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Corona: New vaccination regulation comes into force on Monday – How the vaccination sequence changes

  • fromInes Alberti


With a new vaccination ordinance, vaccination against the coronavirus should pick up speed in Germany. The order may differ in exceptional cases.

  • Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) hat die Vaccination regulation renewed.
  • The new regulation comes into force on Monday (February 8th, 2021) and is intended to accelerate vaccination.
  • The corona vaccination of older people should be supported by the approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine move faster.

Berlin – A new one will apply from Monday (February 8th, 2021) Vaccination regulation in Germany. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to use it to accelerate the corona vaccinations and make them more flexible. “In this way, the vaccination campaign can continue to pick up speed,” said Spahn on Sunday (07.02.2021) of the German Press Agency in Berlin.

The new Vaccination regulation introduces some changes in the classification of the population into three priority groups to be vaccinated. In addition, the order can be deviated from in individual cases in the future, for example if this “is necessary to avoid the discarding of vaccines in the short term”, as stated in the regulation available to the dpa. Spahn had previously said that, for example, vaccination doses from opened bottles should be vaccinated to health workers instead of throwing them away.

Corona vaccination: people with cancer, lung diseases and diabetes are upgraded

“With the Vaccination regulation we follow the recommendations of the Standing Vaccination Commission, ”said Spahn. It is a reaction to initial experiences with the vaccination campaign in practice. Spahn: “This means that older people can be vaccinated faster than planned.” Because the new rules should give priority to people under 65 years of age with the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is currently not intended for older people due to insufficient study data. This also applies, for example, to nursing staff who are given priority vaccinations in the first group. This leaves more of the other vaccines (Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna) for people over 80.

The federal states should also now invite individual years with a time delay, explained Spahn. So they could Vaccinations organize more flexibly. Unlike in the past, people with certain serious diseases should also be taken into account more quickly – and now in the Group two with high priority. Cancer patients and people with severe lung diseases, severe diabetes and chronic liver or kidney diseases should be given higher priority.

Corona vaccination: who is preferred in group two?

For one, in the new Vaccination regulation the Group two extended by some previous illnesses. In addition, other groups of people are included in this.

  • People with cancer without tumor growth stopped
  • People with severe chronic lung disease
  • People with chronic liver or kidney disease
  • People with severe diabetes
  • People with obesity with a body mass index over 40
  • People with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and major depression
  • Other high-risk patients should also come here with a doctor’s certificate
  • So far, people with dementia, intellectual disabilities, trisomy 21 and after organ transplants have been planned here
  • Up to two close contact persons of people in need of care at home or pregnant women
  • Doctors
  • Police and law enforcement officers, especially for demonstrations
  • Health care workers and clinics workers
  • Residents: inside of homeless and refugee shelters
  • Caregivers for mentally handicapped people

Basically it stays with the new one Vaccination regulation but when it comes to grouping – also with the fact that doctors in principle only in Group two should come into play and teachers and educators in Group three. Representatives of these professions had called for faster vaccinations. The German Association of Cities advocates vaccinating teachers and educators earlier. As soon as the infection process allows, daycare centers and schools would have to be gradually reopened, CEO Helmut Dedy told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Monday). “Because there are many contacts here, including very close ones, the staff working there should be offered vaccinations quickly.” Dedy said that the risk of infection in schools and daycare centers decreases as soon as teachers and educators are vaccinated.

Corona vaccination: criticism of teaching staff in the order

The chairman of the Association for Education and Upbringing (VBE) told the German Press Agency: “Anyone who prioritizes relaxation in the field of education must also prioritize health protection for those working there. In the current situation, this means making a vaccination offer to teachers and the staff in day-care centers as quickly as possible. “That means in plain language:” The schools can only be opened up once the staff has been offered a vaccination. “

Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (CDU) had previously spoken out in favor of giving teachers and educators priority vaccination. Since, according to the recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission vaccine of the British-Swedish manufacturer AstraZeneca should only be administered to people under 65 years of age, this vaccine could “soon be offered to teachers”, Karliczek told the newspapers of the Funke media group.

New corona vaccination ordinance: who will be vaccinated in group three?

In addition to teachers and daycare staff, the following people should work in Group three to be vaccinated:

  • People over 60 years
  • People with other illnesses such as asthma or heart failure
  • Teachers
  • Educators: inside
  • Police officer: inside
  • Employees in supermarkets

Only then should all others follow – by the end of the summer, according to Chancellor Angela Merkel. (ial with dpa)

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