Status: 02/16/2023 09:04 a.m
In the Corona News Ticker, is also providing you with up-to-date information today – on Thursday, February 16, 2023 – about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. You can see yesterday’s events in the Ticker from Wednesday read.
The essentials in brief:
- Nursing report: data on corona infections in MV nursing homes
- Women’s carnival for the first time without corona restrictions
- Seven-day incidences of new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the north: 106.7 in Lower Saxony, 58.3 in Schleswig-Holstein, 60.7 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 39.5 in Hamburg and 88.3 in the state of Bremen
- RKI: Nationwide incidence at 102.8 – 20,911 reported new infections
8:32 a.m
Concert promoter CTS Eventim has a record year
The desire of music and sports fans for live events after the Corona pandemic gave the ticket marketer and concert organizer CTS Eventim a record year. Group sales more than quadrupled in 2022 to 1.92 (2021: 0.41) billion euros, as the company announced today in Munich. That is a third more than in the pre-Corona year 2019, the previous record year. The operating result (adjusted Ebitda) rose by 85 percent to 384 million euros and was thus also a third above the level of 2019. CTS Eventim exceeded its own expectations: In November, sales were still 1.7 billion and one Ebitda assumed a good 330 million euros. In 2021, only massive state aid had saved CTS Eventim from a loss due to canceled major events and concerts. Last year, concerts, cultural and sporting events were possible again.
7:19 a.m
Nursing report: Data on corona infections in MV nursing homes expected
The Barmer health insurance company has checked the effectiveness of the corona protection measures in nursing homes in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and is presenting the results today in Schwerin. Nursing home residents have received special attention during the pandemic. Access restrictions, vaccination and the obligation to wear masks should offer protection against infection to seniors who are often at risk due to previous illnesses. Infection rates were recorded among residents and staff in the homes as well as among those in need of care who were not receiving inpatient care. In addition to Barmer country manager Henning Kutzbach, Minister of Health Stefanie Drese will also take part in the presentation of the care report. The SPD politician is considered an advocate of a relatively strict corona course. She also justified the maintenance of the protective measures with the need to protect vulnerable older and sick people in particular. She had therefore also endorsed the controversial and now abolished vaccination requirement for nursing staff.
06:00 a.m
Women’s carnival again without corona restrictions
For the first time in three years, a street carnival without corona restrictions begins today at Weiberfastnacht. In 2020, the carnival took place just before the first far-reaching lockdown measures were taken, but in some cases it had already contributed to the spread of the virus. In the following year 2021, the carnival was completely canceled. In 2022, Weiberfastnacht took place under 2G Plus conditions. These restrictions are now gone.
06:00 a.m
RKI reports 20,911 new infections nationwide
Die Seven-day incidences of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and the reported new infections within one day are given by the RKI as follows for the northern German federal states:
Lower Saxony: 106,7 and 2,134 registered new infections (Wednesday: 97.8/2,200 new infections)
Schleswig-Holstein: 58,3 and 455 new infections (Wednesday: 53.1/1,552 new infections )
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 60,7 and 314 new infections (Wednesday: 54.7/882 new infections)
Hamburg: 39,5 and 233 new infections (Wednesday: 35.3/655 new infections)
Bremen: 88,3 and 68 new infections (Wednesday: 89.1/140 new infections)
Nationwide: 102.8 and 20,911 new infections reported (Wednesday: 97.0/20,502 new infections)
Note on the current numbers: The incidence values probably do not provide a complete picture of the infection situation. Experts assume a high number of cases not recorded by the RKI – mainly because not all infected people have a PCR test done. However, only positive PCR tests are included in the official statistics. In addition, late registrations or transmission problems can lead to a distortion of individual daily values. In general, the number of new infections registered varies significantly from weekday to weekday, since many federal states do not transmit them to the RKI, especially at weekends, and report their cases later in the week.
06:00 a.m
Newsletter Mail: News for the North
Whether it’s Corona or climate change, whether it’s an election poll or a shipyard crisis: with the NDR newsletter you’ll stay up to date. We bundle the most important events of the day from a northern perspective. Politics and current affairs are just as important as the latest in sports, culture and science. The free newsletter is sent by e-mail from Monday to Friday in the afternoon.
Further information
06:00 a.m
Corona live ticker starts on Thursday
The editors of wish you a good morning! Also today – on Thursday, February 16, 2023 – we want to inform you about the effects of Corona in northern Germany with our live ticker. Here you will find all the important news from Monday to Friday (except on public holidays) as well as content from the NDR radio and television programs. You can read what happened yesterday in Wednesday’s blog.
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