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Corona news blog: Incidence is falling and is below the national average – Emmendingen district

How many people are sick? What is important today Which events are canceled? Follow the current reporting of the BZ in the news blog about Corona in the Emmendingen district.

Wednesday, April 14th, 6:11 p.m .: The health department of the Emmendingen district reports 24 new corona cases and one death for Wednesday. A man aged between 80 and 90 died. The number of people in the district demonstrably infected since the pandemic rises to 5370, the number of dead to 152. The seven-day incidence in the district is 84.1, according to the State Health Office. The day before it was 87.7. However, the seven-day incidence in Baden-Württemberg is still over 100 – at 165.3.

Tuesday, April 13th, 5.30 p.m .: The State Health Office reported 34 new Covid 19 infection cases for the Emmendingen district on Tuesday. This means that the total number of infected people in the district has increased to 5346 since the start of the corona pandemic. According to the state authority, no new deaths have been registered. The 7-day incidence increased from 82.3 to 87.7. This makes the district of Emmendingen one of just four districts in Baden-Württemberg with an incidence below 100 – alongside the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and the urban districts of Freiburg and Heidelberg. Nationwide, the incidence climbed from 143.7 to 160.9.

Monday, April 12th, 6:35 p.m .: The so-called seven-day incidence in the Emmendingen district continues to decline. The State Health Office reports a value of 82.3. That is a decrease of 2.4 points compared to the previous day. Five new cases of infection were reported, and there was another death related to Covid-19.

Sunday, April 11th, 5:32 p.m.: The state health department reported eight new cases and a seven-day incidence value of 84.7 on Sunday evening. Another death was reported on Saturday evening. According to the Emmendingen health department, it was a woman between 70 and 80 years of age. Since the pandemic began, 150 deaths have been counted for the district.

Sunday, April 11, 10:09 a.m.: On Saturday evening, the seven-day incidence was 93.1, according to the State Health Office. In addition, 28 new Covid 19 cases were reported and one further death.

Friday, April 9th, 7.15pm: The incidence in the district is below 100 for the fifth day in a row, and the state health office reported 19 new cases on Friday. This means that the emergency brake will be released again – and retailers, among other things, will be able to offer appointment shopping again. The district vaccination center in Kenzingen now reports more than 21,000 vaccinations. It could be even more: In the past few days, more than one in ten people canceled their Astrazeneca appointment without warning.

Friday, April 9th, 4 p.m .: Between complaints and happy patients: In the Emmendingen district, the possibility of having your family doctor vaccinated against Covid-19, especially for busy phone lines: This is how family doctors experienced the first week with the vaccinations.

Thursday, April 8th, 6:50 p.m .: The number of confirmed Sars-CoV-2 infections in the district rose by 57 to 5252 on Thursday, according to the State Health Office. That is 37 more cases than the day before. The seven-day incidence rises to 88.3, ​​but remains below 100 for the fourth day in a row – after five days the district office could decide to relax. Two new deaths were also reported in the district on Thursday, two men (one between 50 and 60, one between 70 and 80 years old) died.

Thursday, April 8th, 4 p.m .: According to a message from the Emmendinger District Office, 20,000 vaccinations against Covid-19 have now been carried out at the district vaccination center (KIZ) in Kenzingen. According to the authorities, this mark was reached on Tuesday. The number of people vaccinated doubled within a month, and the 10,000 mark was reached on March 8th. The KIZ was also in operation on Easter Monday, on Tuesday and Wednesday vaccinations were even carried out until 10 p.m. This is how it should continue according to the announcement: From next week, the district office is planning a continuous three-shift operation from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Wednesday, April 7th, 6:26 pm:
On Wednesday, the State Health Office reported 20 new corona cases for the Emmendingen district. The seven-day incidence decreased from 90.1 to 77.5. The incidence of Baden-Württemberg is 101.1. The district office reports that a woman died between the ages of 80 and 90. This means that the number of deaths in the district since the beginning of the pandemic has been 146.

Wednesday, April 7th, 5.45pm: A corona outbreak occurred in the St. Nikolaus day care center in Elzach. A large number of educators and children tested positive for the corona virus – there are currently 29. In addition to direct follow-up cases in families and domestic communities. According to the city’s website, Elzach counted 44 active cases on Wednesday. The day care center will be closed until April 13th.

Tuesday, April 6th, 6:12 p.m .: On Tuesday evening, the State Health Office reported 14 new corona cases for the Emmendingen district. This means that the seven-day incidence has fallen again to 90.1 and is thus below the decisive emergency braking value of 100 for the second day in a row. No new deaths have been reported for the district. This means that the number of deaths in the district since the beginning of the pandemic has been 145.

Monday, April 5th, 6 p.m .: The seven-day incidence fell to 96.1 on Monday. As the state health office announced, eleven new corona cases were transmitted. A woman between the ages of 70 and 80 has died. This increases the number of people who died in the district with or from the coronavirus to 145.

Monday, April 5th, 8:30 a.m .: The incidence rose over the Easter weekend in the Emmendingen district. The state health department reported a seven-day incidence of 104.6 on Saturday. 22 people tested positive for the coronavirus. On Easter Sunday, the seven-day incidence rose to 110.6, and a further 24 new infections were reported. A person died of or with the coronavirus. This increases the number of deaths to 144.

Friday, April 2nd, 5.45pm: The State Health Office reports 21 new cases of infection in the Emmendingen district for Good Friday. Covid-19-related deaths were not reported for Maundy Thursday or Good Friday. The incidence fell further to 108.2. This means that the district of Emmendingen is well below the nationwide value of 131.1, which the Ortenau district is still slightly above with 134.1. In contrast, the incidences in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district (76.6) and the city of Freiburg (66.6) are significantly lower. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been a total of 5104 laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 cases in the district.

Thursday, April 1st, 6.15 p.m .: There is still a general ban on visits to the Emmendingen district hospital. Due to the current infection situation, it cannot be relaxed even at Easter, so that visits to patients are generally not possible over the holidays, reports the district office. This regulation is necessary for safety reasons in order to avoid a risk of infection for both patients and staff in the district hospital. Exceptions are only possible under certain conditions, for example in the case of people who are dying, the district hospital decides on this in each individual case.

Thursday, April 1st, 6 p.m .: The health department reports 38 new cases of infection, the incidence value is currently 113.0.

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