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Corona Munich: New numbers every day – City explains about “fluctuations”

The corona virus continues to determine life in the Bavarian capital – or limits it massively. The news ticker for Munich.

  • In addition to the Exit restriction has been in force in Munich since April 27, prescribed by Prime Minister Söder Mask requirement.
  • Many citizens would like further corona easing, but Prime Minister Söder is putting the brakes on first.
  • In our news ticker we keep you up to date with the latest developments in the state capital.

2:52 p.m .: In Munich 37 new ones were released on Monday Corona cases
approved. So far, a total of 6,054 infections have been reported in the state capital.

This figure includes 4,551 people who have already recovered, 908 Munich COVID-19 patients who had to be admitted to the hospital as a whole, and 173 deaths.

Corona Munich: City explains possible fluctuations in statistics

On Monday last week (April 27th) there were 26 new confirmed corona infections (total 5,607).

Regarding the daily graphics, the city explains: “The individual Daily values can Fluctuations because they depend on when the laboratories submit the positive test results to the health department. “

11.42 a.m .: At 2:30 p.m. yesterday, the police were informed that several people were entering the courtyard of an apartment building in Ramersdorf picnic would host. When the officials arrived on site, seven people (between 15 and 70 years old) were finally found.

You had one Buffet had built up with food and drink and settled on garden chairs. All were subsequently reported for violating the Infection Protection Act.

Corona Munich: “Hotspot” suddenly closed – sign at the entrance explains the absurd background

11.17 a.m .: Right now it could rose Garden a valuable oasis for those seeking relaxation. Enjoy the fresh air on a walk and take a break on one of the numerous benches – for many Munich residents not only in the Corona crisis a nice pastime. But the park in the Isar meadows remains closed “until further notice”.

Now closed: the rose garden in the Isar meadows.

© Sigi Jantz

With Describe At the entrance to the rose garden, the horticultural department informs about the background: “Because of the narrow paths, the minimum distance of 1.5 meters between the visitors, which is mandatory for reasons of infection protection, cannot be maintained.” After consultation with the police, no timely reopening is planned.

10.33 a.m .: Researchers in Penzberg is probably looking at that Corona virus a breakthrough succeeded. This could have consequences for the entire Free State and Germany. Markus Söder provides live information, we report in News ticker.

Update from May 4, 8.25 a.m .: The Bavarian Police Union (GdP) calls for more Easing the Exit restrictions in the corona crisis. Also an opening from Beer gardens and Restaurants is conceivable in the near future, said GdP state chairman Peter Schall der Evening News.

“Maybe you could in Beer gardens set a limit of 50 guests who Access controls would have to be from one Security service be monitored. ”The guests should also keep their distance, said Schall.

Corona rules? Police official irritated after observation in Munich: “Probably a disaster in terms of hygiene”

The “valid reasons” that are necessary for leaving the apartment are constantly increasing with the relaxation of the rules, said the GdP country chief. The more areas that are opened, the more impossible one becomes monitoring the Exit restriction through the police.

So far, the current rules of conduct have not been fully understood by Schall: “At the Nymphenburg Canal to run jogger lined up like a string of pearls. In terms of hygiene, probably a disaster. On the other hand, however, it is strongly discouraged country to drive wherever distances were much easier to keep than in the confines of the city. “

Corona Munich: The number of cases rises above the bitter mark – but there is still a hopeful trend

9:58 pm: Also in Munich is this social life came to a standstill in many areas due to the corona-related lockdown. But the residents are creative – and help themselves in some places, for example, with a kind of “distance concert”: On Twitter, a user shared a video on Sunday evening that made them feel good.

It shows what he says is “weekly” Corona neighborhood concert. The idea is apparently well received. The sequence ends with a strong applause from the balconies and from the windows of the surrounding buildings.

2:53 p.m .: The city Munich has announced the current infection numbers for today’s Sunday (May 3rd). Accordingly, in the Bavarian capital 28 new Corona cases approved. With that, in Munich So far, a total of 6,017 infections have been reported.

This figure includes 4477 people who have already recovered, 899 Munich COVID-19 patients who are inpatients in total hospital had to be recorded, as well as 169 deaths. Last Sunday (April 26th) there were 32 new confirmed ones Corona infections been (a total of 5,581 cases of infection).

Although now the 6000 mark at Cases of infection has been cracked, the latest information gives reason for hope. With 28 cases, the new infections are low for the state capital. 34 cases had been reported yesterday. It is also gratifying that no newer Death was added in Munich.

Munich police report numerous corona violations – hundreds of people demonstrate against restrictions

Update May 3, 11:42 a.m .: Also on Saturday (May 2nd, 2020) there were a number of missions in Munich policeto ensure compliance with the regulations of the current Corona regulations to check.

Over 3,700 Controls were carried out during this period. 113 violations were reported, of which 107 the Exit restriction and four the Obligation to wear a mask concerned.

Also arrived on Saturday evening, around 11:45 p.m. Police emergency number a. A witness said that an apartment in the Isar suburb had been noisy for several hours party would take place.

Violation of Corona regulation: Young Munich celebrate party

Two police patrols drove to the location and found eight people in a building on Schmellerstrasse. All those involved were between 18 and 22 years old and, with the exception of a young woman from the Munich district, lived in Munich.

The young people consumed alcohol and did not keep the prescribed minimum distances. They were sent off and were reported for violating the Infection Protection Act.

Corona in Munich: More than 800 people demonstrate against restrictions

7:04 pm: It was already closed on Friday three approved assemblies with a corona background come in town. The police counted overall almost 800 participants. So 400 people would have in the Schwanthalerstrasse gathered and – as permitted by the Bavarian Administrative Court – moved towards the old town. Around 11:15 a.m. around 350 people attended a meeting Marienplatz part.

Finally, more than 30 people met at 1 p.m. Max Joseph Platz together. At all of these events, disruptions and the Minimum distance of 1.50 meters has been observed between the participants.

Caused more excitement two groups – a total of around 45 people – around 3:30 p.m. on the Marienplatz. At the non-registered meeting, participants wore posters “that differ in contentcritically examine the current legal corona-related regulations“. The personal details of all persons were determined and advertisements were issued due to the violation of the exit restriction. Detect Criminal Investigation Unit 4 (State Protection).

5:35 p.m .: In the old town of Munich there was on Saturday several demonstrations against the government’s corona protective measures.

14.55 p.m .: In Munich were released on Saturday (May 2nd) 34 new Coronavirus cases approved. So far, so far 5,989 Infections reported (as of 2:40 p.m.).

62 new infections were reported on Friday (May 1st). However, 91 patients were considered healthy again. Yesterday was therefore already one positive trend spoken (please refer below). It is likely that the city of Munich will break the 6000 mark of infected people at the weekend. The majority, however, is already cured.

Munich police report 244 corona violations – 50 people celebrate loud party with balcony DJ

12.58 p.m .: The police Munich informs about the controls and operations for compliance with the Regulations the currentCorona regulations. Accordingly, the period from Friday, May 1, 6 a.m. to Saturday, May 2, 6 a.m. occurred in the city of Munich as well as in the Munich district 244 Violations. 202 violations affected the Exit restriction – there are eight violations Mask requirement.

As the police reports, a witness called the police emergency number on Friday (May 1st) at 6:20 p.m. He announced that in the courtyard of an apartment building on Alfonsstrasse in Neuhausen a party would take place in which many people would participate. As a result, several strips were dispatched to the site to check the situation.

The Officials put one there Crowd from above 50 people who celebrated there and usually kept the required minimum distances from each other. A 40-year-old from Munich stood on the balcony one flat on the first floor where he music hung up. He was asked to turn off the music, which he immediately followed. Some of the people present celebrating immediately left the location. Personal details were collected from the other 20 or so people. You were also able to leave the location afterwards. The 40-year-old who played the music was convicted of a violation after the German Infection Protection Act indicated, the police.

How do people who belong to one of the risk groups cope with everyday life in the face of the corona crisis? Affected people from Munich report how they are doing now*.

Corona in Munich: At the weekend, the number of infected people will exceed new threshold

Update, May 2, 9:55 a.m .: A suspicious find that was made during the construction work for the 2nd main line in Munich was found, caused a sensation. In the room there was a great evacuation in times of Corona crisis. After specialists were deployed in the early morning, the potential aerial bomb turned out to be something else.

The corona crisis affects all areas of life. Also the right to demonstrate. And thus also the day of work. Instead of There were only video messages in Munich*.

Corona virus in Munich: Do pictures show a corona party in an S-Bahn?

11.40 p.m .: What’s going on here? It looks like one Corona party in a Munich S-Bahn*! In the Facebook group “My S3 is not coming!”, A passenger now posted two photos from the S3 that he had taken with his smartphone.

FC Bayern Munich donated 800 Sacher cakes in the corona crisis

18.33 p.m .: Out of solidarity with the Munich nursing homes, the FC Bayern Munich announced in collaboration with the Bavarian Ministry of Health To give away 800 Sacher cakes to selected Munich old people’s homes. With the campaign, the German record champions would like to set an example and express their solidarity with the elderly and the nursing staff of the state capital.

“We wanted to make sure that the older people and especially the nursing staff are put a smile on their faces,” said FCB CEO Karl-Heinz-Rummenigge at a joint press meeting with the Bavarian Minister of Health Melanie Huml on Friday. “The message and the little attention goes to everyone who achieves incredible things in this difficult time,” says the FC Bayern press release.

Coronavirus in Munich: Infected numbers in Munich will exceed new threshold – nevertheless positive signs

3.20 p.m .: The new Corona numbers for Munich are here. The positive news: there are currently almost 30 fewer registered infected people in the city than on Thursday. Although came today 62 new infections added, but at the same time 91 patients are considered healthy again. The trend is therefore positive. However, there are also two sobering numbers.

Ten new patients had to be admitted to hospitals since Thursday. You will now be treated in hospital. There was also two more deaths. 168 people have now died in Munich in connection with the corona virus.

Munich will probably be already count over 6,000 corona infected people on Saturday, at the latest probably on Sunday, of which the majority is already cured. However, there are still more than 1000 acutely ill cases after the weekend.

Munich: Police crack down on corona violations of mask requirements

1:17 p.m .: The Munich police continues to crack down on violations of exit restrictions:

Over 5,200 checks were carried out from Thursday (April 30, 6 a.m.) to Friday (May 1, 6 a.m.). 146 violations were reported, 115 of which concerned the exit restriction and 27 the obligation to wear a mask.

What the police find particularly bad is that masks are well worn on buses and trains, but little at the stops. The police therefore make it clear that the mask is also compulsory at all public transport stops.

An archive photo from Holy Saturday in Munich.

© dpa / Peter Kneffel

Update from May 1, 12:05 p.m .: Is there a special corona regulation for Mother’s Day? In any case, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder gives hope.

7:28 p.m .: The federal and state governments agreed on further corona easing at a top meeting in Berlin. Prime Minister Söder wants to work out in the coming week which new regulations apply to Bavaria and thus also to Munich.

Meanwhile there is good news from District Administration Department the state capital: “In urgent cases, appointments can again be made in the district administration department,” the city informed on Thursday. Here too, however, the minimum distance of 1.5 meters and the mask requirement must be observed.

The current corona rules in Bavaria can be found here in the overview.

Coronavirus in Munich: City publishes new figures

3:12 p.m .: Today Thursday were in Munich 124 new Corona cases approved. The total number of infections is gradually approaching the 6000 mark (see graphic) and is currently 5,893 infected. The number of Deceased in the city area is now 166. 4,258 patients have recovered from an illness. A total of 873 Munich residents had to be provided with inpatient care.

1.35 p.m .: The Federation has more today at noon Easing announced which is also the state capital Munich affect. Accordingly, Museums, Exhibitions, Memorials, Zoos and botanical Gardens may open again under certain conditions. The Munich zoo boss recently complained about the predicament of his zoo, which is one of the most popular destinations in the Isar metropolis all year round.

The requirement be especially with small and historical buildings that the requirements for hygiene and the compliance with the necessary distance can be guaranteed in terms of space and personnel, it says in the federal draft resolution. To do this should be short term Funding program initially amounting to 10 million euros for corona-related conversion measures.

Corona loosening is coming: hope for a popular destination in Munich

Even those closed for weeks because of the corona pandemic playgrounds should open again. Parents should make sure that overcrowded facilities are avoided and basic hygiene rules are observed.

At the Ban from Major events how Folk festivals, bigger Sporting events with spectators, Concerts as well as street, wine and marksmen festivals will be held for the time being. When and under what conditions smaller public and private To celebrate or events could take place again because of the high infection risk not yet foreseeable.

12.22 p.m .: A Leberkassemmel as Protective mask? The photo from a Munich Subway lets users scoff – until they know the whole truth.

Update 9.03 a.m .: Before the recent federal-state consultations, Bavaria’s prime minister Markus Söder (CSU) before hurried Easing warned of anti-corona measures. As long as there is no vaccine, there is otherwise “a second wave, a relapse,” said Söder on Thursday in the Bavarian radio. You saw that in Singapore and in other countries. “We saw some countries that relaxed very quickly and then had to do the opposite.”

Corona loosening? Curious Söder comparison is to explain to Munich how complicated the situation is

Söder showed understanding when others Federal states now want to go faster, but announced that he himself would remain cautious. “I am not angry with any colleague or angry with any other country if someone is more urgent or sees it differently.” But he emphasized: “I cannot make Bavaria’s situation dependent on whether a government in another country does that looks very different. “

It is now like in the 80th minute of a football game: “We have achieved most of it, but some already want to leave the field and say the game has been won. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. “

Söder did not want to give specific dates for further openings. But if the infection happens, there will be a further normalization. “It does not have to worry that the condition lasts forever.” That should please some Munich hosts, who are already at one “Beer garden revolution” work.

Oktoberfest 2021 already at risk? An expert from Munich makes you prick up your ears with a corona forecast

Origination of April 30th:

Munich – Medical professionals expect a slight one Fade away the Coronavirus infections in summer. The stronger sun exposure could push the virus back a bit, said Clemens Wendtner, Chief physician of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in the Munich Clinic Schwabing. “One should not be under the illusion that we are going through the higher ones Temperatures the virus will disappear. One of the effects in summer is that the UV radiation is stronger – and viruses can be killed by UV light. “

The virus will not disappear completely. Also easing the Exit restrictions could lead to an increase in the number of infections again. Therefore, it is necessary to remain vigilant and careful. “We will have to watch the infection very closely.”

Corona Munich: can Oktoberfest 2021 take place? Doctor: “Are question marks behind it”

Depending on the season, Wendtner is expecting another one wave around October. “You have to assume that as long as we don’t vaccination have to reckon with a flare-up of the virus. ”It may then no longer be as it is now Hot spots the virus will spread across the board.

“We will Covid-19 carry on into 2021. ”Whether all the events canceled for this year or postponed to the next year open from the Olympic Games to the Oktoberfest. “There are question marks behind it.”

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Peter Kneffel

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