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Corona News Ticker: SH and MV pioneers in elementary school openings | NDR.de – news

Status: 02/11/2021 06:55 a.m.

In the live ticker, NDR.de will inform you today – on Thursday, February 11, 2021 – about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. The news from yesterday you can read about it in the blog.

The essentials in brief:

  • Lockdown extended until March 7th: The resolutions of the federal and state governments
  • SH and MV want to open primary schools and daycare centers from February 22nd
  • Lower Saxony: Minister of Education Tonne provides Agenda for schools and daycare centers
  • Special session of the state parliament in Schwerin
  • 335 new corona cases confirmed in Schleswig-Holstein

Overview: Tables, maps and graphics on Corona in the north
Background: This is how different numbers of cases come about

06:55 am

Less traffic jams in the north in 2020: the corona effect

A lot of home office, little holiday traffic: the Corona crisis led to a decrease in traffic on northern German motorways last year. This emerges from the ADAC’s traffic jam balance. In a comparison of the northern states, the minus was greatest in Schleswig-Holstein with 62 percent fewer traffic jams, in Lower Saxony it was almost half less, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania the decrease was a third. Hamburg recorded only 15 percent less. The ADAC declaration: “Many commuters have switched from local public transport to cars and truck traffic has not decreased as much.”

Further information

Traffic jammed less on the motorways in the north last year. For Hamburg, however, it was not a great relief. more

06:14 am

Nationwide 10,237 new infections, 666 new deaths

The health authorities in Germany reported 10,237 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. In addition, 666 other people died in connection with a Sars-CoV-2 infection, as the RKI announced. Subsequent changes or additions to the RKI are possible. A week ago today, the RKI had recorded 14,211 new infections and 786 new deaths. The nationwide seven-day incidence fell from 68.0 the previous day to 64.2 new cases per 100,000 population. The RKI gave the seven-day R-value as of Wednesday evening as 0.82. This means that 100 infected people theoretically infect 82 more people.

6:00 a.m.

Lockdown is extended to March 7th

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the heads of government of the federal states have agreed to extend the corona lockdown until March 7th. Here is an overview of the resolutions:

  • Hairdressers should already be allowed to open on March 1st, subject to strict compliance with hygiene requirements
  • The federal states themselves decide on school and daycare openings
  • Increased rapid tests in schools and daycare centers should bring more security
  • Health ministers should check whether teachers should receive a vaccination offer earlier than previously planned
  • Further opening steps should only take place when there is a seven-day incidence of no more than 35 – under certain conditions, retailers, museums and galleries as well as businesses with body-friendly services should then be able to reopen
  • There is still no perspective for hotels, restaurants and the leisure sector – such as amateur sports
  • The next federal-state consultations on corona protective measures are planned for March 3rd

Further information

The feet of a passerby out of focus in the foreground, behind a closed shop.  © picture alliance / dpa / dpa-Zentralbild Photo: Sebastian Kahnert

The federal and state governments have agreed to extend the lockdown until March 7th. You can find all the results of the Corona summit here. more

05:55 am

335 new corona cases reported in Schleswig-Holstein

The authorities in Schleswig-Holstein registered 335 new corona infections within 24 hours – the previous day there were 307, a week ago 484. The seven-day incidence (new corona cases in one week per 100,000 inhabitants) fell slightly is currently given as 60.2. At 14.3 it is lowest in the Dithmarschen district and highest in Flensburg (113.1).

05:53 am

Schleswig-Holstein and MV open primary schools and daycare centers from February 22nd

From February 22nd, primary school pupils in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will again have regular classes. The daycare centers should then also reopen regularly – provided that the regional infection rate allows this. Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) explained the plans for Schleswig-Holstein late in the evening after the video conference of the federal and state governments

video embedded "> Daniel Günther speaks at a press conference in the state parliament © NDR

VIDEO: Günther explains new corona measures for SH (11 min)

05:52 am

Special session of the state parliament in Schwerin

The state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania meets today in Schwerin for a special session to discuss how to proceed in the corona crisis. In a government statement, Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) wants to inform parliamentarians about the results of yesterday’s Corona summit of the federal and state governments. The state government must implement the joint resolutions in state law. But she had promised to involve the state parliament in each case. The Corona state ordinance should then be adapted to the current situation on Friday. Another corona state summit of the government with representatives of associations and unions as well as medical professionals is planned.

05:51 am

Lower Saxony: Presentation of plan for daycare centers and schools

Lower Saxony’s Minister of Culture, Grant Hendrik Tonne (SPD), wants to present a ten-point plan for further action in schools and daycare centers this afternoon. Among other things, this involves a voluntary corona quick test offer for staff. In addition, information should be provided about school and daycare operations in the coming weeks. The agenda also deals with further developments in distance learning and digitization, measures to strengthen children and young people, to relieve school administrators and to increase infection protection in facilities. NDR.de will broadcast the press conference live from 12.30 p.m.

Further information

Grant Hendrik Tonne (SPD), Lower Saxony Minister of Culture, before the state press conference in the Lower Saxony state parliament.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

Today the Minister of Education gives an outlook on the coming weeks. NDR.de will broadcast live from 12.30 p.m. more

05:50 am

NDR.de-Ticker started on Thursday

Also on Thursday, February 11, 2021, the NDR.de team will keep you up to date on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as content from the NDR radio and television broadcasts.

The reported new infections in the north from Wednesday: 938 in Lower Saxony, 219 in Hamburg, 307 in Schleswig-Holstein, 207 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 98 in the state of Bremen – 8,072 new infections confirmed nationwide.

FAQ, podcast and background

The virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and the virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all episodes broadcast so far for reading and listening to as well as a scientific glossary and much more. more

Researchers in white coats climb a mountain with a syringe on top.

Who researches corona vaccines? How do they work Who will get it first? Who finances the research, who benefits? more

Vaccinated in Northern Germany

How many people in northern Germany have received a corona vaccination so far? Current figures on the vaccination rate. more

Corona numbers for Northern Germany

Automated graphics: How many Covid-19 patients are in intensive care units? The current status of the occupancy. more

Different pictures with

At the end of 2019, a previously unknown lung disease broke out in China. A few weeks later there is the first case in the north. more

A laboratory assistant is sitting at a microscope in a darkened laboratory © Colourbox

The corona pandemic has massively changed everyday life. What else has to be considered? What is being researched? Questions and answers. more

The coronavirus blogs for reading

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