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Corona: Man can be vaccinated five times – on the sixth attempt he is exposed

Man can be vaccinated five times – on the sixth attempt he is exposed

A doctor will give you a dose of vaccine.

A man from Brazil had himself vaccinated against corona five times within a few weeks – with different vaccines. The authorities are investigating the incident.

A lot is useful a lot – that’s probably what a Brazilian thought who had himself vaccinated against corona five times within a few weeks. The man had two doses from Biontech-Pfizer, twice the Chinese Coronavac and once Astrazeneca, as reported by the Brazilian broadcaster TV Globo. Now the man is supposed to explain to the authorities how he was able to get all the vaccine despite the controls.

The health authority of Rio de Janeiro announced that the man will now be contacted and should provide information about why and how he was vaccinated five times. According to the news portal G1, the man went to various vaccination centers and took advantage of the fact that their electronic system was not working at the moment. According to TV Globo’s report, the man was vaccinated five times between May 12 and July 21. The vaccine-loving Brazilian was caught when he wanted to be vaccinated for the sixth time on August 16.

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video-js> Corona: Man can be vaccinated five times - on the sixth attempt he is exposed

Several Brazilian states have complained about vaccine shortages. Rio de Janeiro also had to interrupt its vaccination campaign several times due to a lack of vaccine.

May / AFP

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