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Corona news: children are getting fatter, 113 new infections in Brabant

Corona test (Photo: Archive)

In this live blog we will keep you informed of all the news about the corona crisis in Brabant and beyond on Monday.

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  • In Brabant, 113 new corona patients were added, slightly less than Sunday.
  • Children eat more snacks and exercise less: this makes them heavier.
  • Schools buy corona tests from commercial providers because they had to wait a long time at the GGD.
  • Read up on all the news about the coronavirus our theme page.

16.23 New figures from the Netherlands and Brabant
Another 1,300 people in the Netherlands have tested positive for the corona virus. The number of new infections is therefore higher than in recent days. On Sunday, the national government reported 1087 new infections on the so-called corona dashboard. 1231 cases were registered on Saturday.

The number of positive tests rose above a thousand a day last Wednesday for the first time since April.

As far as Brabant is concerned, the figures are actually lower than on Sunday. Central and West Brabant have 41 new infections. 52 new infections can be reported in Southeast Brabant and 20 in the Northeast Brabant region, a total of 113 new corona patients. That’s six less than Sunday.

14.45 Weight gain in children
One in five children in the Netherlands has arrived as a result of the corona crisis. For children who were already overweight, this is even about 40 percent, the academic hospital Maastricht UMC + announced after research. The parents also gained weight due to a lack of exercise.

The research shows that one in three children started eating more unhealthy snacks during the corona crisis. In addition, three quarters of the youngsters started to exercise less, an average of 51 minutes less per day than at the same time last year. “Where last year 64 percent of the children still achieved the physical activity standard (of one hour of moderately intensive exercise per day), during the corona crisis this was only 20 percent”, according to the Maastricht hospital.

In March it was decided to close the schools due to the outbreak of the virus. Sports clubs also had to close their doors. These institutions are now open again. But in the intervening period, the daily schedule of children suddenly looked very different.

13.27 School boards purchase commercial corona tests
Dozens of school boards have bought corona tests from commercial providers because teachers had to wait a long time for a place at the GGD. That says the PO council, the sector organization for primary education. The organization thinks there are at least fifty.

At the VO council, the association of secondary schools, they would not be surprised if schools turned to commercial providers. There are no precise figures, but it is known that it happens. According to the spokesperson of the PO council, a test costing around 100 euros is still considerably cheaper than putting a self-employed person in the classroom as a replacement for a few days.

12.21 Waiting times for GGD test lanes between 48 and 72 hours
At the GGD Hart voor Brabant, the waiting time for a corona test is currently between 48 and 72 hours. The wait takes a bit longer than usual because the laboratories where the tests are analyzed are at maximum capacity. “There is more demand than supply at the moment. Unfortunately, people with complaints sometimes have to make several attempts to make a test appointment, which creates understandable frustration and further strains the telephone lines and website,” said a spokesman.

They also experience pressure at GGD West-Brabant, but a spokesperson there could not say exactly what the waiting times are. “That differs from day to day. If an appointment is scheduled, the system checks which of the three locations there is room for. If that is not possible within 48 hours, it will divert to locations outside our work area. Then it is up to the person. himself to determine whether he wants to make a detour. ” The spokesperson advises to plan digitally as much as possible.

The GGD Brabant-Zuidoost was repeatedly unavailable by telephone on Monday morning.

12.08 Second coronavirus infection
People who have been infected with a coronavirus can become infected again with the same virus within a year. Researchers from Amsterdam UMC have discovered that it often takes ‘alarmingly short’ before people become infected a second time with the coronaviruses that were known before the outbreak of the current virus. They probably call it that for the ‘new’ coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 exactly the same applies.

The research focused on four known and harmless coronaviruses, which cause only a mild cold. The scientists analyzed the amount of antibodies against the viruses in question in 513 blood samples, which had been collected from humans at different points in time. For example, they discovered that a second infection with the same coronavirus regularly occurs after one year and sometimes even faster.

10.13 More plasma from recovered patients needed for corona drug
The Sanquin blood bank needs more plasma donors that have been infected with the corona virus. The blood bank has been taking plasma from recovered patients for some time to turn it into a drug that could potentially protect others against the virus.

It has now been shown that in about half of the donors, the amount of antibodies in the blood decreases rapidly, making their plasma quickly useless for the medication that the blood bank develops.

“The blood must contain a certain concentration of antibodies”, a Sanquin spokesperson explains. “For some people this decreases rapidly. They can then only give plasma once or twice. In other people it remains as high as it is, there are donors who can give plasma up to ten times.”

10.05 Sex tech on the rise due to corona crisis
Sex tech seems more popular than ever due to the corona crisis. This is the conclusion of researchers at Juniper Research. According to them, more than 36 million sex tech devices will be connected to, for example, cell phones this year. That was 19 million last year.

As a result, the corona crisis is driving a globally shifting attitude to sexual wellness and an increasing demand for connected devices such as hands-free vibrators or male masturbators. Juniper calculates that this industry will have a size of no less than $ 9 billion by 2025, from nearly 4 billion in 2020. Online retailers are likely eager to respond.

The Juniper researchers also note that the sex-related apps industry is also benefiting from the corona crisis. For example, the number of apps to enhance sexual pleasure, apps for sexual therapy, apps for sexual wellness and education, and apps for sexual health have increased.

07.51 ‘Dutch sectors are struggling to recover from corona crisis’
Due to the corona measures and the threat of new infections, the Dutch economy is not yet able to operate at full speed. Due to this continuing uncertainty, many sectors will struggle to recover this year. Rabobank reports this on the basis of a survey by economists and sector specialists.

In the hotel and catering industry and other business services, which include travel and employment agencies, production and turnover fell the most. The low point has yet to come in construction, partly due to the fall in the number of new permits, according to Rabobank.

Trade, the sector that includes retail and wholesale, appears to be recovering better than expected, according to the study. In the retail trade, for example, the turnover of web stores, among others, increased by about a third in the second quarter compared to a year earlier.

07.45 Almost a thousand new corona infections in Germany
The number of corona infections in Germany increased by 927 on Sunday to 260,355. The number of cases in the past 7 days is more than 9,000 according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

The death toll has increased to 9,350. The increase of 927 is significantly lower than at the end of last week. 1,900 new cases were reported on Thursday and more than 1,400 on Friday.

07.36 Again two mink farms infected, 52 in total
At mink companies Wilbertoord and Overloon corona infections have been diagnosed. In Wilbertoord it concerns a company with approximately 1250 mother animals. The animals have since been culled.

In Overloon the company had about 7500 mother animals. The animals are culled there as soon as possible. In total, 52 mink farms are now infected, 41 of which are located in Brabant.

06.30 Coronatestdag in de Tour
For the riders in the Tour de France, it is time for the second rest day today after Sunday’s grueling mountain stage. Not far from the Grand Colombier, where the finish was on Sunday, the riders can recover from the efforts and also have to undergo a corona test. The Tour wants to keep the risk of infections as small as possible and the peloton has been in a so-called bubble since the start of the Tour in Nice.

06.00 Mayors meeting
The chairpersons of the various security regions will meet again on Monday from 12.30 pm. In addition to corona, other meeting points that have remained on the agenda of the various mayors in recent months due to the crisis. Justice Minister Ferd Grapperhaus is also joining. The mayors last met two weeks ago.

02.00 Anger at closing test street Schiphol
The aviation and travel industry are furious with Minister Hugo de Jonge of Public Health, because he closed the corona test street at Schiphol this weekend. “It must remain open. The last thing we can use now is muddled policy,” says leader Marnix Fruitema of the Dutch flying umbrella organization Barin to De Telegraaf.

01.40 Stricter controls in public transport
Special investigative officers (boas) will monitor compliance with the corona rules in public transport more strictly. More fines are expected to be handed out because the train, bus, tram and metro will probably become much busier. On Monday, a multi-million dollar public transport campaign will start to recruit tens of thousands of extra travelers every day.

00.01 Lawsuit for Schiphol aid
Greenpeace Netherlands is filing a lawsuit to force the cabinet to withdraw the multi-billion dollar support for airline KLM. The environmental organization believes that the financial emergency aid is not subject to sufficient conditions to combat climate change.

00.00 New live blog
Welcome to our live blog. Here we keep track of all the (Brabant) news about the corona crisis from Monday 14 September. It yesterday’s live blog is here to read back.

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