germany was initially since the end of the strict lockdown in early May: Kicking in an independent city or district within a week more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants then measures must be taken again locally to contain the outbreak.

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After the infection numbers in Bavaria nationwide under 50 per week and 100,000 residents have fallen, the state government also lowered the value at which the alarm sounds in mid-May. Now it is 35. Then a report must be made to the state government. From 50, cities and districts must be independent Containment measures Coronaviruses seize. On October 14 and 15, these were specified for the federal government and Bavaria, and some were tightened.

Follow the development in the regions in the Free State on our map of Bavaria:

The coronavirus in Germany

Shortly after the March Exit restrictions in Bavaria come into force were, The other federal states followed suit. All over Germany, gatherings of people in public were banned by more than 2 people. The only exception was for people who already lived in a community. Gradually, the strict restrictions were relaxed again as the number of cases fell.

The second wave, which many had warned about, came with full force in October. The consequence: From November 2nd, a new lockdown applies to the Federal Republic for one month.

The federal government provides one Overview of the applicable general decrees of the federal states together.

Throughout Germany At the end of October there are only a few regions that are not strong Increase in infections record.

To classify the corona case numbers

The numbers listed above for the Corona infections in Germany come from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (USA). The US university gets its figures from various public sources. It is therefore considered the most reliable available source for numbers of corona infections worldwide at the state level.

Also the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) collects and publishes Numbers on corona infections in Germany. These are usually slightly lower than the numbers at Johns Hopkins University. This is because the RKI only uses the numbers reported by the health authorities in Germany for its publication. For our statistics on the number of cases in Bavaria, we use the information from the RKI.

This is how the coronavirus can be contained

According to the Robert Koch Institute, it is stuck every coronavirus infected person on average around 3 other people in the course of their illness if no countermeasures are taken.

So in order to stop the spread in the long term, measures would have to be taken that the Number of new infections below the value of 1 brings. From a statistical point of view, more than two out of three average infections must not take place, so that the spread of the Sars-CoV2 pathogen decreases.

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