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Corona measures: Brandenburg cabinet wants to decide on a hard lockdown

The retail trade is largely closed, exit restrictions will come from 10 p.m. – the Brandenburg state government wants to pass the new corona rules on Monday, which should apply from Wednesday. Students should stay home now.

The Brandenburg cabinet wants to meet on Monday to resolve the new corona measures, which were determined by the federal and state governments on Sunday. The measures should then come into force on December 16. That said the Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) on Sunday in Potsdam. The rules would initially apply until January 10th.

There is one special feature: The Classroom teaching in schools is to be suspended on Monday. Whoever could look after their child at home should do so, said Woidke. However, there is a childcare option at school.

The existing restrictions (e.g. closure of restaurants and cultural institutions, contact restriction to five people from a maximum of two households, with the exception of children up to 14 years of age) continue to apply and initially until January 10, 2021.

For the Christmas holidays From December 24th to December 26th, a household can meet with a maximum of four more people, regardless of its own number of people. Children up to the age of 14 are not counted. This is to be secured. that larger families are not torn apart. An urgent appeal is made to significantly reduce contacts before the Christmas meeting (“protection week”). No more than five people from a maximum of two households should meet outdoors, with the exception of children up to 14 years of age – this also applies to New Year’s Eve and New Year’s.

Nationwide No arrival and assembly on New Year’s Eve and New Year beyond the five limit. A fireworks ban is planned at places with a large audience. The sale of pyrotechnics for New Year’s Eve is prohibited. Fireworks are generally not recommended. Alcohol should be banned in public.

The Retail and wholesale trade as well as establishments open to the public is expected to be closed from December 16, 2020 to January 10, 2021. Excepted of these are: grocery stores, pet supplies, beverage markets, pick-up and delivery services, pharmacies, drug stores, medical supply stores, opticians, hearing care professionals, savings banks and banks, post offices, dry cleaners, laundromats, newspaper sales, animal feed markets, Christmas tree sales points, petrol stations, car and bicycle workshops.

Body-hugging services remain prohibited. This should be done in the future also for the Hairdressing be valid. Medically necessary treatments stay on possible.

To school is planned: In the week from December 14 to December 18, 2020, classroom teaching will be suspended, except for the final classes and special needs schools. This means whoever can care for their child at home should do so. In the week of 4.1. Until 10.1.2021 only distance lessons except for the final classes and special needs schools. During this time after the Christmas holidays, emergency care is guaranteed.

Daycare centers remain open. Parents who can do this should, however, look after their children at home.

Home-Office should be made possible generously.

The delivery and collection of meals is still possible, but no consumption on site. Prohibition of Use of alcohol in public.

Church services are only possible if strict hygiene rules are observed. If necessary, a registration system must be ensured.

For visits to Retirement and nursing homes, hospitals special measures must be taken. Regular tests at short intervals and the wearing of FFP-2 masks are necessary.

It is strongly advised against not absolutely necessary to travel at home and abroad. When traveling to foreign risk areas, the quarantine obligation applies.

Exit restrictions apply from 10 p.m. How many hours the restriction should last is still being discussed in the state government. The first draft was for a time until 6 a.m. The regulation should only apply later for Christmas Eve. Other times are also being discussed for New Year’s morning at 1 or 2 a.m.

The state government is still voting on the restrictions on the number of people Demonstrations concerns. “Right of assembly is a great good, it is
constitutionally protected, “said the head of the state chancellery, Kathrin Schneider. However, it is contemplated that regulations for numerical restrictions on participants should apply in Corona hotspots.

As part of the MPK, it was agreed that regional tightening can be made at high incidences. In this respect, the further regulations of the general decrees issued by the rural districts and urban districts will remain in effect there. The federal government promised a comprehensive one Support for affected companiesIn the light of current developments, an agreement was also made on January 5th to advise again within the framework of the MPK.

The Berlin Senate also informed on Sunday about the corona measures that will apply from Wednesday. According to this, schools in Berlin should be closed from December 16, daycare centers will remain open for emergency care.

Broadcast: Brandenburg Aktuell, December 13th, 2020, 7:30 p.m.

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