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CORONA NEWS: only five patients with corona infection in intensive care Amphia Hospital

The Amphia Hospital (archive photo: Raoul Cartens)

In this live blog we will keep you informed of the latest news about the corona crisis. Both from the province and the most important news beyond.

Profile picture of Peter de Bekker

Written by Peter de Bekker

The main facts at a glance:

  • On Friday, 37 new corona infections were diagnosed in Brabant.
  • Municipalities receive an additional 550 million to support independent entrepreneurs.
  • Read all the news about the coronavirus on our special theme site.

Where the catering industry in Breda, Tilburg and Eindhoven is happy with the actions of the municipality during corona times, the entrepreneurs are not at all in Den Bosch. According to Koninklijke Horeca Nederland in that city, the municipality is invisible. “I feel they don’t know how big the problem is,” said chairman Bernard Kuenen.

De Ruwaard in Oss is one of the 25 nursing homes where from Monday the visiting arrangement – which had become stricter because of the coronavirus outbreak – is gradually relaxed. This care location has been selected by the GGD and RIVM. A nursing home is designated in each safety region.

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Again four people who had been diagnosed with a corona infection were allowed to leave Amphia Hospital in Breda on Friday. Sixteen patients with corona infection are currently being cared for in the Breda hospital. This is four less than Thursday. Five of them are in intensive care. On Thursday, there were eight more. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus in the Netherlands, 97 people have died in Amphia from the consequences of the virus.

In two departments of Budel’s care center Mariënburght, nearly half of the residents died of corona. That reports it ED. At least twelve of the 29 residents in the dementia department die, sources say to the newspaper. In the part of small-scale living – where people with dementia also live – thirteen of the 25 residents die. Probably all corona, although that has never been established with tests.

Virologist Marion Koopmans of Erasmus MC expects the arrival of a second corona wave to our country. How big it is, she says, we control in part our own behavior. She says that in an interview with it AD. The cabinet adviser joins two top experts in Germany, who are warning of a second corona wave, which may be even more powerful than the first.

More than half of the elderly are afraid of contracting the coronavirus. The Red Cross reports this on the basis of an investigation. Also, almost a third of people over 70 say they prefer not to run errands or go outside, because they fear that people will get too close. The aid organization therefore calls for the elderly to continue to be taken into account, even now that the corona measures are being relaxed.

In the night from Friday to Saturday, another plane from Morocco arrived in the Netherlands. It is the third repatriation flight from the North African country. About three hundred passengers were on board. About 2,100 Dutch people are still detained in Morocco. Repatriation has been difficult for a long time, partly because Morocco has severely sealed off the country because of the corona virus.

Nursing homes have attempted to have their staff tested for Covid-19 from the beginning of March, but were refused by laboratories, although they sometimes had sufficient in-house testing capacity.
Even when visits to nursing homes were banned from mid-March and the urgency increased, they still had nowhere to go because laboratories were adhering to the RIVM guidelines. This is evident from research by Investico.

RIVM leader Jaap van Dissel expects that society will encounter coronavirus more often in the future. According to him, you will not lose this virus in the short term in a country like the Netherlands, with so many international contacts, he says in an interview with the NRC.

The export of flowers and plants is severely affected by the corona crisis. In the month of March, when many countries
Due to the virus being largely locked up, exports of flowers, plants, bulbs and nursery stock declined by more than a fifth compared to a year earlier. Especially to Italy, which was hit hard by the virus, far fewer products were transported.

Companies that turn to the government for support because their turnover is lost due to the corona crisis will soon be able to fire people. Dismissal for business economic reasons is still fined in the current package, but that dismissal fine will be canceled.

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