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Corona news: more corona patients in Brabant hospitals, six deaths last 24 hours

In this live blog, we will keep you informed on Sunday of the latest news about the corona crisis in Brabant and beyond.

12.38 – Ombudsman sees more ‘corona-related questions’

The National Ombudsman has seen an increase in the number of questions about cases related to the corona virus. About 2500 to 3000 people have reported ‘corona-related’ questions, ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen reported on Sunday in the TV program Buitenhof. This is ten percent of all things that the ombudsman deals with.

11.06 – Four arrests in Breda park evacuation
Four men were arrested on Saturday evening in the Valkenberg Park in Breda. A lot of people had gathered there and, according to the police, they did not follow the corona regulations. To prevent further spread of the virus, officers called for the park to be left. The four men refused. A 19-year-old resident of Breda has been arrested for sedition. A 49-year-old man without a permanent residence pelted the officers with glass, a 43-year-old from Breda threw a bicycle at the officers and a 24-year-old man was arrested for disturbing public order.

11.04 – ROAZ figures
On Sunday morning, 287 corona patients were admitted to the Brabant hospitals. This is seventeen more than Saturday, ROAZ (the Regional Consultation Acute Care) announced on Sunday morning around eleven. In the past 24 hours, 27 new corona patients were admitted. Seven corona patients have been discharged from the Brabant hospitals in the past 24 hours, one was transferred and six corona patients died in the past 24 hours.

00.22 – US regulator allows Janssen vaccine for use

The American regulator of medicines (FDA) recommends that the corona vaccine of the Leiden pharmaceutical company Janssen be allowed on the American market. The agent can now be used quickly to vaccinate people. The FDA had previously called the drug safe and about 72 percent effective. Janssen can directly deliver four million doses to the US and millions more soon.

23.14 – Half of FVD voters think coronavirus is conspiracy
Half of the people who want to vote for the Forum for Democracy think that the corona virus was deliberately developed to oppress citizens worldwide. About 51 percent believe that corona is a biological weapon manufactured in a laboratory. This emerges from research by Ipsos, commissioned by Nieuwsuur. These views differ considerably from those of the average Dutch person and those of voters on other parties.

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