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Corona numbers: Almost 1000 new people infected in Germany within 24 hours

Dhe number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany rose by almost 1000 within a day, as data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases show on Tuesday morning. During the course of Monday, more were 933 Infected reported. The total number rose 170.508. The death toll increases by 116 within 24 hours 7533. The number of people recovered was 147,200, 1,600 more than the previous day.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the virus infection rate in Germany is still above the critical value of 1. The RKI reports in its current management report that the reproduction rate (R) is currently estimated at 1.07. Statistically, each infected person infects more than one other person, and the number of cases would increase again. RKI boss Lothar Wieler has repeatedly said that a rate below 1.0 is very important.

It was 1.13 on Sunday and 1.10 on Saturday. On Friday, on the other hand, the RKI had estimated the number at 0.83 and thus lower than the critical value. Most recently, however, it was said that the increase in the number does not yet allow any further conclusions to be drawn about the infection process in Germany. “It is still not possible to assess whether the trend of new infections, which has been falling over the past few weeks, has continued or whether the number of cases has risen again,” wrote the institute on Sunday.

The RKI points to statistical fluctuations that would be exacerbated by the overall lower numbers. The institute always specifies a range of fluctuation for the value. The increase in value made it necessary to “observe the development very carefully over the next few days,” it said.

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Basically, the reproduction number (R) is one of the central values ​​for assessing the course of an infection wave. It shows how many people are infected on average in a certain period of time. The lower R is, the better. If R is less than 1, an infected person infects less than another person on average – and the epidemic ends. If R is above 1, an infected person infects more than another person on average – the number of new infections every day increases. At the beginning of March, the key figure was three.

Several counties are currently of particular concern: Greiz in Thuringia, which reported 54 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days, according to the RKI. The circle too Sonneberg in Thuringia reported a border crossing. 53.1 infections per 100,000 inhabitants were last recorded there. The circle is affected even worse Coesfeld in North Rhine-Westphalia with a proportion of 103 new infections reported. The virus is currently rampant in a meat factory in Coesfeld.

According to the statistics of the federal states, particularly high numbers of registered infections Bavaria with more than 44,593 proven cases and at least 2182 Kill, North Rhine-Westphalia with more than 35,333 Cases and at least 1456Dead as well Baden-Wuerttemberg with more than 33,359 confirmed cases and at least 1568 Kill. The time when a new daily status is reported varies from state to state.

The RKI takes into account the electronically transmitted figures from the federal states and updates its list once a day.

Wuhan reports new cases

According to US scientists, since the beginning of the corona pandemic worldwide already 4,177,584 Infections with the novel virus have been detected. This emerged Tuesday morning from data from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (JHU). Accordingly died 286.330 People after coronavirus infection. Worldwide, the number of new deaths has increased three days in a row. Europe is still the most affected continent.

China reported 17 new infections on Monday. This is the highest increase since April 28th. According to the Health Commission, seven of the cases officially reported in Inner Mongolia are imported. Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak in China, confirms five new locally transmitted COVID-19 diseases, the highest since March 11. All come from the same residential complex in the city. The total number of infected is now, according to government information 82,918 and the death toll remains unchanged 4633.

In Great Britain are according to Johns Hopkins University 32.141 People allegedly died from the coronavirus-induced lung disease Covid-19 – more than anywhere else in Europe. Overall, so far in the country 224,332 Infections counted.

According to Health Minister Matt Hancock, the virus infection rate is now below the critical value of 1.0. It is in the middle range of 0.5 to 0.9.

The number of coronavirus deaths reported daily in Spain has fallen to its lowest level in seven weeks. The Ministry of Health reports 123 new deaths. Overall, are therefore demonstrable 26,744 People died in Spain as a result of infection with the novel virus. The number of confirmed infections rose by 3046 within 24 hours 227,436.

The number of new virus deaths in Italy continues to sink. Lastly, there were 165 new cases, after 194 the day before, reports the civil defense on Sunday. The number of new infections drops to 802 after 1083. According to Johns Hopkins University, the number of deaths is thus a total 30,739 and those of those who tested positive for Covid-19i 219.814. However, experts repeatedly point out that the number of unreported cases is far higher. Death statistics also indicate that there are significantly more deaths. Italy is the country with the most fatalities in Europe after the UK crisis.

With 70 corona dead within 24 hours France the lowest daily death rate since the beginning of strict exit restrictions. Overall, according to the Johns Hopkins University numbers since the epidemic started 26,646 People in hospitals and nursing homes died, the Ministry of Health said on Sunday. The last time the value was lower was on March 17 with 27 deaths – during this day the exit restrictions began in France. At that time, however, the dead in old people’s homes were not counted. 177,547 People tested positive.

Russia reports a new high with 11,656 new infections. This increased the number of proven infections 221.344. Infections in Russia have increased by more than 10,000 for days. The authorities attribute this to an increased test program. The number of deaths rose by 94 within 24 hours 2009.

Over 80,000 dead in the U.S.

In the United States is the number of deaths related to the corona virus according to the JHU statistics 80,682. There is now a shortage in the country 1.35 million confirmed infections – more than in the countries most severely affected thereafter, Spain, Russia, Italy, Great Britain, Italy, France and Germany combined.

A forecast model from the University of Washington, often used by the White House, had doubled its prediction for the number of deaths in the US on Monday to more than 134,000 by August 4. The adjustment is linked to increasing mobility after the curfew in 31 states expected to be eased in mid-May, the institute said.

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