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Corona numbers are rising: Mandatory mask requirement back in discussion

09.09.2024, 00:06

Düsseldorf. Corona numbers are rising again. Clinics and homes could soon require mask rules again.

“In practices, clinics and care facilities, there may be mask rules at the discretion of the facilities on site,” a spokesman for the NRW Ministry of Health told the “Rheinische Post” (Monday) when asked. “In accordance with their house rules, they can impose an obligation to wear masks if necessary. Likewise, anyone can wear a mask voluntarily.” The spokesman also emphasized, however: “There is currently no obligation to wear a mask in North Rhine-Westphalia.”

“The summer weather has not been able to prevent us from having higher infection rates than at the same time last year. Now is the right time to protect yourself with a corona vaccination,” says Thomas Preis, head of the North Rhine Pharmacists’ Association, to the same editorial team. “People over 60 in particular should act now and get vaccinated. In practices and pharmacies, the demand for vaccinations with the new vaccines adapted to the JN.1 variant is already very high.” From October 1, there will be another JN.1 vaccine in addition to the vaccine from Biontech, the one from Moderna.

Meanwhile, the Robert Koch Institute announced in its current report: “ARE activity has been at a higher level in recent weeks than usual at this time of year. ARE activity continues to be mainly determined by rhinoviruses and SARS-CoV-2.” ARE stands for acute respiratory disease.

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