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Corona News Ticker: Hamburg’s theater and opera open | NDR.de – news

As of: 05/28/2021 8:22 am

In the live ticker, NDR.de will keep you updated today – on Friday, May 28, 2021 – about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. For reading: the Corona blog from Thursday.

The essentials in brief:

  • EMA decides on Biontech approval for children
  • Hamburg’s theaters and concert halls gradually open again
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania opens tourism to locals
  • Hamburg’s Senate decides about further easing
  • Federal and State open vaccination campaign for children from June 7th
  • New infections in the north: 74 cases in Schleswig-Holstein, 424 in Lower Saxony
  • RKI: 7,380 new infections nationwide – incidence falls below 40

Tables and graphics: This is how the vaccination campaign is going in the north
Map: New infections in the northern German districts

8:22 am

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania relaxes contact restrictions

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the contact restrictions will be further relaxed. Family and graduation parties should be possible again – with more guests than before. The state government, together with local representatives, has agreed to further gradually relax the corona protective measures according to the step-by-step plan until August, as Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) explained on Thursday evening. Here is an overview of the easing:

additional Information

From June 1st, further easing will come into force. For example, open outdoor pools for school and club sports; Youth work and cultural events are possible. more

07:49 am

EMA decides on Biontech approval for children

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) today decides whether to approve Biontech / Pfizer’s corona vaccine for people over the age of 12. Then children and adolescents could try to get a vaccination appointment in Germany from June 7th – Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said yesterday after consultations with the federal states. The Standing Vaccination Commission (StiKo) does not want to announce for a week whether it recommends a general vaccination for the age group. The committee had recently made cautious comments. The Association of Education and Upbringing accused the federal government of fueling expectations that could not be met.

07:11 am

424 new infections in Lower Saxony – the incidence is 25.6

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has reported 424 new infections with the coronavirus in Lower Saxony (previous day: 434 / previous week: 708). The seven-day incidence in the national average drops further to 25.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (previous day: 27.9 / previous week: 47.1). According to the RKI, 14 more deaths were registered nationwide within one day. The total number of people who died in connection with the virus in Lower Saxony rises to 5,598. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 257,191 infections with the coronavirus have been detected in Lower Saxony.

06:34 am

RKI: Incidence in Germany falls below 40

The nationwide seven-day incidence of corona infections has fallen further – to 39.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (previous day: 41 / previous week: 67). As the Robert Koch Institute reported, citing the health authorities, 7,380 new infections (previous day: 6,313 / previous week: 8,769) were found. In addition, 192 new deaths (previous week: 226) related to the virus were registered within one day. The seven-day incidence is currently falling steadily. The RKI once again pointed out that there were fewer laboratory tests due to the Whitsun holidays. Therefore, fewer new infections would be reported.

05:59 am

More people willing to vaccinate, but no additional vaccine

From June 7th, children can also apply for a vaccination appointment. That was decided by the federal and state governments at yesterday’s vaccination summit. However, there is no additional vaccine. Nevertheless, all citizens should have received a vaccination offer by the end of the summer. You can see what else the summit brought here:

video embedded "> Thomas Kausch in conversation with Kerstin Dausend and Markus Grill.

VIDEO: Federal and state governments open vaccination campaign for children from June 7th (7 min)

05:51 am

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania opens tourism to locals

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania opens the today Tourism for locals. Foreign second home owners, long-term campers and boat owners are also allowed to return to the country, and a week later holidaymakers from other federal states. From June 11th, private travel and day tourism will be possible again. Originally, June 7th and 14th were planned for the first two opening steps. According to Lars Schwarz, President of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA), the short-term opening perspective presents the industry with a challenge: “Starting up is one thing, the supply chains and getting employees back from short-time work is another. We also get up from today a hotel not fully booked tomorrow. ” You need advance notice for marketing.

05:45 am

Hamburg’s theaters and concert halls are gradually opening

From today on, theaters and concert halls are allowed to reopen in Hamburg under strict Corona conditions. The Hamburg State Opera will start with a double premiere: today opera will start with the premiere of “Agrippina”, tomorrow the ballet “Beethoven Project II” by John Neumeier under the direction of General Music Director Kent Nagano will premiere. The Elbphilharmonie plaza also opens today.

The large concert hall of the Elbphilharmonie and the Laeiszhalle will open on May 31st. The other theaters in Hamburg will also start operating again in the coming days. For example, the theater starts on June 5th. Visitors must either present a negative corona test or a vaccination certificate or proof of recovery. Masks are required in the venues, even during the performance.

additional Information

Today Hamburg’s stages start again. How do you set a heavy theater tanker in motion again at such short notice? more

05:40 am

74 new corona cases reported in Schleswig-Holstein

The seven-day incidence in Schleswig-Holstein has fallen further – to 20.5. The previous day the value was 21.8, a week earlier it was 30.3. Within one day, 74 newly reported corona infections were added in Schleswig-Holstein, a week earlier there were 115. The number of deaths since the start of the pandemic is still 1,586 nationwide. 104 people are in hospital with Covid-19 – that’s six fewer than the day before. 36 corona patients were still being treated in an intensive care unit.

05:35 am

Hamburg Senate decides on further easing

In view of further declining corona numbers, the Hamburg Senate will decide today on further easing. According to the Senate plan, this third opening step should cover the areas of sport, culture, school, university and contact restrictions. There was speculation about an early opening of the indoor catering as well as the hotels and holiday apartments, as is already the case in some of the neighboring federal states. Further openings are to be expected on Tuesday next week at the earliest, as there should be 10 to 14 days between the individual steps, as Senate spokesman Marcel Schweitzer said.

05:30 am

Corona live ticker starts on Friday

Good Morning! The editors of NDR.de will keep you up to date on Friday, May 28, about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news and also content from the NDR radio and television programs.

FAQ, podcast and background

The virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and the virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (Montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all episodes broadcast so far for reading and listening to as well as a scientific glossary and much more. more

Vaccinated in Northern Germany

How many people in northern Germany have received a corona vaccination so far? Current figures on the vaccination rate. more

Corona numbers for Northern Germany

Automated graphics: How many Covid-19 patients are in intensive care units? The current status of the occupancy. more

A compilation of pictures: Christian Drosten, a bottle of Cocid 19 Vaccine, an old woman who is being tested for a corona test.  © picture alliance, colourbox Photo: Michael Kappeler

At the end of 2019, a previously unknown lung disease breaks out in China. A few weeks later there is the first case in the north. more

A laboratory assistant is sitting at a microscope in a darkened laboratory © Colourbox

The corona pandemic has massively changed everyday life. What else has to be considered? What is being researched? Questions and answers. more

The coronavirus blogs for reading

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