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Corona Monitor: Health Care Grows – Health

Furthermore, it became clear in the current survey that the current obligation to wear masks in local public transport and retail is rated as adequate by 83 percent of those surveyed.

In addition, more than a third of the respondents said they already use masks and gloves to protect themselves from infection, according to the BfR.

The results of the current “BfR Corona Monitor” show that in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, the health and economic consequences are meanwhile equally worrying for people.

In the past few weeks, the fear of the economic consequences had prevailed.

BfR President Professor Dr. emphasizes that “the coronavirus is still regarded by the population as a serious threat to their own health”.


Andreas Hensel in a press release from the BfR.

Every week, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) records the fears and concerns of the population in connection with the corona pandemic in the “BfR Corona Monitor”.

While the economic consequences have been the focus of concerns in recent weeks, the health consequences are now estimated to be comparatively high.

There is also a high level of acceptance for the mask requirement, but with a waning understanding of the ban on contact and other measures.

Declining acceptance for individual measures

COVID-19: Fear of health and economic consequences

Other measures, such as the closure of cultural institutions and the cancellation of events, continue to be favored by a large number of those questioned, but the trend is already showing a slight decline.

This becomes even clearer when you close shops and ban contacts.

For example, only 66 percent of those surveyed rated the closings as appropriate (compared to 86 percent for the first Corona monitor) and 66 percent (initially 92 percent) advocated the ban on contacts.

Almost unchanged since the start of the Corona monitor in March, the high level of approval of the restrictions on travel activities (originally 97 percent, now 93 percent).

Majority endorsed mask requirement

However, all of the measures taken – including the obligation to wear a mask – have apparently not caused a significantly increased feeling of security with regard to the risk of infection in the population.

“As in the previous week, only 36 percent of the survey participants are convinced that they can protect themselves against infection with the novel corona virus,” reports the BfR.

Closeness to other people is still perceived as the most likely route of infection.


Important NOTE:
This article contains general information only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment.

He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

Tekk.tv health

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