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Corona News Ticker: Schleswig-Holstein reports 113 new infections | NDR.de – news

Status: 02.01.2021 6:32 a.m.

In the live ticker, NDR.de will keep you updated today about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. All information about yesterday’s Friday can be found in Blog.

The essentials in brief:

  • Schleswig-Holstein reports 113 new infections
  • Biontech wants to deliver more vaccine to the EU
  • RKI recorded 12,690 new infections nationwide

Overview: Tables, maps and graphics on Corona in the north
Background: Come on
different case numbers conditions

06:40 am

Lauterbach considers the opening of elementary schools and daycare centers possible from mid-January

According to the SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach, daycare centers and primary schools could reopen from the middle of the month. “I can imagine that it would be epidemiologically justifiable to open daycare centers and elementary schools in the second half of January,” Lauterbach told the Rheinische Post. The prerequisite would be that all other grade levels are divided and that classroom and digital lessons are alternately received, or that face-to-face lessons are completely suspended. If, on the other hand, all schools reopen as they did before the holidays, “we run the risk that we will not even reach the incidence value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week despite lockdowns,” warned the SPD politician.

06:38 am

RKI recorded 12,690 new infections nationwide

In Germany, the number of known coronavirus infections has risen by 12,690, according to data on the website of the Robert Koch Institute. In addition, 336 other deaths were recorded within 24 hours. It is difficult to evaluate the data at the moment because fewer people are likely to be tested during the Christmas holidays and around the turn of the year and not all offices may submit their data. A week ago, on Christmas Day, 14,455 new corona infections and 240 deaths were registered. The high of 1,129 new deaths was reached on Wednesday.

6:10 am

Schleswig-Holstein reports 113 new infections

In Schleswig-Holstein, the number of reported new infections rose by 113. The day before it was 340, a week ago 229. Nine other people died as a result of Covid 19 disease. This brings the total death toll to 436. The seven-day incidence per 100,000 population fell again slightly to 74.2. However, as many tests as usual may not be evaluated and the results reported during the holidays.

06:05 am

What happens when the corona crisis is over?

The Corona crisis has changed the leisure time behavior of many people, of course by necessity. And what happens when the pandemic is over – party total? Futurologist Ulrich Reinhardt doesn’t believe in that.

video embedded ">

VIDEO: How has the corona crisis changed our leisure time behavior? (4 min)

06:03 am

Biontech wants to deliver more vaccine to the EU

The Mainz manufacturer Biontech wants to deliver more corona vaccine than the previously planned 300 million vaccine doses to the European Union. The company is “in advanced discussions as to whether and how we can make more vaccine doses available for Europe this year,” company boss Ugur Sahin told the German press agency. The background to this are complaints about the shortage of vaccines in Germany and other EU countries. “Due to the current high number of infections, a speedy vaccine supply is particularly important,” said Sahin. “We are working with the EU to further expand our production capacities.” So far, only the Biontech vaccine has had European approval.

6:00 a.m.

The NDR.de ticker starts on Saturday

Even today, on Saturday, January 2, 2021, the NDR.de team will keep you up to date on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as content from the NDR radio and television programs.

Am Friday were 1,603 new corona cases registered in Lower Saxony, 340 in Schleswig-Holstein, 196 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 308 in Hamburg and 25 in the state of Bremen.

FAQ, podcast and background

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Corona numbers for Northern Germany

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The coronavirus blogs for reading

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