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Corona news blog: 204 new cases reported in Freiburg and the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district – Freiburg

The health department reported 79 new infections with Sars-CoV-2 in Freiburg and 125 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district on Saturday. The incidence in Freiburg is 290.1, in the district it is 273.

The 7-day incidence in the region:

The current development:

18.12.2021: The health department reported 204 new infections with Sars-CoV-2: 79 in Freiburg and 125 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district on Saturday morning. A person has died in the circle. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 446 corona victims have been counted in the region – 206 in Freiburg and 240 in the district.

17.12.2021: Long queue, fully booked appointments – the big run for corona vaccinations was only a few days ago, and suddenly many vaccination centers in South Baden have free capacities.

17.12.2021: Mask certificates were also given at the Rieselfeld Waldorf School that did not meet the requirements of the ordinance. These were not checked by the government board, but by the school itself.

17.12.2021: In Freiburg city center, customers will have access to a number of shops from Saturday after a one-time 2G check. Dealers and FWTM implement the Bndchen concept together.

17.12.2021: Allowing as many people as possible the spades: This is what the “Vaccination with Heart” team wants. On Sunday there will be a boost in a physiotherapy practice in Freiburg – but it should go on.

17.12.2021: Vaccinated, tested, recovered: 3G has long been mandatory on buses and trains. Most passengers in Freiburg stick to it, as a focus campaign shows. But understanding can be expensive.

17.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported 237 new corona infections on Friday morning. 108 of them for the city of Freiburg, another 129 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. There were also three other coronavirus-related deaths, one in the urban district and two in the rural district. This brings the number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic to 445.

December 16, 2021: The local health department reported 273 new corona infections on Thursday morning. 126 for Freiburg, another 147 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. There were two other deaths, one in the city, one in the county.

15.12.2021: The local health department reported 176 new corona infections on Wednesday for Freiburg, a further 203 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, so a total of 379. There was another death (in the district). The incidence values ​​reported by the State Health Office in the evening were 329.5 (city) and 293.4 (district).

15.12.2021: The vaccination campaign is on. There are many offers with free dates in Freiburg and the surrounding area. Among other things in the vaccination centers in the old town hall and also in Gundelfingen.

14.12.2021: SC Freiburg is taking part in the vaccination offensive, there is also a special campaign for the elderly and even the legendary crash will become a vaccination center next Saturday evening.

14.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported four more deaths on Tuesday morning. This has increased the number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic to 439. There are also 149 new infections, 90 in the city and 59 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district.

13.12.2021: The vaccination center has given 30,000 vaccinations in the first three weeks since the restart. On Wednesday they will be vaccinated until midnight – without an appointment. Then the SC Freiburg raffles off 111 prizes among all freshly vaccinated.

13.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported a total of 122 new corona infections on Monday morning: 54 in the Freiburg district and 68 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district.

12.12.2021: The Protest march against the corona measures, who moved through Freiburg city on Saturday afternoon. The popularity has grown steadily over the past few weeks.

11.12.2021: the Next Freiburg neighborhood vaccination campaign takes place – without registration – from Monday to Wednesday, December 13th to 15th, in the Tuniberghaus Tiengen, Im Maierbrhl 2.

11.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwalde district reported a total of 249 new corona infections on Saturday morning: 129 in the Freiburg district and 120 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. Five other people died of or with a corona infection, two of them in Freiburg, three in the surrounding area. This increased the number of pandemic-related deaths in Freiburg and in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district to a total of 435.

11.12.2021: The public is insecure, capacities have been reduced since December 4th – culture in Freiburg is once again experiencing tough times. The BZ asked how the new rules affect the organizers.

10.12.2021: The Freiburg Administrative Court has rejected an urgent application with the help of which the opponents of Corona measures wanted to demonstrate on Saturday without masks in Freiburg.

10.12.2021: Does the state government want to stop the pool tests in Freiburg schools and daycare centers? No, says the city, which continues to rely on the system. The number of positive pools has risen sharply recently.

10.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported a total of 447 new corona infections on Friday morning: 187 in the Freiburg district and 260 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. Eight other people died of or with a corona infection, three of them in Freiburg, five in the surrounding area. This increased the number of pandemic-related deaths in Freiburg and in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district to a total of 430.

9.12.2021: The Freiburg hospitals tighten their visiting rules. In the outpatient clinics of the University Clinic in Freiburg and Bad Krozingen, 3G will apply to everyone from Monday, other clinics in Freiburg have even stricter rules. Visits are then only possible in exceptional cases.

9.12.2021: There is a first confirmed case of the Omikron corona mutation in Freiburg. This has been announced by the local health department. Those returning from southern Africa should report to the office.

09.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported a total of 387 new corona infections on Thursday morning: 198 in the Freiburg district and 189 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district.

8.12.2021: Freiburg’s pupils and daycare children are tested using pool tests. If a class or group test is positive, individual PCR tests follow. For this purpose, the capacities are now increased again by creating another pool test center.

8.12.2021: The AfD city councilors Detlef A. Huber and Dubravko Mandic will no longer attend the meetings of the municipal council in person until further notice – in protest against the compulsory corona test. The city administration considers this to be a violation of the municipal regulations, which require personal participation.

7.12.2021: There are currently 54 patients with severe Covid-19 disease in Freiburg’s intensive care units, and the trend is rising. In the deaconry hospital, doctors fight for the lives of six sick people in the intensive care unit.

7.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported a total of 167 new corona infections on Tuesday morning: 88 in the Freiburg district, 79 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. There were also 3 new corona deaths in the surrounding area.

6.12.2021: The country’s 2G-plus rule, which has since been modified again, resulted in long queues in the test stations at the weekend. Their number continues to rise in the city of Freiburg.

6.12.2021: The vaccination center of the university clinic at the Freiburg Exhibition Center offered first and second vaccinations without an appointment on Monday morning. The rush was so huge that the system had to be changed again.

6.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported a total of 168 new corona infections on Monday morning: 75 in the Freiburg district, 93 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. The coronavirus-related deaths remain at 417.

4.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported a total of 355 new corona infections on Saturday morning: 164 in the Freiburg district, 191 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. The coronavirus-related deaths remain at 417.

3.12.2021: The new corona rules again raise questions in detail. Some cannot yet be answered, others can. A first overview

3.12.2021: The university clinic and the city of Freiburg are pushing ahead with their vaccination campaign. The capacity of the vaccination center at the fair is to be expanded significantly. The goal: 100,000 vaccinations by New Year’s Eve.

3.12.2021: The restaurants are open, but the guests stay away – so some restaurateurs prefer a real lockdown. Also because of the state bridging aid.

3.12.2021: From now on, the Badische Zeitung provides information in one Vaccination calendar About vaccination days and vaccination campaigns in Freiburg and South Baden: BZ vaccination calendar. We will deliver an overview of the daily permanent offers (e.g. vaccination centers) next week.

December 3, 2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reports a total of 428 new corona infections on Friday morning: 193 in the Freiburg district, 235 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. The coronavirus-related deaths remain at 417.

2.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported a total of 408 new corona infections on Thursday morning: 192 in the Freiburg district, 216 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. The coronavirus-related deaths remain at 417.

1.12.2021: The City of Freiburg is creating more PCR test capacities in order to relieve doctors’ practices, parents and children. Children and adolescents from positive test pools are tested.

1.12.2021: There are great hopes for the Pfizer drug Paxlovid in the fight against Covid-19. The protease inhibitor, which is manufactured in Freiburg, has the potential to “save the lives of patients,” says plant manager Axel Glatz.

1.12.2021: The City of Freiburg is creating more PCR test capacities in order to relieve doctors’ practices, parents and children. Children and adolescents from positive test pools are tested.

1.12.2021: Almost all mask certificates are also invalid at the second Waldorf School in Freiburg.

1.12.2021: The health department of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district reported a total of 480 new corona infections on Wednesday morning: 215 in the Freiburg district, 265 in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. There were also four other coronavirus-related deaths. This means that the number of people who have died has risen to 417 since the beginning of the corona pandemic.

Documentation: You can find older posts in the Corona news blog for Freiburg and the surrounding area in our archive until July 13, 20212 and in the archive for July to November 2021.-

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