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Corona-News-Ticker: There is no test obligation in MV in some areas | NDR.de – news

As of: 25.06.2021 7:54 a.m.

In the live ticker, NDR.de will inform you today – on Friday, June 25, 2021 – about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. You can see what happened yesterday in the Thursday’s blog read up.

The essentials in brief:

  • Further relaxations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania come into force
  • Additional corona aid for local transport decided
  • RKI registers 774 new infections nationwide – the incidence is 6.2
  • Reported new infections in the north: 43 in Lower Saxony, 12 in Schleswig-Holstein

Tables and graphics: This is how the vaccination campaign is going in the north
Map: New infections in the northern German districts

07:54 am

Shorten vaccination intervals because of the delta variant? – Vaccination committee checks

To protect against the more contagious Delta variant, it seems to be particularly important to also have a second vaccination. Should people who have been vaccinated for the first time be given the second dose earlier than previously recommended? The question is not trivial, said Thomas Mertens, the head of the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko), the German Press Agency. There are pros and cons arguments, said the Ulm virologist. “We are currently trying to create the necessary evidence.” So far, the Stiko recommends longer intervals between the two vaccinations than would be possible according to the approval of the respective vaccines. There are reasons for this: At AstraZeneca, for example, the effectiveness increases with a longer distance. In addition, the shortage of vaccines spoke in favor of providing as many people as possible with the first vaccination.

07:29 am

Incidence value in Lower Saxony drops to 3.7

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has reported 43 new infections with the coronavirus confirmed by laboratory diagnostics in Lower Saxony (previous day: 48; previous week: 83). The seven-day incidence falls to 3.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants on a national average (previous day: 4.0; previous week: 5.8). According to the RKI, there were four more deaths in connection with a Covid-19 disease nationwide within one day.

07:00 a.m.

End of entry restrictions for vaccinated people from most third countries

As of today, the entry restrictions for people with full corona vaccination protection from most non-EU countries will no longer apply. Both visiting trips and tourist entries are again possible for them without restrictions. A complete vaccination with one of the vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is required. An expansion to other vaccines is planned according to the federal government. However, travelers from so-called virus variant areas are exempt from the easing. Entries into Germany that are not absolutely necessary, for example from Great Britain, Brazil and India, are therefore still not allowed even for those who have been completely vaccinated.

06:48 am

Great Britain does not give the green light to travelers from Germany

Despite the low number of cases, travelers from Germany in Great Britain still have to go into quarantine. That comes from the update of the British government’s Corona travel list. The Federal Republic therefore remains on the yellow list in the British traffic light system, for which a ten-day quarantine and two corona tests are required. Football fans from Germany no longer have a chance to watch the European Championship round of 16 between Germany and England next Tuesday in London’s Wembley Stadium. Unless you are already in the UK.

06:35 am

Additional corona aid for local transport decided

Due to a lack of passengers in the Corona crisis, there is another state financial injection for buses and trains. The Bundestag decided early on Friday morning to give public transport another billion euros. Last year, the federal government provided an additional 2.5 billion euros for local transport – in addition to the annual regionalization funds, which this year will increase to almost 9.3 billion euros anyway. The states that still have to approve the law in the Bundesrat should provide financial aid in the same amount as the federal government.

The parliament also extended the regulation according to which the parliament already has a quorum with more than a quarter of its members. Normally, half of the MPs have to be present for this – but because of the pandemic-related contact restrictions, the Bundestag lowered this mark in the spring of last year and has since extended the special regulation several times.

6:25 am

Travel restrictions are also possible without a pandemic

Corona-related entry restrictions can continue to apply, even if the national pandemic expires. The Bundestag decided on a corresponding change to the Infection Protection Act on Thursday evening. On March 25, 2020, the MPs identified an “epidemic situation” for the first time and last extended it until the end of September at the latest. It gives the federal government the right to issue ordinances directly without the consent of the Federal Council – for example on tests, vaccinations, occupational safety or entry. The regulation that has now been adopted, however, is only about entry restrictions, which should still be able to apply without this legal basis – even if only for a maximum of one year after the situation has been lifted. With AfD, FDP and left, however, this met with rejection. Such a massive restriction of fundamental rights is unacceptable if there is no longer an epidemic situation. The fact that this regulation was appended to a reform of foundation law at short notice so that the amendment of the Infection Protection Act could be brought by the Bundestag in the last week of the session also caused outrage. The opposition factions criticized this as a disregard for parliament.

6:10 am

RKI registers 774 new infections nationwide – the incidence is 6.2

The health authorities in Germany reported 774 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. A week ago the value was 1,076 infections. The RKI gave the seven-day incidence nationwide as 6.2 (previous day: 6.6; previous week: 10.3). According to the information, 62 new deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 91 dead. The number of people who died with or with a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2 is now given as 90,678. The RKI gave the seven-day R-value on Thursday evening as 0.75 (previous day: 0.72). This means that 100 infected people theoretically infect 75 more people.

05:55 am

There is no test obligation in MV in some areas – open discos

Today further corona easing comes into force in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Negative tests are no longer necessary for indoor restaurants, museums, cinemas or fitness studios. A test no longer has to be presented to the hairdresser, cosmetic studio or tattoo studio. However, there is still a mandatory test for tourists arriving in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – only not if someone has been completely vaccinated for at least 14 days or has recovered from Covid disease. In addition, clubs and discos in MV are allowed to reopen from today – guests must, however, be tested for Corona before visiting.

video embedded ">

VIDEO: Green light for party operations – with tests (3 min)

05:52 am

Twelve new infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, the number of newly reported corona infections has continued to decline. The state registration office registered twelve new infections – the day before it was 21, on the Friday a week ago 24. The seven-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitants in Schleswig-Holstein fell to 3.6 – a week ago it was 5.5. After five days, on which no further death in connection with a corona infection in SH was known, there was now another case, according to data from the state registration office.

05:50 am

Vaccination start for seafarers in Hamburg

Today, on International Sailor Day, sailors will be vaccinated against the corona virus for the first time in the evangelical Hamburg sailors’ club “Duckdalben”. The action is the start of a vaccination campaign in the port of Hamburg for other seafarers regardless of their nationality, as the Senate announced. Under the motto #ShoutOutForSeafarers, the ship’s horns would sound at 12 noon on the Elbe, as in many other port cities on all continents. According to the Senate, Hamburg is the first German port city to regularly offer corona vaccinations for seafarers in the future.

05:46 am

Corona heroes wanted: join us!

The NDR would like to say thank you to people who have done something special in the corona pandemic. We are looking for the caring neighbor who supported a family in quarantine at home, the teacher who inspired her students even at a distance, caregivers, pizza delivery people, supermarket employees – people who helped others to get through the crisis. You should receive special tickets for a concert by the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra, the NDR Radiophilharmonie, the NDR Choir or the NDR Big Band. Would you like to propose someone? All information at NDR.de/coronaheldinnen.

05:43 am

Service: Determine the incidence value for your place of residence

The seven-day incidence of new corona infections in the north has recently fallen steadily. If you want to know what the incidence is in your city or county, just type in your zip code here:

05:40 am

NDR.de Corona live ticker starts on Friday

Good Morning! NDR.de will keep you up to date today about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic in northern Germany. In the ticker you will find all the important news and also content from the NDR radio and television programs.

FAQ, podcast and background

The virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and the virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

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The coronavirus blogs for reading

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