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Corona news blog: 249 new infections reported in and around Freiburg – Freiburg

  • Norbert Riegler

    4608 as of Apr 17, 2018

    A corona outbreak occurred in the Bcheli Bar in Steinenvorstadt. On July 2, at the European Championship matches between Switzerland and Spain and Belgium and Italy, many visitors apparently contracted the corona virus. The health department announced this on Tuesday. So far, 13 infected people are known who were in and around the bar at the said time. (Report from this afternoon in the Basler Zeitung) – I suspect that the increase in incidences in Germany over the past few days is due to similar events. In Switzerland there is at least information about this, while in this country at most something is officially swarmed about diffuse infections. If my assumption is correct, then after the end of the EM and CSD the incidences should slowly decrease again in a few days. There is still hope …

  • Stefan Kienzler

    1463 as of Jul 15, 2020

    Smoke candle tests as long as no actual infection is found. What about in the clinics?
    Stefan Kienzler

  • Peter Ginter

    2692 as of May 31, 2020

    Mr Kienzler, this is a foretaste of things in the UK, where the Delta variant used to dominate:


    By the way, almost 50% of the clinic patients are vaccinated and the vaccination rate on the island is significantly higher than ours …..

  • Stefan Kienzler

    1463 as of Jul 15, 2020

    Mr Ginter, you are speculating that it could soon look like it does in the UK too. We’ll see what happens. Otherwise, I don’t dwell on guesswork. Mr. Lauterbach already spoke of a perfect fourth wave. So I assume that there will be significantly more tests again from September, but after the general election in order to generate such figures. Lauterbach, however, was also astonished because the numbers here are just so low. And J. Spahn is just warning again. So everything pandemic must be kept going in order to be able to initiate measures at any time. The perpetuation of a false pandemic for the benefit of the few and the harm of many. George Orwell Lt. Gren.
    Stefan Kienzler

  • Thomas Betz

    5521 as of May 5, 2015

    “… to generate such numbers ….”

    “The perpetuation of a false pandemic for the benefit of the few and the harm of many. George Orwell, gren.”

    Since you believe that you cannot dwell on “guesswork”, you will probably consider your guesswork to be facts. This is not George Orwell, but a huge global conspiracy.

    Who is behind it and isn’t resistance pointless?

  • Stefan Kienzler

    1463 as of Jul 15, 2020

    Thomas Betz, the names have long been known. And you make no secret of it, as you feel like the leaders of the world. For our own good, of course. Who believes? The fact checkers are very helpful and should make life difficult for us stubborn people. Well, is that enough conspiracy theory or even reality?
    Stefan Kienzler

  • Thomas Betz

    5521 as of May 5, 2015

    Mr. Kienzler,

    I am trying to read content from your contribution that goes beyond the usual whispering. Unfortunately, can’t find anything. I suspect that as “unruly” you are also a late call, right?

  • Aniela Schneider

    7827 as of Feb 15, 2014

    Meeeijnstriiiiims! – Keeeehrt! – Schweeeenkt! – Marrrsch!

    Drosten arrives in reality. *)

    Drosten wants … to have the first general infection and the second and the third. To his double vaccination on it. The infection immunity after an infection is “more robust in the long run”, he is quoted in an indirect speech. “Then I get immunity to the mucous membrane, which is permanent”, can be read as a quote in the report.

    Highest railroad now. For Meijnstriims. Swinging on the bike with a 180-degree change of opinion. To approve of what they have since vilified and fought against as lateral thinking.

    *) http://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Drosten-rechnet-fest-mit-Corona-Infektion-article22787879.html

  • Horst Roeser

    141 as of Oct 14, 2016

    Why is the report still focusing on incidence, but the hospitalization rate and intensive care unit occupancy remain unmentioned?

  • Ulrich Mentz

    1022 as of May 26, 2009

    Who is this value surprising? If you give up the mask requirement in schools, that is the result.

  • Thomas Winter

    166 as of Sep 22, 2021

    “Who is this value surprising? If you give up the mask requirement in schools, that’s the result.”

    That’s the way it is. Millions of adults do not allow themselves and their children to be vaccinated in adolescence because of possible, but very unlikely, vaccine reactions. And wearing a mask seems much worse than initially mostly moderate infections with possible long-term consequences and long-covid in (their) children and adolescents.

  • Michael Danner

    1413 as of Apr 4, 2017

    Four hundred and fifty-eight (458)!

    3 times as much as in the district of Breisgau!

    Obviously a maverick town.

    Immediately order a hard lockdown in Freiburg before the epidemic is dragged to the LK Breisgau, Offenburg or Lrrach.

    And monitor the whole thing with two hundred teams from Gppingen.

  • Norbert Riegler

    4608 as of Apr 17, 2018

    @ Michael Danner: Oh, the city of Baden-Baden is almost 650. A few districts in BW are still ahead of Freiburg. In Bavaria and Thringen there are even districts that are in the age group 5-14 already over 1000. And a few other districts are at zero, one even for all age groups. Or has the health department simply not passed on any data for at least a week? Even that wouldn’t surprise me anymore …

  • Helmut Geilgens

    5321 as of Mar 2, 2018

    Well, as long as there are against-the-current swimmers against all common sense, it probably won’t be that bad. Then we don’t need to request anything from Gppingen, as is demanded from desperate gallows humor, probably slowly recognizing the nonsense that is always uttered.

  • Michael Danner

    1413 as of Apr 4, 2017

    Oh, the city of Baden-Baden is almost at 650

    With the boys? I thought only old people lived there.

    It is amazing how a few months ago it was so urgently pointed out on radio, television and the press that children can also die and that there is even long COVID in children. Now the voters of the old men’s parties are all vaccinated and it no longer matters.

    Filter systems for schools have not been purchased, how is that supposed to work in just 2 years. Now you just have to ventilate again in winter, the children have to dress warmly, they have to do it one way or another, probably every second heater won’t work anyway.
    Good to be able to order the forms for the digital aids for the students for any homeschooling, they have already been advertised, probably.

  • Volker Mller

    18 since May 22, 2021

    When I read the comments here, I realize again how much we steer further and further into a 50:50 world. The positions are irreconcilable, with vaccination opponents and lateral thinkers often quoting completely fake news, a fact that they themselves denounce. But I don’t want to make it too easy for myself, I don’t want to portray vaccine opponents per se as right-wing and reactionary, although prominent representatives clearly show right-wing tendencies and do not hide this either.
    Unfortunately, the politics of this group also make it easy, as the measures are often not well thought out and also contradicting themselves. Sure, you can always argue that you have gained new knowledge, but unfortunately it is often pretended that current knowledge is incontestable and pure truth. We should be aware that actual knowledge may be justified at the moment, but can be changed or refuted tomorrow. But I often hear sentences that pretend there is no doubt about what is completely unscientific. Anyone who really thinks about it realizes that in all areas of research we can only recognize partial aspects and relative surfaces (and reality can never be fully grasped, not even with the universal formula!). Most researchers know this and act accordingly.
    In the case of Covid, however, there are simple truths that are irreversible: 1. Covid, if it has broken out, is a serious disease that can lead to death! 2. Vaccinations protect against a severe course 3. The more vaccinated, the fewer viruses are spread!
    The tendency, however, to vaccinate children too, in order to achieve the so-called “herd immunity”, I think, one can argue! Should children be used to supposedly protect everyone else (because the unvaccinated adults and people who were vaccinated longer ago also spread the virus, probably much more strongly than children)? Our children have already been massively disadvantaged anyway! While the industry was ruined and company closings were avoided or the costs were generously covered, children lost a great deal, socially, in terms of school and health!
    And since the risk of children falling ill or even dying is very low, we should widen our eyes without being fooled by lateral thinkers and co. The assertion that possible side effects in children occur shortly after vaccination can be viewed critically, at least in view of the possible consequences of the pandemic. Instead of saying that they appear immediately, one should say: “They almost always appear immediately, but theoretically, effects can still occur after years of which we have no idea today.” An absolute claim is never good IMO!

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